Monday, June 13, 2016

A Lot Of Tired And A Bit Of Cranky

 I decided to do a page last night after all. Nothing special about it, just wanted to do one for fun and so this is what came about.

 Have you ever had one of those days that your cranky and just don't know why? Well that is the day that I am having. I am also tired and that has a lot to do with it. I didn't sleep well last night. It was close to 5:00 am before I could go into a good sleep.
 I am blaming my bed partner. He had a restless night too. He had his feet up in my face, kicking me, trying to push my head off of my pillow. He only has 3 but wanted mine too. He snored, he flipped and flopped. One minute he wanted under the cover and would scratch me so that I would pull the cover back so he could crawl in and then the next he was hot and wanted out.
 I hated to be mean but I just had to get some sleep so I kicked him out. Not only out of my bed but out of my room. Then he lay at my door and whined until I got back up again and let him in but I put his blankets and pillows at the end of the bed. He was miffed. I could tell. When I wouldn't let him back up with me, he made about 3 or 4 circles and flopped down in a huff. I was up at 8:00 am because he heard Nathan up. Bratty Boy that he is, he is sleeping while I am struggling to stay awake.

 I haven't accomplished much at all today and don't plan to do more than what I have already done, which is just bag up the trash to be taken out. I have a small meal planned for tonight. Just the meat loaf that I was planning on making last night, but Jonathan and Karyn took me out to dinner so I never cooked. Good reason for it tho.

 Jonathan ordered some soup from a Japanese place that I really love. We split the soup. Obviously it was cross contaminated with shellfish and I broke out and turned as red as a Lobster. After a miserable hour of scratching and itching and waiting for the Benadryl to kick in was not pleasant.
 Jonathan made a snarky comment about it always being something with me. He was teasing and I took it happily enough and just countered back that he and Nathan should just go out and find themselves a New Mother. Then a discussion ensued about what kind of mother they wanted. If I wasn't itching so badly I would have laughed a bit more.
 The medication started working and I slept. I woke up to Karyn standing over me saying that she and Jonathan would like to take me out to dinner if I felt up to going.
 After much debate which I decided to stay out of, they chose Applebee's. The food and the service was as always delicious and we had a perfect server. I had a sandwich and some fries. I only ate half of my meal and from the start I asked for a to go box and brought the rest home to Nathan. Jonathan also saved him part of his dinner as well. Nathan didn't want to go so we thought of him and made sure that he didn't go hungry.

 Karyn is having problems with her jaw where they cut out the wisdom tooth. She cannot open her jaw all of the way without quiet a bit of pain. She has dark circles under her eyes so I loaded her up with some of the vitamin B that I have and several packets of Emergen-C  along with a couple of bottles of water. I know that the vitamin B has helped me, maybe it will help her too.

 I have a new kit to work with called Wonders Of The Sea by Lins. I will make her some pages later on. Bless her heart, she has put a lot of work into this kit. I am just stumped by what kind of pages that I want to do.
 Also I stopped by Daisy Trail to see what kind of challenges that they have going on. Nothing really caught my eye. There is one for Unicorn, and a traditional scrap challenge but the template doesn't appeal to me and then there is one called Just Add Water.
 I don't want to participate in the challenges in my Facebook group as I just don't think that it is right that the person who sets the challenges is always the winner. She judges the winning pages by the number of likes the pages get. Well of course everyone is going to Like her page! It is her group and it is her challenges. And I also think that each month if a person wins in one category they should not win in any of the others.. Last month the same woman won in all of the category's leaving the rest of us out cold. I am not going to waste my time doing them anymore.

 Told you all that I was cranky. Maybe I should just lay down for a little while and see if that helps. So you all have a Merry Day and enjoy doing what ever brings you pleasure. BB


  1. I am a little bit over the moon... This page that I didn't think was all that special was chosen as Featured Page over at one of my favorite sites, Daisy Trail. It really has me excited and Happy. I will be smiling a lot today!

  2. Gosh, I hope Karyn is feeling better now. When your mouth hurts, everything hurts.

    Sounds like you had a nice evening out with the kids. I'm going out with mine tonight.

    I have to laugh at Cisco's antics. My little guy does the same things. He's lucky though that he has lots of fun choices of where to sleep.

    Today I'm taking it real easy. I'm saving my energy up to go out tonight. Pogo won't be happy, but I can't help that. I leave the TV on for him.

    Now I'm going to wash my dishes, then settle in for some TV watching. You have a super day my friend. Pogo sends woofs and a lick for Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.
