Sunday, June 18, 2017

June, Such A Busy Month

 Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there that are deserving to be recognized. A special Day to my son Matthew for spending this day working to provide for his children, and to the dads that have fur babies, adopted children, and all the other reasons that Dad's deserve this Honor.

  June has been a very busy month for me. Birthdays, Anniversary's, Weddings, and a host of other things. I made this card the other day for my friend Audrey for her Birthday. I also have another to share for my friend June. Her birthday was first and maybe I should have posted that one first. I really haven't been scrapping much lately with the crazy appointments and my teeth and what not.

 This one is made for my friend June. Of all of the people that I know, I only have one friend named June and she was born in June. I wonder if that is how she got her name? I will have to ask one day.

 Yesterday was miserable for me. I was so very depressed and finally I had a good cry and got it out of my system. I don't really know why I was depressed other than that my daughter Laurie still hasn't spoken to me since March. I miss her and I miss my grandkids and I think that was the root of the whole thing. Still little things just seemed to magnify and pull me even further into sadness but I have a friend Andrea that picked up on my sadness. She texted me to see why I have not been to the group in ages.
 I told her the truth. I was looking for a smaller group. It was just 59 members when I joined. I was number 59. Since I have joined it has grown to over 300 members and I just don't feel that one on one connection and it is hard to respond to people that are new and I can't keep up. So I quit going to the group. Besides that I don't feel up to telling my story over and over when new people ask me questions. Anyway she and I talked for several hours as she is wanting to learn how to do digital scrapbooking. She already has Print Master so she has an idea of how it works and I told her that I would teach her the basics and direct her over to places for free kits. There is so many out there that buying them now just seems to be a waste of money.

 I have a few photos to share to brighten your day I hope...

 Now isn't this just super adorable????? I fell in love with this photo. I joined Microsoft Rewards so in my daily quest, this one popped up and I love it....

 At the airport in San Diego California they have a restroom area for pets! This is such an awesome thing to have as so many people travel with their pets. It is the only one that I have searched that has a restroom for our fur babies. I hope that it catches on and that more airports will do this as well. Some might already have this area but San Diego was the only one that I found.

 This heat wave has taken a toll on everyone and our poor animals are suffering as well. This is a photo of a squirrel chilling out over a bowl of ice. Edna I know that some days is not as others in your area but since you have squirrels perhaps on hot days this might help. As the ice melts they will have cool water too.

 Another Happy and Smiling fur baby!!! He looks so cute! I couldn't resist this one either....

 I found some beautiful photos of food. The story was "Did your mother ever tell you Not to play with your food"? and then it went on to say that sometimes playing with your food is a wonderful thing to do.. Here are some photos of awesome food. Definitely some creative people out there....

 Isn't this gorgeous???? So pretty I would hate to destroy it by eating it lol.

 I love this one too.

 And finally this last one... How cute is this????

 I guess that is all I have for today. I will have to go to Google and search my photos as I came across several last night.

 I am probably going to have to take my tablet back and exchange it. It keeps freezing up but I did some searches and I might have found the answer. It says that my device needs a certification. I checked this out and it is not certified so it can cause problems with apps. I am going to have Jonathan look at it when he gets home. He took Nathan to work.

 Nathan is thinking of giving his 2 week notice. They sent out a message that over this weekend, the waiter or waitress that makes the most money in orders will receive a $100..00 bonus. They do not give out tables fairly. The hostess didn't like our friend Kevin and he would get to work at 10:00 am and not get but 1 or 2 tables, then at 4:00 pm when he was getting off of work, they would slam him with huge tables. So many that he couldn't keep up and they knew that he was leaving work. He would do the hard work, serving and stuff and before the party left another waiter or waitress would get his table and his tips as they would tell him to go home. He broke his arm in a car accident and still managed to work. He finally had to quit. He wasn't making any money at all and if he complained they made it harder on him.

 Nathan has been promised to learn to cook over a year now and he hasn't gotten it. They have hired new people straight off the bat for the position. Last week he talked to the manager and was promised that he would get the job. Instead now he is taking on extra work he never had to do before and they hired this man for the cooking position and are training this other man. I will not eat there anymore. They are very biased and not a fair company and the managers and Hostess have their favorites and so he is never going to advance there.

 I am cleaning my bedroom and bathroom today. It is getting to be in bad shape, but I have just not felt up to doing it. But while I have some energy I want to get it taken care of.

 Have a wonderful day everyone... BB


  1. First, I love the idea of putting out a bowl of ice for the squirrels. Now I'll have to pick up another bag of ice.

    I think Nathan is right to look for other work. I hope he gets lucky and finds a good job soon.

    Beth, I hope all the problems with your teeth are over soon. This hasn't exactly been a good year for health for either of us, has it? Here's hoping that it gets better starting right now.

    Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You take it easy and have a great day my friend. Hugs, Edna b.

  2. I am glad you got the sadness a bit out of your system and that you were able to talk to the lady of the group you were in once. It can help a great deal. And it will be nice for you to teach her a bit how to do scrapbooking!
    I think nathan is doing the right thing to leave the job. Did he already found another one? Hope he has or that he will find one soon and one that suits him better and with nicer people!
    Love the cute photo's and also the food photos are great!
    I am so terrible slow in keeping up with blogs and doing some mail, I just don;t know how it comes. I am under the impression I do quite a lot during a day, but looking back it doesn;t seem to be much and time passes as driving in a racing car.
    Hope you soon will have all the teeth work done and that at least that will be over. And then also it is about time you will have a better time concerning health and moods!!!
    Take care of yourself.
