Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Moving Ever So Slowly

 Hi Everyone,

 I am so sorry to have been gone for so long but I had major surgery on the 15th of October. The Vascular team put stents into my groin on both sides and in my lower abdominal and they had a surprise waiting for them. I also had an abdominal aneurysm that they had to repair. I actually just found this out as I was looking at my hospital discharge papers.At any rate this post will be a very short one as I have been busy all day looking for certain papers so that I can make appointments. Ohhh the aggravation of such a chore. I hate phone work. I could never be a secretary because papers and phones just irritate the heck out me.

 This is a page that mu friend Patsy made for my birthday. As I have no scrap pages from the past few days I thought that I would share this one... I will try and be back tomorrow but at this point I am not making any promise's. I am just way to out of it still to know what I am doing these days... Hugs an have a great day. BB

1 comment:

  1. You've been through a lot this past week, and we all understand your absence from blogging. I'm just glad that it is all behind you now, and that soon you will be feeling super.

    Pogo and I got up very early this morning. Around 1:30!!!!! I've been busy trying to make some order in my bedroom. Lots of clean clothes to put away, yarn totes to be placed out of the way, holiday stuff everywhere, etc. Plus I'm in the middle of doing lots of laundry. I need to wash a lot of Pogo's fuzzy blankets, and some of my cool weather clothes.

    Until I run out of steam. Then it will be nap time. Oh gosh, that word "nap" sounds awfully tempting. Ah, but I have stuff in the washer ready to go into the dryer and more stuff waiting to go in the washer. So no nap yet.

    Well, take it easy my friend. I'm off to the laundry room. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
