Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Sleeper Awakens

 Hello to everyone,

 I am awake!! About time too. I have been really drained. All that sunshine and going took me some time to relax and when I finally was able to sleep I slept hard. I would wake up to eat and drink and read a bit and go back to sleep. I did check my Facebook once in a while but for the most part I have just rested but it is time to get up and move around and enjoy some time during the day. I really dis-like my sleeping pattern but I am giving up on trying to find an answer.

 This page is called Ocean Blues. I did this page on Sunday from a freebie kit from my group. I forgot the name of the kit but it is soft and pretty. The image of the girl and the birds is one I  have used before from a free site on the internet.

 So I know what I have been doing lately but what has everyone else been up too?
 I finished my book by Nora Roberts called "The Witness".... I must say it was a good book but it I thought that the ending could have been better. It seemed to me that the ending was all rushed and even though I will recommend the book I am still rather disappointed in a lot of ways.

 On the heels of that I started a paper back romance. It is good for the most part. I am almost done with it. The only complaint I have is.... and yeah I have a complaint. .. Several years ago it seems to me that I have read most of the books in a 7 book trilogy. I remember because at the start of this book I am like ... hmmm have I read this one? Then I re-read the intro and it said Conclusion of..... My sister in law gave me these books on the day of my brother's funeral. To bad that the rest of them are not in the box. I checked. This is why I prefer books that are complete and really dislike the 3 to 7 books in a series because it might be next year by the time that they come out and then I am playing a guessing game of "Did I read this already?"  And I have already forgotten the first of them I have read.

 I don't like movies like this either. My kids have waited forever for some Star Trek movie. Jonathan has rented it 3 times and something was wrong with the disc. Thankfully they gave him his money back, but I like movies that begin and end. No sequels.
 Well that isn't totally true. I loved Peyton Place and Return to Peyton Place. I read the book when I was 14. I hid it from my mama.... Ha Ha...  There was a lot of hype about the book at the time. But it was in our school library and so I checked it out even though she would not have approved at the time, then later on I found out that she found my book and read it while I was in school.
 I remember the day that I finished that book. It was a stormy wet day. I snuggled under the covers and read until it was finished. I didn't get the second book. By the time that the second book was out I discovered the Movies...  So on the old VHS tapes me and my sister had a Peyton Place Marathon!  Still in my opinion, the movie was good... Oh yes... but not as magical as that first reading.

 The only exception I will make is the Harry Potter series. Nathan and I started that as something that he and I could do together. One long hot summer in Nevada. He had gotten his first book for his birthday and I got mine from the library. I had to work so he finished his first and from then on it was on... and the movies were really good and we went together to see all of them except the 5th and the last one. He was at Boarding School by this time. Now of course it is too juvenile for him. He has lost that magical feeling so to speak but for me it is still like Disney or the first amusement park. It is like.... The magic and awe that I saw in my kids eyes on their first trips to Six Flags or Knottsberry Farms.

 I really must do some housecleaning today. It is past time. Karyn, God knows how much I love her, but she uses every single pot, pan, spoon and bowl when she cooks. I did two loads of dishes before my sleep vacation!

 It looks like I might have to see the doctor about my leg. The swelling has gone down but it is still really sore. More sore than it should be from just a bump. Nathan thinks I should go back to the spa and let the heated water help it but I think that I am just going to keep an ice pack on it and if not better then I will go to the doctor on Friday. I can go to the after hours clinic which is what I would rather do.

 I am having my last cup of coffee and then I am going to clean house. It is time. I was caught off guard as the fire building inspector came in early this morning and inspected. They were in and out and Nathan waited for them while I stayed with Cisco. Little stinker was throwing a fit to be let out to make new friends or to eat them up. Can never tell about this one. One thing for sure is that he did not like our house guest.

 Well time has come for me to close this post as I have no more news.  Hugs to all and be kind to one another....BB


  1. I remember when Peyton Place came out. I loved it! It was so racy and grown up! I'm so sorry you're having so much pain. Don't wait too long to have it checked out. Now I'm off to read your next post. Woofs to Cisco, and hugs from me, Edna B.

    1. Ohhh yes Peyton Place was really racy and so grown up... It is still one of my favorites... xx

  2. Glad you did catch some good sleep. Don;t wait too long to go to the doctor about the swelling. Better one check too much than to be sorry later.
    Oh, I remember Peyton Place too. We had the serie here.
    and Jan and I just love the Harry Potter films. I don;t care if it may be too juvenile, it is sooo magical and funny, and we still need to see the last one, I think.
    Also like the films of the Lord of the Rings.
    Good, on to your next post,

    1. Oh I love love love Lord Of The Rings. Jonathan got me the entire series and we loaned them to my daughter and never got them back before she moved to California. We have decided not to lend out any more of our movies and CD's. I am still a Harry Potter fan. On my wish list is to go to Disney World to Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. One of my friends is there now and having a blast. I don't care if I have to go by wheel chair lol. Have a great day Kyra and thanks for stopping by... Hugs..
