Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hello From Sunny Florida

 Hi From Sunny Florida!!!!

 This is a page that I made with my new kit that Rosie made for me called "Beth". Thank you Rosie, I really love it. I have used it to make my time line and cover photo for Facebook but the internet is really slow here so I can't upload the time line for Facebook until I get home.

 Oh what a wonderful time that I am having. Visiting with Edna and Pogo, meeting Audrey, (Edna's daughter) and loving on Pogo. He is so sweet. I let him get use to me being around before I started trying to love on him. I didn't want to force my attention on him until he was comfortable with me being around him.

 We went to some flea markets and I really enjoyed that. The first one that we went to we encountered a very unhappy customer. I really thought that a fight might break out but it was taken care of. Audrey positioned me and Edna behind her, ready to go into action if she needed too. Boy that girl is not afraid of anything and this guy would have made 4 or 5 of her, but she was ready to jump in if she needed to. Fortunately he left and we went on our way to do what we were enjoying! Shopping!

 Audrey bought these really cute little Ty babies that hold your cell phone. So cute!! Too bad I didn't get pictures of them. They are darling. I bought a tote bag to take my computer back with me so I can try to put my carry on inside my suitcase so I don't have to pay the extra $45.00 for my carry on. I almost didn't take it but at the last minute I changed my mind and should have stuck to my original plan. Of course I brought more with me than I needed.
 I also bought a new pair of shoes and a dress. Audrey bought me a cute key chain. It is a pair of thong flip flops that if you turn it you have the right and left with Flamingo's. LOVE it and I needed a new key chain too.

 The condo is really nice. There is a pool and a hot tub, and a BBQ area. House Keeping came in yesterday and changed the linens, swept and mopped and dusted and all the usual. Edna is not feeling well and has had trouble with a terrible cold and cough that has had her down for the past couple of days. I hope that this does not turn into Pneumonia or something. I am trying to keep a watch on her but she seems to be coping all by herself. Still I am a bit worried about her.

 I have a few photos to share. Nothing big but still part of our gorgeous Sunny Vacation!

This is Pogo enjoying the sunshine on the screened in porch. He likes being outside when we are sitting outside as well. Can't leave the baby out. He enjoys the sunshine too.

 He is just so sweet. I love cuddling and petting him. I was even lucky enough to get a kiss on the cheek! Maybe that means he likes me! LOL!

This is Edna, We have had some internet problems. Sometimes really slow, but for Edna it was really a pain as she couldn't access her email and her blog. She was told that she had no blog! Never had a blog but could create a new one. Password changes didn't help as it wouldn't recognize her passwords. Thankfully Audrey was able to sort it out because I would have been no help at all. I am so NOT computer savvy!

 It seemed that Audrey was able to access from her cell phone. Thank goodness one of the three of us could figure it all out! I had my own problems with booting up and we decided to just back everything up and reset my pc but in the end we ran out of time. I ended up buying a new external hard drive and Edna helped me take care of what I needed but I will wait until I get home and have Jonathan just set my computer back to factory settings. I have had so many problems since I upgraded to Windows 10. I like it but the updates and programs really take so long. Sometimes over an hour or more.

 Audrey captured this gorgeous firework during the nightly show. Isn't it just gorgeous????? My camera didn't do so well so I was disappointed with my own pics but between Edna and Audrey, Oh Wow they really caught some of the most beautiful shots. They will send them to me and I will post them later. I really love this one especially!
 We can just walk right out the front door and watch the gorgeous show. I have missed the fireworks for several years so this is a special treat for me! Last night I watched them from my upstairs bedroom. I had gone up to take my meds and heard them starting so I just opened my blinds and watched from upstairs and they were so big and gorgeous! The ones from Magic Mountain seem to have a lot of red in them, while the ones from Disney World seem to offer more of the unusual and big bursts. Both shows are awesome. I try and watch both!

Ths is where we are at! It is so gorgeous here, We have several squirrels that like to play and we have wonderful little Gecko's that range from small babies to big ones. They are everywhere and I love watching them. If Cisco was here he would love them. Thankfully they are plentiful here and can take care of themselves.
 Last night as I was sitting out side a little black and white kitten came to the door and set on the front step. He was a little Tuxedo kitten. I would love to have a cat. I am such a cat person but Cisco would not go for that so no kitty for me. At least not right now.

 Beautiful Hibiscus! I also have some pics of some Canna's that are orange and yellow and some really pretty blue flowers on a hedge. I have enjoyed seeing all the different flora and nature here. It has been such a marvelous vacation. Just sitting around and watching tv which is a treat for me, visiting with Edna, meeting her wonderful daughter, loving on Pogo and just relaxing. I can't express my thankfulness as much as I want to for Edna extending this invitation to me. I have enjoyed it so very much and have loved every minute.

 This is me the first night I was here watching the fireworks. My bedroom is the window above my head.

 I guess that I will close for now. Everyone have a wonderful week and be kind to everyone. Until next time BB.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I'm glad you were able to come on vacation with us, and I'm glad you had a good time even with all the problems that we ran into. The internet messing things up, dismal internet service, power outages, sickness, etc.

    Still, I enjoyed getting lots of rest and care. If I'm here next year, you are welcome to join me again. Hopefully, we'll be able to do some of the things that we did not get to this year.

    Today is our last day together here, and Pogo and I will miss you when you go home. But, we'll be leaving too the very next morning. Can't wait to get home to the cold and snow. haha. Hugs, Edna B.
