Monday, November 21, 2016

Memory Monday!

Hi Everyone and Happy Monday.

 My page today is a little different. It is in Memory of a very special man that use to be on a scrapbooking site that is sadly no longer with us anymore. Eifion was a magical whiz when it came to thinking outside and inside the box in our scrap world. So they put up a challenge of his Magic Box which was a shadow box filled with all kinds of things.
 This is my take on the box. I chose to do a Nautical theme. Since I didn't have any shadow boxes that I could find and I know that I have several, I made my own with a set of windows. I put two side by side and 2 length wise for the bottom. It was very challenging to do this page but it was for Eifion so I just couldn't pass it up.
 I really wish that I could do more than just one page for this challenge. I could do more but can only enter one. Thank you for looking.

 My daughter Karyn is much better but still has the migraine or did last night. The fluids and shot always helps so hopefully today she will be over the hump. I don't know if she went to work or not. I am not going to bother her as I know that she will contact me if she needs too.

 So it is a brisk 41 degrees here. Very nice when the wind isn't blowing. That wind cuts you right to the core. While I was out this morning waiting for my bats to come straggling home from their nightly hunt, I saw a flock of geese fly over. I was so happy to see them. The first of the season.
 When we lived in Arkansas, which is the Geese Capital of the world, my little grandson was around 2 at the time and he would get so excited and say ""Gooses Na-Na Gooses". So I guess that winter is truly on it's way. The flying of honking geese is our signal that it is almost winter.
 Arkansas is also the  Rice Capital of the world. You would think that Asia would be but no, it is Arkansas. If you ever buy Riceland rice if you look where produced it will say Stuttgart Arkansas. I use to live a half hour from the plant. Many of my friends worked there and the fun thing was that one of my friends every Christmas would give me a case of rice. It was one staple that we never ran out of.
 So I always buy the Riceland brand here when I can find it. I like the par boiled as it is so much easier to cook and fluffs up so pretty.
 So today is memories... Eifion, Geese and Rice.

 I was really tired last night. I was in bed and asleep by 10:00 pm and slept the night thru. Well that is not exactly true. I think that Cisco got cold and he woke me up wanting under the blankets so I let him in and curled up with him and drifted back off to dreamland.

 I dreamed of Donald Trump. Not surprising as I had just read an article of him just before I fell asleep. In the dream he had some kind of food allergy and I was the only one with an Epi-pen. I saved his life and he rewarded me with a pair of high heel shoes. Such strange dreams I swear.

 My house is clean. I really just need to wipe down my bathroom today and I have a box to unpack and that is all that I am doing. I have been unpacking a box a day of my things. I am the only one that has things packed. The boys unpacked what few things that they had regarded important when we moved in. All of their video games, books and DVD's were taken care of in the first 48 hours lol.

 Cisco has had breakfast and his walk so he is happy even tho he is still looking for a treat. That poor doggie still thinks that he is a little pup. When I am sitting outside he wants up in my lap. He can't get into my lap and I can't lift him into my lap. I cuddle with him in other ways but he remembers when he use to sit in my lap all of the time. Mainly from the time that he was 6 weeks old. He loved to cuddle even then and now he is really still a cuddlier. Only on his own terms right now, lol.

 Right after my vascular surgery I was at my daughters recuperating, we were sitting on the sofa  and he literally jumped into my lap. Ohhhh the pain. And the Blood. My daughter and son in law took me to the Emergency Room because it had been so soon since my surgery.  They rushed me back for an emergency MRI and  thankfully no internal stitches were busted loose but I can't say that about the external. Healing was pretty slow after that. And poor Cisco was banned from the sofa while I was on it. I felt bad but he didn't know.

 When I had my kidney removed tho, he climbed gently on the sofa and NEVER left my side except to go potty and to eat. When I was in pain he would whimper and lay his head over my stomach. That is how they remove kidneys now. From the front instead of the back. But he was very gentle. I am sure that he was trying to get away from Foxy when he jumped on the sofa and landed on my stomach after my first major operation. She is a vicious little thing at times. It is so weird because she was never like that until they had her spayed and her entire temperament changed. Of course she isn't always mean and vicious. She does have her sweet moments.

 I guess that I will close for now. I haven't really been to any of my normal sites over the weekend, so I need to go and check some places out, check out my Facebook and lay out something for dinner tonight. Not sure what I want to cook but I will think of something.

 Take care and have a great day and enjoy your new week. BB

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth,

    Love that challenge page you've made. Beautiful and also love it because it is so vintage(did you know I like vintage and victorian LOL).
    Sorry about your daughter with her migraine My mother used to have those every now and then too and she was out of business for one or two days for sure. She couldn;t lie down, so had a special thing in her bed to lean to so she could almost sit. And the thing that helped her a bit was warmth, So we were busy with making hot water bottles(the rubber ones and if possible the small ones) that she put on her forhead. Later she found a terrific fysio guy, that kind of "cracked"her neck every now and then and it really helped her not having as much and as heavy migraines.

    That dream of Donald Trump was a funny one. But giving you just high heels after you've saved his life, well, that could be better, hey?

    Yesterday Jan and I went to hospital very early in the morning(perhaps you read it on Edna's blog in the comments?).
    Anyway, we had to get up very early, at about 6.30 and we aren;t used to that anymore..So after we came back we both tried to have a good nap. Jan slept rather well, but i just couldn't get to sleep. Seems that somewhere along I did feel asleep for a moment but then woke up after having a bad dream Cannot remember it completely, but had something to do with the central heating kettle that went crazy, and then me not finding the phonenumber of the plumber who installed it, and then the phone that went crzay too
    It wasn't nice and took me some while to get kind of relaxed again. The mind can do strange things with someone.
    Today weather looks allright, bit too much wind for me, but okay. So i probably will go out for some grocery shopping, will do me good to be outside for a moment.
    Then have to figure out something to eat for dinner. I still have chicken filet so that will be made, and some boiled potatoes and some vegetable(I still have red cabbage in the freezer, not a bad idea. Can cook it with some raisins in it and sugar fo course When ready, get rid of the water and put some butter in it, with some pepper and cinnamon.
    Good, time to leave you and then I might try to start on a new kit. I tried several things the last few days, but nothing turned out the way I wanted, so deleted the lot again.
    Have a lovely day and week and happy Thanksgiving!
