Thursday, March 23, 2017

Good News Finally....

 I am sorry I don't have a scrap page to share today. I did do one for a dear lady that I CT for. She doesn't put out kits very often and when she does I try to do a few pages for her. I haven't done one for her since Christmas.
 But I do have this picture of Adrian to share. It is a few years old. He lost his front tooth. I think that the light in his eyes and the smile on his face says it all... I DID It... That tooth was the bane of his existence for at least 2 weeks, just waiting for it to come out. He and I were having a losing teeth contest. He won! LOL.

 Anyway he was discharged from the hospital and spent last night in his bed. Laurie said that he did pretty good on the trip home. Only a little discomfort and some nausea but for the most part he did very well. The doctors said that he will recover better in his own home. First off he had to eat a full tray and then they had to listen to his stomach and do a final scan to make sure everything was working the way it should then they discharged him.

 Laurie got some good news too. She still has her job. Her boss was very understanding so that makes me feel good for her and it will work out that she and David will work alternate hours so that someone is always with Adrian. He can go back to school in a week and will have a tutor to help him catch up on his work, but no physical activity for several weeks. He will have to take it slow. This is much better news than what we had last week.

 Karyn recovered from her Migraines without a trip to the doctor. I am so glad for that. She looked so much better and happier yesterday than she has in a few days. She came by after noon yesterday and picked me up. We ran a few errands. She and I went to Pet Smart and got Cisco and Foxy some doggie food and then we went over to Jason's Deli for a sandwich. They have a really great tea that I really enjoy called "Black Currant". I usually do not like that kind of tea, but there's is delicious. I squeeze a little lime and lemon into it.
 After lunch we stopped at In and Out burger and got Jonathan, Nathan and Joe some hamburgers. They were happy. After we dropped them off we headed over to Walgreen's to get my prescription to help dry up the fluid in my ears. After a consultation with the pharmacist about it raising my blood sugar and blood pressure significantly I decided against it and she suggested plain old Benadryl.  I still cannot hear well this morning. It sounds as if everything is under water. But I did sleep well last night. So did Cisco. Actually he is still sleeping. He cracks an eye open every once in a while To make sure that I am still in view I am sure.

 So Cisco has been getting into my bathroom trash.... I heard him in there last night and all that is in the can is my used Kleenex. He didn't respond to me calling him so I went into the bathroom and there he was happily chewing on my old tissues.
 I said "Cisco" and he jumped... "Do you want to catch the flu? Stop getting these tissues. They have germs". He was chastised and sat at my feet. The matter was forgotten. I went to get a drink and came back and he had gotten back into the can again. This time tissues all over the floor, so I picked them up and put the can to where he cannot get into it. It is a bit inconvenient for me, but it is the only way he is going to stay out of it. I can't shut my door at night because I will stumble right into it if I get up in the night. I have learned that the hard way so I just put the can up high where he can't get to it. He has never done this until we moved here. Not so sure why he is doing it now. One of my friends suggested that he is bored and another said that maybe he needs some kind of vitamin.

 Oh and he had  a great meal the other night. Jonathan bought me a dinner with meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes and gravy. I heated it up and brought it to my room. The boys had company over and so I decided to just come to my room. Like I usually do anyway and I dropped it.... Upside down!.... So after he made sure that all of the food, every last crumb was gone, I got a bowl of water and some cleaner and cleaned the carpet. I didn't have the energy or appetite for anything else after that so I just made a turkey sandwich and had a banana to go with it a little later on. Little stinker was hoping for some of that too haha.

 Well the alarm clock is going off and it is time for me to get up and moving. My social worker is coming today and I still have to have a shower and one more cup of coffee. Jonathan has gone to work and Karyn will be over later on to pick up my laundry. I might feel up to going next door with her. She wants to spend today and tomorrow at the pool. She better do it today as we are supposed to get some severe thunder storms tomorrow.

 Oh the weather is in the high 80's and the humidity is high. It makes for a muggy day, and I have a feeling we are going to have a scorcher of a summer. My plants are back outside but my tree and one of my plants are not looking too well. I am trying my best to coax them back into good health.

 I guess that this will do it for me today. I am going to do a few things and then get ready for my shower and visit with my social worker... Have a Blessed Day to all.... BB

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you just might be on the mend!!! That's certainly good news!

    I'm so glad your grandson is doing much better at home now. The healing will go quicker at home.

    If Pogo and I could get out now, I think we'd head for McDonalds and have us a hamburger. Oh my, that sounds so good!!

    I'm making our supper now, so you and Cisco have a super night my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
