Sunday, November 6, 2016

Posting Early For Monday

 This is a scrap page of my daughter Karyn. Isn't that a gorgeous smile? This was taken the moment that she was announced at a total surprise for her that she had won "Writer Of The Year". Her path really changed in the last 13 years. She dreamed of owning her own magazine and writing. She loved Journalism back then.
 But now she has a job helping people and she does get her writing in, she writes reports, does slide show presentations and not to mention the emails that she is always having to answer. Dreams change but she also knows that it is never to late to follow that dream. We have talked about her going back to school, and she is giving it some thought. I think that she just wants to advance in the career that she is in tho. Goodness knows she puts in enough hours in her office.

 Sundays is the day that I try to do all of my little internet chores. I clean out my folders, delete some of the things that I use and some that I might. I shift them into other folders and clean out my email. I really need to run a defrag as well as a scan and a cleaner as it has been a while. We have to do housecleaning on our computers to so they don't get so bogged down with their own dust bunnies.
 While I was going thru some folders I found a couple of little things to share with you. After I post them I will delete them. All of these came from the internet, here and there over some time.

Isn't this awesome? I know of no train or bus system here in America that does this. I don't know about you, but I think that this is a genuine act of kindness. Maybe we could learn something from this.

 This fits me really well right now. I complain of staying at home but the first chance that I get out I am ready to go back home lol. Aunty Acid hit the nail on the head with this one...

 I feel ya Maxine... How do we know indeed! It was a very hot summer here this year. But as it is cooling down I have to say that I made it thru another hot summer. It is the humidity that really sticks to me and makes me feel really grumpy.
 I was going to say the other day in my blog about the fog that we have been having. The other morning I woke up to a swirling fog, it was so misty and it was just flowing. It was very mystic and beautiful.
 Now sitting at home watching it is one thing, but I always have concerns of drivers that have to travel in it. I had an accident once in the fog. It wasn't my fault, as I was waiting to make a left hand turn and this kid about 16 decided to pull around me and I hit him. Thankfully everyone was alright but he had one MAD mama. She wouldn't let him drive for the rest of the school year. And he had just gotten his license. Well I was just glad that no one was hurt.

 Maxine has a point... Nothing fell off for me, but I guarantee you I sure thought that something was! This gave me a chuckle. I love Maxine and Aunty Acid. they both just crack me up.

And this is the final one for today. I take this one seriously. I sure wouldn't want my fur babies to get sick from falling over the other side of the fence. They are there and we are here and in some cases it should remain that way for all the animals. I hope that brought a smile to you today. Have a great Monday everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Your daughter is lovely. As for her dream of writing, I think she should go to school for it anyway even if she doesn't take it up as a trade. I would go just for my own fun and enjoyment.

    I love Maxine and Aunty Acid too. They always seem to know exactly what to say. Pogo is nudging me right now so I'll have to cut this chat short and play with him for a while. We'll chat on the phone soon. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
