Saturday, June 4, 2016

I Am Ranted Out...

This is a photo of a road close to where my sister lives, not too far from where I lived before I moved here to Austin. The rains have still not stopped. They continue to pour and pour and pour. Not all over my city but parts of it.
 This washed out road is not the only one. Bridges and other roadways shut down. They say that El Nino is breaking up. We can start looking forward to above average temps and dryer weather thru the fall as El Nina takes over. Also a dry winter as well. This time next year we will be wanting some rain. Can't seem to win with the crazy weather.

 I am ranted out. Things look much calmer today thankfully. It is amazing what some real sleep can do for a person. Still not feeling 100% but feeling better than yesterday. Still it was almost 3 this morning before I could fall into a good sleep. But it was a good sleep. Finally.

 Jonathan did take me out last night for some dinner after I said... Listen it is nearly 8:00 pm and I am 2 hours behind on my insulin and we need to either go get something to eat or go to the store. We went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and got some take out. I tell you that I was still hungry after I got my dinner. I opened the box and had the scrawniest 2 little pieces of chicken ever. That was not a good option. We should have gone next door to Sonic and got a burger or something.

 I am not feeling very artistic or creative at the moment. I have not had a real desire to scrap anything. I just don't know what is wrong with me at this time. I feel unsettled. I feel drained physically and emotionally. I tried to watch a movie on Netflix last night. Nothing appealed to me. So I decided to play a game on my computer. After 5 minutes I shut that down. I had computer problems yesterday so that is why my blog was late getting posted along with my semi rant. There was more, but today is a different day and I am trying to move past my irritation there. I am still mad about my doctor and referrals and more especially his assistant. I did make a complaint and that did feel GOOD. Now I just have to wait for the Insurance to contact me to help me into a new network for a new doctor. I am fed up with the one that I have.

 I am pleased with the work that I accomplished in my bathroom. One of my friends Duke said last night...... Gee Beth, that must be some big cabinet under your bathroom sink and I said, no I am just a very very good pack rat. Ha... so true. I can utilize every little nook and cranny.
 That is so true. I don't know why I hang on to things for as long as I do. Or why I hang on to some things at all. I guess that the best reason is that there have been so many times in my life that by my just hanging on to something that has saved the day. Maybe not just for me but for friends and family as well.
 My son Matt came home a few months ago and he had gotten poison ivy really bad. One area above below his hip... alright on his left butt cheek.... Well a spot got infected and I had a lot of stuff to help him with it. Finally tho I told him... You have to go to the ER because what I am doing with it is not working. He also had another spot on the back of his head. They lanced it and took cultures and it was staph and had to be cleaned and bandaged every day. All that gauze and tape really saved the expense there.
 Jonathan tripped in the middle of the night over a chair that someone had moved when we had company and never put back. Thanksgiving Eve night and he busted his bottom lip clean thru. He probably could have used a couple of stitches but I remembered that I had an antibiotic mouth rinse that my dentist had given me. So in the middle of the night, I cleaned it and pressed gauze over it until it stopped bleeding and then had him rinse with the mouth rinse and then soaked up a piece of gauze with the rinse and had him leave it there for an hour or so. The next day he was even able to eat Thanksgiving dinner. But it is gone now. It had expired so I tossed it. But these are the reasons that I tend to keep things.
 You know when you go into the hospital they give you a container bin filled with a comb and brush, tooth paste and lotions etc. Well I keep an extra toothbrush in my purse so I never use the ones that are in the bin, but I save the unopened ones. They came in handy just a couple of weeks ago when Laurie and the kids were here. Laurie forgot to pack toothbrushes. Not a problem. I had those saved and I gave to each of them to get them thru the night and morning. Little bottles of lotion and shampoo, little tubes of tooth paste and hand sanitizers  etc as well. While my granddaughter was here I made her up a little cosmetic bag filled with goodies for her back pack with band aids, chap sticks, lotions, q-tips, and odds and ends. Adrian wanted one too so I made him up one in a zip lock bag.
 I didn't throw those odds and ends out yesterday. I decided to use zip lock bags and placed some items in them to give out to the shelters for the homeless when we do our annual Christmas drive, along with the socks that they give you when you have surgery.
 My mama always said "Waste Not Want Not" and perhaps I get that from her or perhaps it was raising 5 kids that kept our pantry's bare. There dad would bring home lots of shampoos and such from hotels. I cannot tell you how many times the kids growing up and we ran out of shampoo or soap and conditioner that those little bottles saved the day.
 So that was one of the reasons that it took so long to clear out the bathroom. My closet is next but I am just going to do one box at a time. I just can't tackle that job all at once.

 My friend Edna, (Hi Edna) sent Cisco this tray that I can make bones for him in the shape of doggie bones. I haven't made him any treats in the oven but what I have done was mix equal amounts of veggie, chicken and beef broths and water and froze them. Then I put them into a zip lock bag in the freezer. My little guy loves these special treats. The zip lock bag is full so today I am going to make him so kool-ade treats. I bought some cherry and some orange. He loves Popsicle's so I know that he will love these. Plus it is so fun to watch my youngest grandson share his Popsicle's with him. We have to watch him tho because at first he would give the dog a lick and then try to have a lick... so when it starts melting we let Cisco have it.

 Well this wraps it up for me today. I am thinking that a nap will be nice. It is afternoon here and might just be a perfect time for a rest... Take care and have a great weekend. BB

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