Monday, March 13, 2017

Welcome Home Becky

 Welcome Home Becky!!

 Hi my friend Rosie is very happy now. Her daughter Becky arrived home for Spring Break last night! Becky is very special to all of us and we are happy to have her home and glad she had a safe trip.

 I am not feeling much better. The meds are not helping me that much and my fever returned during the night. At 3 am this morning I was in the shower trying to bring it back down. It was 103.2 so not quiet as high as the other night but still made me a bit worried.

 Other than that I am up for a bit. I had to eat something so I made a Marie Callenders frozen dinner and ate most of it. My appetite is off.

 I just have one other quick thing to share and back to bed for me.

 This morning I seen an article that was on my news feed with this man looking very sad indeed. It seems that he had a car collection worth $3 million dollars but no insurance! And all of his cars are destroyed by a fire,
 Now is it just me or what but if you had the money to invest in those kind of cars estimated value at 3 million dollars, don't you think that it is worth it to have insurance to protect your investment?
 I am so sorry but I have no sympathy for this kind of stupidity.

 Another article was about a boy being bullied because he was wearing his hair long to donate to locks of love that went viral because he felt sad! so his dad put the video on social media.
  Has the news sunk this low to report this kind of news? Thousands are kids are bullied every day and do not make the news. Don't get m wrong, it is wrong that he was being bullied and he wore his hair long for a good cause but people need to know the true story behind Locks Of Love. Most of the hair donated has to be thrown away and those wigs that are made from the hair saved are not given for free to children that need them. They are sold.
 I read a whole lot of stuff about Locks of Love.
 I wonder if this story was about the boy being bullied or about the Locks of Love foundation? What makes it so special to end up as a news story?

 Ok so that is enough from me. I am just being crabby today.... Hugs to all and BB

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear you are still not feeling much better. I was happy for you that fever went away, but now you have it again. perhaps best is to sweat it off in bed as much as possible.
    YeAh, I know that eating is hard, but as i said, try to have something little every hour or so, to keep your insuline good and somehow gather some calories for fighting the flu.
    Edna didn;t post yet, I hope she is feeling allright. Will she have trouble because of the snowstorm? We heard something about it on our weather report, but I am not sure if her area will be hit by it.
    Take care, put all the energy into getting better first!
