Monday, January 25, 2016

Hello Monday!

 Hello Monday! and Hello Everyone,

 This page is not yet quiet finished. I started it with a cut out of my daughter Laurie and my son in law David. I am practicing on cutting out images from back grounds. Wow I need lots and lots of practice with that. As I have been working on this page I have tried to improve on the cutting out. I cannot get Laurie's feet just right so I put a bottle in the sand there. I will continue to work on cutting this image out and will try again later.

 Yesterday was a weird day for me. My son Matthew came home and picked me up for a late breakfast, around 10:30 and then we went over to Barbara's aunts house. Carol and Barbara had been busy. They worked in the back yard and she started bringing out her plants for some sunlight. It was 72 degrees yesterday but the wind was a little nippy. We sat around the fire pit and roasted hot dogs and talked. Listened  to some music but by 2:00 I was ready to come home. Still not feeling up to par so Barbara took me home. I changed out of my clothes, put my gown back on and went to bed. I slept from 3 something until 4:30 this morning. I didn't even wake up to go to the bathroom. The one time that I do remember waking up Cisco wanted under the cover with me. I let him in snuggled around him and went right back to sleep. I guess that my body really needed it. I am having my first cup of coffee now.

 I should have taken pictures but my phone was really low on charge so I didn't even bring it out of the house. We had a good time just sitting and talking and watching Carol work. That woman never stops. I swear if I just had a little tiny bit of her energy. While in the back yard we watched her spray paint a Flamingo yard decoration, start busting up firewood, start a fire, bring out her plants and then she stopped to have a hot dog and then she was off and running again... Matthew hurt his back at work. I could tell that he was in really bad pain. He kissed me on the cheek, told me that he was going to take some of his medicine and went back to bed. I am sure that I will see him again sometime today.  I cannot believe that I slept as long as I did. I wish these antibiotics would kick in as I had fever again when I laid down. Just low grade but it tells me that I am still not well.

 I do have some more pages that I did of the grandkids. I am looking for one of Alex. I cannot find that photo anywhere. It is a cute picture of him too. I will try again as I always do pages of the other kids but not many of Alex because they are snapshots and most are blurry. This one is of Adrian.

 This was taken a few years ago when he was losing and getting his baby teeth. I did the large picture in a cross stitch pattern and then applied the original and added the book and glasses. Adrian is a reader. He has already finished the books in his class. I gave him several over Christmas and I asked if he wanted to read one with me the last time that I visited him and he said he had already read all of them. So I need to find some more for him.

 This is Cathy. I took this picture the last time that I visited. Her dad, me, and her brothers Adrian and Dante went to Subway where Laurie works for breakfast. We had a great time. Even Dante was happy and content. I took this photo into my Photofunia program and applied an art effect and then added the original and decorated the rest of the page with elements from Salt Town Studio. I really love this program. I wish that it offered more but I will take what it does offer.

 And last but not least, this is Dante meeting a friends new puppy named Dottie. Since there was only 3 pictures I used the first one for the first and last in the frame. This is a different program. Photo Collage, and I used a freebie kit by Sahlin called Something New to do this page with.

 Now I really need to find that one picture of Alex and I told Courtney that I need some more pics of Celeste.
 Oh speaking of Celeste we talk every week... Her new word is "Hey".... any time she wants to babble at me and thinks I am not listening she says "Hey".... she is so precious. I cannot believe how much I adore being a grandmother. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but being a grandmother is just awesome. I love the phone calls, the hugs and kisses, and smiles. I even love the moments that are frustrating.... It is all a part of their world that I love being in.

 Cisco is going on a trip with me the next time that I go to Laurie's. I slightly hesitate because he is getting on up there in years and he isn't use to being around the kids all of the time. Adrian and Cathy I don't worry about but Dante... well he isn't use to being around pets and Cisco isn't use to being around them either so I will have to be on my toes and have my eyes wide open to watch for little dangers.Such as ear pulling and stuff. Dante will just think that he is playing but Cisco is kind of grouchy these days and besides... How would I like it if someone was chasing and pulling my ears and tail?

 I called my doctor to have one of my prescriptions refilled as the pharmacy was told that I would have to come in. I was very annoyed and aggravated. I really need that medicine. It helps with my neuropothy. Especially in my legs and feet. Anyway I have to see about making another appointment again and I am going to have to see about a new doctor. According to my insurance I have to see a doctor in their network. I hate that. I really like my insurance but that is crap.

 Well that is my news for today. I am doing laundry and cleaning my room today. I am going to color some in my book and see if I can get that page finished so I can crop and edit it and make a page of it.
 Until next time, have a great day to all.... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your scrap pages are wonderful. You did a great job on the first scrap page removing the people from their backgrounds.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day outing. Good for you. I think Cisco will enjoy going with you to your daughter's house. Of course, you will have to keep an eye for his safety around the little one.

    I hope you get your meds soon. Did you call your doctor and ask him why you can't have your meds? Is there a medical board there that you can complain to? Is the doctor getting a kick back from the insurance for not giving you your meds? Hmmm, you might ask him. (that should make you really popular with him)

    I'm waiting for the mail and hoping that some of the things that I've been ordering online will be arriving. Especially the new yarn.

    It's almost noon, so I think I'll go see what Pogo and I can have for lunch. Give Cisco a big hug from us, and you have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.
