Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wow Where Did The Time Go?

 Hi Everyone,

 Wow a little while ago I was coming over to update my blog. Haha... Time got away from me. I had another cup of coffee, after that I went outside for a minute, a little later I did this and I did that, then we had a special package delivery for Cisco from his friend Pogo in Massachusetts, then of course we had to open the box and WOW OH WOW did Cisco enjoy that and we of course had to have a Thank You Call to Miss Edna and Pogo. After that I talked to Jonathan to see if he wanted to make any plans for the day and he said No so I said okay and then I thought that I would check my email and then I remembered I never updated my blog and so here I am.

 I have not felt up to scrapping any pages the last few days so I dug out this one from my saved files. It is a couple of years old but I don't think that I have posted it before. Maybe I will get back into scrapping a page or two this evening or later on in the week.

 You know, I have come to a discovery. Yes I know it has taken me this long to realize this but when I think about it I wonder why I didn't think of it a long time ago.
 It really doesn't hurt to take an electronic break.......... DUH!

For the last few times that I have been out with my kids I have not taken my phone with me. They all have phones should I need one. It has really been nice not to constantly hear the notifications or the texts or calls coming in while I am spending time with my kids. And when they are over I have left my phone in my room. I have everyone set on a special ring tone so I know who is calling me by the ring tone and I can hear it from the other parts of the house. It has actually been freeing for me. I am not constantly looking at my phone. I am engaging with my kids.

 I am doing the same thing with the computer. I am taking a break on here too. I check in with my coffee the first thing when I get up. I catch up on the latest news, then check my email and then I check Facebook and my blog. After that I clear out the sites I am in and close the lid to my laptop and then go and find something to do.

 The boys have their own thing going on today and I am updating my blog and then I will put it to sleep for a while and maybe finish up the page that I am coloring or maybe do some crocheting after my laundry is finished.
 Karyn is at the store buying groceries and I texted her a small list of things to pick up for me. We decided meat loaf for dinner tonight so only needed some tomatoes and some bell pepper and onions and crackers. I have everything else to go for dinner tonight. She will drop it off later on this afternoon.

 So if I decide to scrap a page later I will and if not then so be it.

 I made my lotions, and some air freshener to put in a spray bottle and I made some soap hand soap from some Castile Peppermint  and also added some lavender oil to that and to the lotions. I did a small spell for it and I also made a Prosperity Jar. So very easy....

 1/2 cup of sugar, a TBSP of allspice, ginger, cinnamon and put in a pretty jar on my window sill so that I can shake it everyday and I say a small chant over it... Thanking the Goddess for the Health, Happiness and Love for my family and friends and home and for my all of the animals and nature. Then I put the jar back and use it whenever I am in the kitchen cooking or cleaning or perhaps refilling my coffee cup.

 So this just about wraps it up for me today. I think that I had better go and find some late lunch. Something small will do. I am thinking of some egg salad on some rye bread. Thanks for stopping by and you guys have a wonderful week. BB

1 comment:

  1. Your page is lovely. Years ago, I used to read a lot of his books. I may even have some on my bookshelf.

    You're right, it's good to take a break from the computer and the phone. I do it a lot. There are so many other fun things to do.

    Pogo is happy that Cisco likes his jar of goodies. He sends a woof and a big lick too.

    Eddie and friend are here working on upstairs bathroom. They are in and out to pick up supplies or run home for whatever. I hope they can finish the job today. If not, there will be a lot of unhappy dwarfs. Ah well.

    Now I'm going to sit a while and crochet. You have a super day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
