Friday, June 2, 2017

Friday It Is

 Hi to all,

 This is an older scrap page. I did it for fun. Too bad that I have lost this kit as it was one of my favorites. I try and back up everything now. What a waste of good things when your computer crashes.

 Well Hello June!
 I meant to get over yesterday but my son Matt is home until Sunday so he and I had a mom and son's day out. Not that we did much. We went and paid rent, then to the bank, then found a place to eat and after that we went to the library. We stopped by Walgreen's on the way home and he took Cisco for a walk for me and then he went over to a friends house for a while.

 I had to take my books back to the library and then I found another couple that I haven't read and now that I have them I have lost the urge to read and am crocheting. I have to get over to Walmart and get a couple of things to finish Karyn's bracelet for her birthday. I have a week to finish it. I just forgot the last time I was there.

 Our Walmart sucks. Why do they not hire people that speak English? Now  I understand that everyone needs jobs but I do not speak any other language! Shouldn't they put English speaking people on the floor to help us? I am not complaining overly much because I respect the need to fill positions for people, but come on now!
 The last time I was there I had to go all the way from the back of the store to Customer Service to get someone to help me in the scrapbooking isle. Will you believe that the lady they sent to me didn't speak English took me to the paint department and left me????
 I never found what I was looking for because no one that came to my aid spoke English enough to understand what I was looking for and I finally got frustrated and left.  Instead of Walmart I will probably go to Hobby Lobby or some other craft store.

 I went to bed early last night and slept all night. I felt really restful but I woke up with that pain in my right side again. It is rather painful. My doctors have said that it is scar tissue that becomes inflamed and pulls and tugs and is caused from all of the surgery that I have had over the years. Well I might have to have this seen to because it is really starting to cause some painful problems for me. I have been active this past week so I am sure that is one of the reasons I have aggravated it.

 Well of course I have to share the antics of Cisco.... Not only does my dog know when a box arrives it is usually for him but he can be sound asleep and as soon as he hears the microwave ding, he jumps up and heads to my bedroom, his fat little body jiggling and swaying all the way down the hall while looking over his shoulder to make sure that I am coming so he might get a bite or two.
 That is what happened night before last. I heated a microwave dinner and he practically flew into my room. I can honestly say that he does get a bite here and there. The other night I gave him a bite of spinach fettuccine. Matt lets him lick the inside of his throw away bowl so I am not the only one. But Jon and Nate do not give in or almost never but I caught Jonathan giving him a bite of chicken the other night, I raised my eyebrows at that!
 He is eating his new food well, but we are going to have to go to something softer. He is now able to chew it as well anymore. This is harder than what he has been eating. Funny he has no problems scarfing down his bones/biscuits haha.

 Time for me to start replacing some dishes. I have lost 2 of my favorite coffee cups and found a crack in one of my last favorite one this morning. It isn't a bad crack yet but will have to go in the trash pretty soon.

 My side is really starting to hurt so I am going to share a few things and get off and lay down. I don't want to take a pain pill this early in the morning.

 I love Jim Parsons aka Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I hope that this brought a smile to your face. Not sure that the facts are correct tho!

 I was going to save this one for July but I decided to go ahead and share it... I totally agree with Madge... One of my favorites is.... A butterfly in the back becomes a buzzard in the crack.... That is why I am not getting a tattoo on my body.... (Smile)...

 This is all I have for today. Take care.... BB


  1. I totally agree about Walmart. So many times, I've needed assistance while in their store, but there is hardly anyone who speaks enough English to help a customer. They should only be hiring English speaking people. This is, of course, the United States and our language is English!

    Be sure to take a photo of the finished bracelet. I'm sure Karen is going to love it.

    It's looking like it might start raining now. Hmmm, I was sort of wanting to go out shopping. I'll have to think about that again.

    One of these days, I need to go to the post office and mail out that package that I told you I had for you. Plus I need to buy more stamps. I have a lot of things to do "one of these days." When I get out, I do the "fun to do" things instead of the "must do" things.

    Well, I'm off now. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a good day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Edna I will take pictures of the bracelet. I am going to go today sometime and get the little hooks and pliers that I need. She doesn't know about this present so it will be an awesome little gift for her.
      No rain here, it was thundering and lightening really bad last night but it passed over us. But my family north of me are getting lots of it. My sister said some parts are getting flooded but minor.
      Have an awesome day... Hugs xx

  2. It is a pity your walmart doesn;t employ people, that do speak enough English. Strange.
    Of course lots of people need a jong, but they should at the least speak enough English. Like here they have to speak enough of the Dutch language.
    Yesterday was a good day here, nice weather. It rained this noght a bit, not sun is coming out again but it will be a few degrees cooler. Oh well, it is nice enough for me to go for a quick visit to a fair here in the neighbourhood. I will not stay long, just a quick browse.
    Hope the pain in your side will be over soon. pretty annoying, that it keeps coming back evbery now and then.
    Cisco is just like our brodski. He knows all the sounds that come from the kitchen and kn ows when he has to come in to perhaps get a little something, when i am preparing some food LOL.
    Beth, take care, hope you will catch some more sound sleep!

    1. Kyra, I found this app on my phone during the night as I had a very hard time sleeping and by the time that I did the meditation exercises I was so relaxed and I slept well but perhaps a bit to long. I will do it earlier tonight.
      Have fun at the fair. Sounds good to be able to get out and browse. My kids are grilling food today. Should be wonderful.
      Yes they should have the people that do not speak English to do other jobs such as stocking the shelves and such and have people who speak our language to assist customers. I want everyone to have jobs but we need better customer care.

      My leg is much better. I am able to walk on it without a lot of pain... Hugs xx
