Sunday, March 12, 2017

Today's Not Much Fun!

 Hi Everyone,

 Well my blog was a hassle to get into today and not only that but wouldn't allow my page to be uploaded and kept doing strange things. I just exited out of the whole thing since I couldn't type anyway and went back in. So far so good. At least the blog part.

 For me, I have been in bed more than out of it. I still have a bad headache and I still hurt all over. My appetite is non existent. I had a cup of soup and a sandwich earlier. I am just not feeling up to eating but it is almost 7:00 pm so I will have to eat soon. Insulin depends upon my doing so whether I am hungry or not.

 So I went to the doctor yesterday. Flu.... So with almost $60.00 worth of medications that is supposed to help me I am not feeling that much better. But I have done a few things today that I couldn't do yesterday. One was to take a shower.
 I have to admit that felt pretty awesome.
The second thing was that I made my bed. I had to do that. I had the sheet rolled into a ball. Cisco had toys in the bed and had obviously hidden a couple of his bones! (In case he gets ready for a midnight snack).... My comforter was cross ways and half onto the floor and my big pillows down at my feet. I know that I did not sleep much last night.

 If anyone is speaking to me, they better talk loud because both ears are stopped up. Talking on the phone has not been an issue today. I made 3 calls. One to Miss Edna to make sure she was alright and made it home ok... What a time for a snow storm to hit!
 The second call was to return my daughters call  I had missed. Adrian came home from the hospital today. Such good news there but he still has to be monitored and last of all to my sister to check on my nephew who has been in the Emergency Room with Gallstones and needs surgery. Other than that my phone is on silent. I have some voice mails but haven't bothered with them. I am taking Edna's advice... Turn the damn thing off! Or put the ringer on silent. Besides it is hard for me to even talk, let alone hear anyone on the other end.

 Oh this is a page that I did for my grandkids. Adrian and Cathy at the beach. I am thinking that this was taken when they went to Florida for a wedding a few years ago and stopped at a beach while there. I can't remember exactly.

 Sorry to be a party pooper. I am trying to be more consistent with my blog but I have to say bye for now and lay back down... Until later, have a great start to a new week........ BB

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