Saturday, October 24, 2015

Trying To Get Caught Up A Little

Hi Everyone,

 I am trying to get caught up a little on my blog reading and posting. For the most part I have not been my usual happy self. I know that pain does that to you. Speaking of pain, I remember when I had my kidney removed and I did not hurt no where near how I hurt now. I am constantly in pain. The pain meds are not helping that much and that really makes me even more cranky Thank Goodness for my meds that they gave me to help me relax so that the pain killers can actually do a little bit of work. I just dont understand why they will not give patients drugs that will actually kill the pain and not just gloss over it.
 I can still barely walk because I am just so sore. The pain is down from a 12 to a 7 or 8 but still enough that I am pretty crabby.
 Forgive me for not emailing, blogging and talking on the phone. But I am trying more and more to become more involved than just lying in bed in my room. I have been at the computer but not really socializing, just playing my farm town game. I did a couple of pages but my heart wasn't really into it and I have spoken to a few people but only for short times. For once I am not depressed. I just have all this pain that I am dealing with.
 Each side of my groin seems raw. It is red and and very tender but the doctor assures me that the incisions look good and that they are not infected. I have a total of 33 staples and in the center of my pelvic area is where I hurt the worse. It is because they found an aneurysm there that had to be repaired and I also found out that the stent that they put in back 3 years ago had broken apart and was disingrating so it had to be repaired. I go on Wednesday to have the staples cut out and see my Vascular Surgeon.

 Here are a couple of pics that Karyn took of me sometime after surgery.

I am not sure where I am in these photos. This is not my room. Possibly in recovery, or even after they medicated me to take me back. I look pretty out of it tho.
 I had a very nice room.
 They didnt want me getting up the next day but my catheter was really bothering me and I had them to take it out and so I had no choice but to get up and walk to the bathroom. My nurse was like... Baby you just had major surgery, You really need to stay in bed. I am not one to stay in bed. If i can get up and walk around I will and actually that night I did walk down the corridor and back to my room. It is good to get up as soon as possible and move around. The longer that you lay still and in bed the harder that it is on you in the long run.

 I shared the pictures of our walking dog park before I left for surgery and so here is what it looks like now. They are not really working on it right now because it is raining pretty heavily here. We are supposed to be getting lots of rain and I am so thankful that we live up on a hill. Still know that lots of people are going to get caught in need.


After.... and they are still not done. They laid new sod yesterday and plants, just in time for the rain to help set the new plants and sod. Now they will add benches and a few pic nic tables and start working on the walking trails at the back of the property. It is sure coming along better than I expected.

 Edna I took my coffee singles to the hospital with me so that when I wanted a cup of coffee Karyn could just get me a hot cup of water from the nurses station instead of going all the way down to the cafeteria to get me a cup. What wonderful inventions. I just finished my last one and have really enjoyed them. Thank you so much.

 Well My pills are kicking in and I am getting fuzzy, so i will close for now. Take care everyone and I hope that I will be back tomorrow. I want to use some of Miss Edna's Quick Pages today. Or at least try and work on some pages. I am just not guarrenteeing anything at the moment.... Take care and BB

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