Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Lazy Sunday

 My entry into the Baking Challenge on Daisy Trail using the freebie kit Summer Berries by Rosie H. I am going to make another page with the beautiful recipe card pages that my friend Edna made. I did this page like 4 in the morning. I was tired but I had slept an awful lot yesterday. This blood pressure medicine really knocks me for a loop until I get use to it being back into my system. But I did need the sleep.
 I am just going to have to accept the fact that I am a night owl. 35  years of working nights, being up nights with babies, going back to work on the night shifts and some grave yard shifts have become such a norm for me that this is just me and I am going to just sleep when I need to. I am not going to force it anymore. It is not productive and it is not doing anything but adding stress laying in bed awake.

 I also have another page to share that I did with another kit called Textures from my friend Anita. I really like this one too.

 This one isn't for a challenge or anything. I just liked it.

Our babies.... Look how much that they have grown. I was going to crop this picture but I am glad that I didn't now so you can see how much room that they have to play in. And they do play well together.

 Today is a lazy day for me. Just a bit of housework to do and I am staying in my jammies all day today. I don't want to get out and go anywhere today. I just want to stay home and blog and maybe work on another few pages or not, just do what ever it is that I want to do.

 I went to the dentist yesterday only to find out that my appointment had been canceled. They could have called me. They said that they left a voicemail. I checked my phone and no voicemail. It is strange but some times I don't always get my messages until a few days later so it still might show up. Anyway June 14th they will take out 3 teeth.

 The weather here is a bit cooler than on Friday. We had the rain come in and it cooled off but left everything steamy from the heat. I wish for much cooler temps. I cannot enjoy my patio right now. It is just to hot out there.

 Our smoke detector for 2 nights in a row has been going off around 3 in the morning. It is hard wired into the electric so we need a new battery. I told Jonathan that we are getting one today! It goes off for hours until it wakes one of the boys up and they can reach it to turn it off.

 Ok Cisco is liking his new food. We went with Wild Blue Buffalo. Brown rice and chicken flavor. It must be pretty tasty as he finishes his bowl and looks at us for more. But we don't give him more. Even with our discount it is $6.00 more a bag. He is worth it tho and seems to be more playful. You should see him with Baby. OMGosh.... He is so funny. He loves Chicki but it is Baby that he carts around most of the time.

I took pics this morning but they haven't arrived in my email just yet. This is very strange since they usually come in rather fast.  Anyway Baby is looking very tattered and battered. But it is his to enjoy until the end.
 Foxy had a fox and she had it for so long that all that was left was a patch of fur, but she kept it. Still has it. They tell her, "Where is your Lovey" and she will go and get that little patch of fur. I am sure that we will do the same for Cisco with Baby. He hides Baby at night and snuggles with Chicki.

 Well one finally came in. I tried to crop it with a program and it is not the same program that is on my tablet and other phone so I will be deleting this program. I tried to crop in my windows tools and it is grayed out. Checked settings and all are fine just unable to crop. Time to call my friend that knows the real deal... This is the only photo that came thru. I have to say it is one of my favorites. Nathan had some old pillows that he used when his bed broke. A bit on the dirty side but Cisco likes them so when we are all together he has a soft place to lay.

 I have to get off here and find some food..... Hugs to all and talk to you soon... BB

1 comment:

  1. You have the same problems a bit as my Jan. He also worked a lot in nightshifts and is a nightowl too He never goes to sleep early. I go most of the time around 00.30-01.00, but Jan stys up till 03.00 or 04.00 in the night before going to sleep. Oh well, if it suits somebody, why change it and have a lot of sleeping problems?
    Pfff, it is hard work to catch up on blogs, specially when just going in two or three times a week like I do at the moment.
    Oh, what a pity you did go for the dentist appointment for nothing! let's hope the one on the 14th of June will ne good.
    I just hop on to your next post, okay?
    (I do like the photo of the donkeys. They look so sweet)
