Thursday, May 4, 2017

Sleepless In Texas

 Hello Everyone,

 I splurged tonight and bought a new kit. This kit is called ArtPlay Sage and is by Anna Aspenes. I use to buy her kits a lot many years ago, but my finances changed so I had to stop and buy cheaper ones, but now and then I will buy from a favorite designer. I love her textures.
 The first page that I made was so gorgeous but I accidentally clicked on something looking to spell her name properly and it covered my whole photo with a preview. I tried to cut it out and remove it but ended up making a mess of it so I started over. This one is ok, but the other one was beautiful.

 I am sleepless, but not for long. I have fought anxiety for many hours today. It started last night when I heard an intruder outside my bedroom window. To make a long story short, only slight damage to the window and screen but no way could I go back to sleep. At dawn I laid back down but Matt woke me up around 7:30 am so I just stayed up. I finally relaxed enough around 7:00 pm tonight and slept a couple of hours.
 I feel ok now and the window is secure and I have my phone near me at all times and it is on so I can hit 911 if I need to do so. What a scary thing to happen.

 Other than that I didn't do much. Read a few blogs, some interesting news articles and played my game. But Cisco is giving me that look so I am going to see if I can find some fun things to share and then  I am going to take my night meds and go to bed. It is almost midnight and I always sit up to wait for Nathan to make it home before I can fully relax.

Isn't this a pretty way to hang your herbs and let them dry out before you store them? I had never thought of this before and I love it.

 Nothing to add to this... I think that this says it all!

 And I really can't add more to what Winnie is saying here either!

 And my chuckle for the day... I use to have a miniature Dachshund She was long haired and her name was Samantha. Sammi for short. I miss her...

 Good night and sweet dreams........ Take care of yourself... BB.


  1. Scary that there was an intruder trying to come in Lucky he didn;t. But it always takes a bit of time to be relaxed again.
    Glad you could and that you can go to sleep again. If may be not for long, it should be good to try to get a routine in it.
    Fun idea to dry your herbs!
    I was at the market today and almost bought me a climbing rose. Yeah, almost, but I didn;t. It was a beautiful one though, had lilac flowers, wow!
    But we have to be a bit careful with spending money at the moment, so I stayed sensible. and we have still lots of seedlings that need a place in the garden too as well as some bulbs.
    How is your diet going on? Is it hard for you or can you manage rather well?
    I am proud of you that you at least try it and hold on to it as much as possible!!
    Okay, soon time for me to put on my "lounge wear"and then rustle up something to eat(Jan will eat later, because he has gone to his volunteer work again).
    Then we will watch 'Holland got's talent"show, always fun and sometimes very good acts there!
    Have a wonderful weekend

  2. Goodness, what a scary thing to have happen!! Did you call the police? Maybe they could find footprints or some other evidence to help them find who this person is.

    I'm glad that you are okay. I'd be having a wicked hard time falling asleep after something like this.

    Are there lights outside your windows? Sometimes this could dissuade someone from trying to get in through the window. I have lights on outside in the yard all through the night.

    Today is the beginning of a few days of gray and damp (or wet} weather. Ah well, as long as it doesn't rain so hard that we can't go out on the porch it will be okay.

    Now I'm off to see what's for lunch. Give Cisco a big hug from Pogo. You get some rest my friend, hugs, Edna B.
