Friday, February 19, 2016

Vanilla M Designs……

Hi Everyone,

 This is my first page that I did for Vanilla M Designs.

 This is my second page.

 And this is my third.

 The kit is called Missing You. She designed the kit in memory of her husband who passed away and today would have been their anniversary.

 Now for the story of this kit. The images here are all that was downloaded in my Drop Box. I was talking with Patsy last night and she sent me a picture that she did of her son and I said... "Oh wow... where did you get the flowers and back ground?"
 She told me that it was in the kit and I said. "I don't have all of this stuff." Well obviously not all of the files were downloaded into my Drop Box so I had to go and fetch them and OMGosh... what wonderful things are in this kit.
 I knew that her other kits that I had seen or had were rather large so I was really shocked to only find a total of 5 elements and 4 flowers. Well now I have the entire kit, I will make some more pages for her with it.

 It is a problem on my end with Drop Box. I really do not like that program but it is what most of the designers use to send their products to their Ct's so I will keep working with it. As I told Patsy last night, the problem may be with me and not the Drop Box. That is entirely possible!

  I just cannot go to sleep. I am still awake and I have had a pain in my side that started yesterday. It was very painful. The pain is better today thankfully and I have one load of my laundry in the dryer and my bedding in the washer. I might as well do some things around here that need to be done, but I am not going to go over board. Just a few things here and there.

 I do have to mop the kitchen floor today. I don't know what was spilled by the washing machine area but it is sticky and I felt glued to  the floor. Actually the entire house that has flooring could be mopped and the vacuum could come out as well. I might as well insist that it gets done because it is Friday. My son Matt is driving in from Wisconsin tonight and I don't want the house to be a mess when he and Barbara get here. Although I am almost positive that they will arrive in the wee hours and they will probably go to her aunt's house and come see me in the morning. I guess it all depends on the weather and traffic and how tired he gets while driving. I just hope that they arrive safe! I sent him a message this morning telling him that I miss him. He saw my page of him and he and I chatted on FB.

 So I guess that I had better get up and finish what I have started. I hear the washer spinning on the last cycle so I am sure that my clothes are ready to come out of the dryer. Everyone have a fun filled and blessed weekend..... Hugs to all......... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your scrap pages are lovely. Although I am not impressed with the kit itself. I'm not really into "grunge".

    I hope your visit with your son and his girlfriend is wonderful. Lots of days, I miss my son. I haven't seen him in a few years. I keep tabs to make sure he is okay.

    Time is flying by and soon Pogo and I will be on our way to Florida. My suitcase is half packed. There are still so many things to do before we leave. I'm sure all will finally get done before the week is over.

    I played a bit with my small laptop to make sure it was okay and ready to travel with me. I'll update my regular laptop files to my exterior hard drive on Saturday.

    Now it's time for me to get dressed and think about going out to do a couple of errands. It's sunny and 44 degrees. Not bad.

    You have a wonderful day, and give Cisco a big hug from Pogo and me, hugs, Edna B.
