Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Holly Jolly

 Hi Everyone,

 So this is my latest Christmas Page. Done in greens this time. I love these shades of green. Some of the colors are not the traditional green of Christmas but I remember when these colors were all the rage up North about 6 years ago. I had a friend who had a white flocked tree with these colors for bows and decorations. Oh my was it so pretty. I have never been able to find these colors here down south in the Christmas decorations. A few bulbs here and there but that was all.

 So reading my friends blog, (Hi Edna) she gave a count down to how long before our Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was flabbergasted as put in her perspective there is just not that much time left for either holiday. The grandkids of course want a tree at NaNa's house and this year we shall have one. It was a rather bleak Christmas last year. We all got sick the day after Thanksgiving and it hit me the worse of all. Then as I was getting over the virus I caught the flu. It felt like weeks before I was over that. Jonathan and Nathan had it bad too if I recall. I think that we each went thru a 3 pack of Kleenex each...

 Karyn is supposed to be coming to spend the week with me. We will finalize our Thanksgiving because the boys have changed their mind once again. I told them that once this menu is finalized then that is it. No more changing. Kind of like a wedding. Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace!
 I know that I am doing the Turkey and Stuffing. (Dressing for folks down South) and I will do the gravy but the rest is up to them.

 Unless things change we are having BBQ and ham for Christmas. Mmmm I can already dream of the BBQ from Rudy's. It is the best I have ever had in my life. It is also my little granddaughter Cathy's favorite place other than Chic Filet....She cries every time we leave that one place. Why no one is sure but if you ever ask her where she wants to go it is Rudy's.

 My friend Patsy is in the hospital. She has a disease called Scleroderma.... this is from the internet:

  • Scleroderma is a rheumatic autoimmune disease that causes hardening of your skin and other tissues of your body.
    The word scleroderma means "thick skin." Autoimmune refers to a disease caused by your body mistakenly attacking its own healthy tissue. Rheumatic refers to a disease that causes inflammation. Scleroderma is a disease that causes hardening of your skin and other tissues of your body.)
 I looked it up because I can never remember how to spell it. She is very sick. I have been worried about her all day and she did call me but was too weak to talk and I totally understood. 
 I am sure that they are giving her medication to help her sleep. It started out as a low grade fever and then she said that she was throwing up and that it was just a virus. She has had this disease for several years so I wanted her to go to the hospital but her husband has been a Navy Corpsman for many years and he was taking great care of her but finally he said it's time for the hospital so he took her in and they admitted her. I want to post it on facebook but she hasn't asked me to inform the groups yet so she might have already contacted them on her own. I dont know as I have not really been online to check.

 Time for me to go. It is getting late and my baby is looking at me wanting mama to come to bed. The things that I do for my little guy. His needs come before mine so I will say good night on my end and Good Morning to you on your end... Have a great day to everyone.... BB

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