Saturday, December 26, 2015

Lost My Post

 Hi everyone,
 Well I lost my first post. Thankfully I wasn't very far into it. I don't know why blogger does this. One button hit will cost the entire post to disappear. It drives me nuts. I had misspelled a word and was trying to fix it thru spell checker and it was gone!

 This page is not mine. It belongs to Maureen Anderson, one of our fantastic Creative Team members for
 Maureen will be featured in our first newsletter in January along with a few of her layouts. This is one of my favorite New Year 2016 pages. She is an awesome lady and I am honored that she accepted my request to be featured in the newsletter.
 Our newsletter will also have a freebie included for the month with information on upcoming events and sales. I hope that you will also join us and see what we are all about. Everyone is welcome.

 Christmas was really nice. In spite of the boys choosing to stay at home, Karyn and I went over to Carol and Barbara's house. Turkey, stuffing, desserts, green bean casserole, and the works. It was awesome and we had a blast. The weather was gorgeous. The entire day was lovely. Then I came home and crashed.
 New Years Karyn and I are making Green Chili enchiladas with guacamole, rice and beans and she is going to make a dessert.

 Here are some pics to share. They are so hiding from the camera....

 Well these are some of the pics.

 Karyn and Matt was like No No.... but I had them taken anyway. Can you see the gray in my hair? Everyone says it is the lights... Yeah right! Time for a color... and I need to get my hair cut too.

 I received some lovely gifts, Thank You Edna for the beautiful neck warmer, Everyone has fell in love with it. 2 coloring books.... YaY... The Goddess and Faces... many hours of peace there. The coffee and sweetener, and Cisco loves his treats from Pogo! Pots and plants, flowers and candy (Sugar Free) and Jonathan gave me a reindeer cup and Texas Pecan coffee which I am drinking now. So awesome! I can't think of everything that I received but I love them all and of course being with the family and friends was a very added boost to an already lovely day.

 I had no problems sleeping last night. I had my Cisco next to me and we cuddled and slept like babies. Just having a time waking up right now. Oh and before I forget, thank you all so very much for the calls, texts and emails.... I love all of you too.... and I hope that your Christmas was as wonderful as mine was.

 I am off of here for now. I have somethings that need to be done and it is already after 9:00 am so I better get to doing them..... Have a wonderful day. BB

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful photos. By the way, who cares if some gray is sneaking into your hair? It doesn't bother me at all. I think it adds a bit of elegance.

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was awesome too. And this morning, Joe got back from being with his family the last couple of days so Pogo is especially happy now.

    Oh my gosh, know what just happened? I was sitting here typing, and I just woke up. That was a couple of hours ago. I can't believe it! I just fell asleep! I think I'll go feed my little guy and go to bed. Give Cisco a hug for us, and have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.
