Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Time To Hiberate

 Hi everyone...

 I want to hibernate in a little while but first I will update my blog and then it is me and my tablet under the covers in my bed where I will watch something on Netflix or read something on Kindle and I hope that with my precious Cisco by my side that I will sleep. Have you noticed how Often I post about my sleep or lack of?

 I do not know why these two top pages did not get posted in my blog. I was at my dashboard today and noticed that the post said draft from December 10th, Anyway here it is now. My very first attempt using a mask. The top page is the finished product from my practice session with my friend Heather... I am practicing but I cannot get the images to snap into the mask. But not too bad for my first attempt. I will keep practicing. It will not happen over night for me but as long as I am trying I am sure that eventually I will get there!

 I got up this morning and dressed and headed out for a walk to the store. It was so beautiful outside and I enjoyed getting out and moving around. It is rather quite a walk but I took my time and stopped several times to just admire the beauty on the way back. The first part of the walk I was on the phone with Laurie.

 Night before last my son in law David was on his way home from a friends house, less than 2 small blocks from his house when he was attacked by a group of men. Not sure if it was a gang member thing or what, but they beat him up badly. He already has so many problems and this did not help. He had to be taken to the hospital. They took his wallet and his wedding ring, watch and a necklace that he has worn for years. Laurie spent the day canceling credit cards and sitting with David at the hospital where he filed a report. As he didn't know the attackers and did not have a chance to get a really good look at who attacked him, the information in the report really lacks a lot. They took all of his cash too of course. He had a mild concussion and lots of bangs and bruises and Laurie said that he has several large lumps on this head.
 While I was visiting Laurie one evening and rather early too, around 8:00 pm she walked to Subway to get her a sandwich. She swears someone was following her and she called her husband and he met her and walked the short distance with her. They never saw anyone but it scared her, then they saw a shadow of someone on their front porch the night before this happened.
 They live so close to everything. They have always felt safe there but that is changing. Cars being broken into, 2 rapes have been reported in the surrounding area and now this. So they are on double alert to anything or anyone suspicious. They are also meeting the bus everyday now. Laurie use to just stand on the sidewalk so she could see the kids get off the bus since it stops so close to her apartment she liked to let them walk the short distance but she could still see them. But not anymore. She is now walking them to the bus and walking them home. Praying that this is the end of it and prayers for their safety.

 Last night I ran vinegar thru my coffee pot and gave it a good cleaning. It is really on it's last leg but maybe I can replace it soon. My body is hurting so bad today. Another reason that it is going to feel good to hibernate. So with that I will bid you a fond farewell...... Talk soon...... BB

1 comment:

  1. What lovely roses. I'm sure you'll catch on soon how to use your masks. What's happening in your daughter's neighborhood is horrifying. Aren't the police putting on extra manpower to protect the neighborhood? Maybe your son in law's jewelry will show up in a local pawn shop? This is all so really sad. The older I get, I no longer look forward to going out by myself. The world has certainly changed so much since I was young.

    Ah well, I'm not going to go off on a rant. Do be careful while you are out and about. Even with Cisco. He is so little and could be hurt.

    Pogo and I are spending most of this winter indoors. It's just too cold outside for us. Give Cisco a hug from us. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
