Thursday, March 9, 2017

Vacation Went Way To Fast

 Hi Everyone,

 This is my time line and profile picture for my Facebook time line. I made this page with my new kit "Beth" that my friend Rosie made for me. The internet is really slow here so I can't upload it until I get home.

 I am sad to leave but so thankful that I was able to come and have this opportunity to visit and relax and talk and catch up on each other's lives. Pogo is an angel with fur. I got another kiss on the cheek this morning. I was really surprised as Edna said that he doesn't do this often so I am a lucky lady! Pogo has the most expressive eyes. They watch every move that we make and it is so fun to watch him play. He was a bit stand offish at first but I didn't force myself on him. I let him decide that it was ok for me to be around. He will come out and sit with me on the front porch or in his chair and sometimes I pick him up and we look out the screen door so that he can see what is going on out in the world.

 So I am almost all packed. I have our laundry in the dryer now and just waiting. I will finish packing up when the clothes are dry. It will be easier to just pack today and just put what I am wearing today into a bag to take home. Medication will go with me in the morning and the shuttle will pick me up at 4:15 am to take me to the airport. I will be early but that is alright. I will spend my time reading until time to board the plane home. I am supposed to be there 2 hours early anyway so an extra 45 minutes will not matter.

 I am missing the kids and Cisco a little. Karyn asked the other night if I was homesick. I said "Hell No" haha... Not homesick. I could enjoy more time here but the visit is coming to a close and that is ok. I have enjoyed every minute!

 Audrey is just a lovely person and she was so helpful with my computer and phone. She really went above and beyond in helping me. We enjoy reading the same authors and she was very patient with me and the crocheting. Bless her heart, I kept interrupting her own crocheting project for her to help me. That was very sweet of her.

 Laundry is done, and everything is packed and ready to go. That went better than I thought that it would lol. I tend to over pack but now I know exactly what I will use and not use. It has been a long time since I have been on a trip to anywhere.

 Here is a picture of Edna and I taken this morning. I think that this captured us very well. We are looking into a large mirror. My camera isn't as good as Edna's but my son in law told me that Karyn had taken a photography class so guess what? I am going to have her help me with my camera on my phone and when I get home I going to  get out my camera and make sure that it is all ready and start taking more pictures. At least that is the plan. So here is the photo.

Isn't Edna looking perky? Boy what a difference in today than a couple of days ago. She has color back and she has been up and last night she insisted on serving my dinner to me and did again at lunch. This time I went and got it so she didn't have to bring it to the table. But it is so good to see her up and around. I was getting worried about her, but I think that she is going to be fine now. The cough is still bad and hurts when she coughs but it is less now than it was.

 Guess I will close for now. Please have a wonderful day everyone and remember to be kind to one another. Until next time, BB

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I am s9o glad that I had the opportunity to meet with and get to know you. Pogo keeps walking out to the porch to see if you are out there. When he sees that you're not there, he comes back in to me.

    If all goes well and I can make it back here next year, I hope you'll be able to come too. It's sad that we didn't get to do all the things we had wanted to do, but hopefully next year will be better with no sicknesses.

    By now, Cisco is hopefully cuddling with his mommy and not letting her get very far away from him. Pogo sends lots of woofs and a big lick for Cisco. I hope your grandchild is alright. It's tough when our little ones are hurting. I'll say a little prayer for him.

    You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
