Monday, November 16, 2015

Harvest Bounty

Hi Everyone,

 Sleep is not coming easily. It is now almost 4:00 am and I am still awake with cramps in my left foot that are really hurting. It is like having a charlie horse on the top of my foot that shoots pain down to my toes and has them cramped up.
 I gave up about an hour or so ago and took one of my dreaded pain pills. I dislike taking them because they really make me draggy but I needed something to help with the pain and so far it is not doing much of anything. I have been on my feet quiet a bit today. I totally cleaned my bath with bleach and Lysol and washed my bedding and dusted and swept and mopped the bath and kitchen today.

 So to take my mind off of the pain I decided to do a new page for my Thanksgiving/Fall Holiday coming up soon. I needed to do something a little different as I have been doing a lot of Christmas pages. Some have been for my own pleasure and some for Lins_Creations who I CT for. A lady in our group is making albums for all of our pages and I had been behind so I did a couple of pages for Christmas featuring one of her kits but I kind of needed to back off on Christmas a little bit. I haven't uploaded this one yet. I will wait a few more days so you are looking at a Brand New Page....!

 Laurie called today and she and I talked for awhile and she Dante talk to me. We had a nice conversation where he said over and over Na-Na... It brought a huge smile to my face that is for sure. Then later on I received a text that said Dante is fixing to call.... Oh My... and we had a really great conversation. I am not really sure what I agreed to but that is alright! He blew me kisses and said I love you Na-Na and I tried to get him to say it again and he said... "I did" so I got it once and that was enough for me.
 I told Patsy and she laughed along with me as I relayed our conversation and she said "Now Beth now that he has figured out he can talk to you on the other end of the line he will be calling you all the time."
 Awwwe.... I hope so! He will be 2 in January. I always want to say February because he was due in February but he came a couple of weeks early. He was due on the first but came January 11th. We were kind of worried because Laurie had a sonogram a few days before and he was so tiny. Barely 5 pounds. Boy was that sonogram wrong. He was 7lbs and 71/2 oz.

 I borrowed this from the internet and I just have to share it with you... It was a good laugh for me and I hope that it brings one for you too.

 I can just see me taking a tumble and thinking the same thing lol.... The older I get the slower I get but this would be so true for me. I can trip over thin air I swear.... My nick name for years was Grace..... for wow Beth that was very Graceful! LOL.

 I read an article on CNN tonight that I would like to share with you. You can look it up, just go to CNN news and scroll down until you find the article saying Facebook changes or something like that. It was a big eye opener for me.
 You know how we love taking pictures with our phones. Not only do we take pictures, people send us pictures. Well now there is a new thing that they are doing. They are doing face recognition and say you share a picture on Facebook, it goes thru your phone and without your permission it can upload all the pictures in your phone.
 There is an upside... You can opt out of the option..... and then there is a downside.... If you opt out you can no longer upload your pictures to Facebook.
 Now this is what I understood. I might have not grasped the entire topic completely but I am sure that I got it pretty darn right.
 To me this is just wrong and I feel it is an invasion of my privacy. So what I understood is to take your pictures and then upload them to your computer etc and erase them from your phone and share from that but not to share anything thru Messenger. I am sure that is where the problem lies. I have to investigate this more throughly and I am going to try and upload the link..... It didn't work for me. It just inserted the link for news stations...
 Anyway I will try to keep you posted on what I find out and would appreciate any information that anyone else finds out. Not that I have things I want to hide on my phone but I do have some pictures that I don't want to share such as ones of my granddaughter and some that just are not that good and so on...

 Guess that I will close for now. I am feeling a little sleepy and the pain in my foot is subsiding. Poor Cisco.... He wants me to come to bed so bad. He keeps looking at me as if to say you coming to bed mama... Everytime we get all cozy that darn cramp would hit and I would have to get up and that disturbed him. I would get him a doggie bed but I know that he wouldn't use it. He has to sleep right next to me at night.
 Oh he is so funny... We have a room mate that has a dog named Lady and she has a thousand toys I swear... Ok maybe just 10 or 15.... Well Cisco has been stealing them when no one is watching. When I went to take the bedding off my bed today to wash... I found a whole stash of them. Not one of them was his toys.. all hers... and I tried to take them back to Lady and he whined so bad. It was pitiful. I left 3 of them in my room. Tonight when I was getting into bed I felt a lump. I kicked at it and tried to move it and I thought... what on earth is in the bed... Pulled the covers down and you guessed it. He has them all back in here and in our bed. I don't have any idea why he is doing this but he actually plays with them and so I guess I will have to sneak them out here and there. Lady doesnt play with them tho. She sleeps as much as he does. She is old. She was used as a fighting dog until she got to old to fight and then they used her as a Puppy Mill and Kevin seen the person abusing her and took her from him. She has gained weight and looks better every day.
 She has taught Cisco a few tricks... One is to Howl.... Oh My Word... He learned fast. Another thing that she has taught him is to talk. He used to paw me on my leg or shoulder when he wanted out or was hungry. Now he paws me and does this thing halfway as a howl and halfway as a bark... It sounds so funny coming from him... I Love It....

 Ok I am really going to go and lay down now.... You all have a great and Blessed Day... BB

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty Thanksgiving scrap layout. You can almost smell the food baking in the oven. I was up in the middle of the night too. Beth, I think maybe you are doing too much so soon after your surgery.

    A good doctor told me many years ago when I was worried about not keeping up with the cleaning, "when you are six feet under, the dirt and dust will keep right on piling up." In other words, learn to ignore some of the dust and dirt and take care of yourself first.

    I get lots of muscle spasms in my legs, neck, etc, and I take muscle relaxers for it. This seems to help quite a bit. At least for me, anyway.

    Today is trash pick up day, so Pogo has been busy watching for and barking at the big trucks when they come to empty the barrels. There is something about trucks that he does not like. Or maybe it's just certain trucks. It's nice out today, so I have the door open so that Pogo can sit there and bark away all day.

    I think I'm going to go wrap something now, just to get in the mood. It has to be done. You take of yourself girl. I hope you feel better after a nice long nap. Have a super day. Give Cisco a hug for us, hugs, Edna B.
