Saturday, March 5, 2016

In Honor Of Mother's Day Across The Pond

 Happy Mother's Day to all of my friends that Celebrate tomorrow. We do not Celebrate until May but I know so many of great ladies that will be delighted with the occasion. Have a perfect day and best wishes!

 Not much is happening in my little corner of Texas. I spent most of my day resting as the Fibromyalgia has returned. It started yesterday afternoon. I was feeling fine and was peeling an orange at the kitchen sink watching a group of kids playing chase and tag and another group kicking a ball around when I had a pain that struck my elbow and down to my wrist. Then the pain shot from my wrist to my elbow and up to my shoulder. It came on fast and struck hard.
 I headed straight for my medication and took it, but it really didn't help. By the time that I couldn't stand the pain any longer, I took a hot shower more meds and went to bed. My skin hurt so bad. It felt like I had landed in a pile of cactus needles. I took more meds and also something to help me rest. I did sleep some but had vivid dreams that had me tossing and turning. I finally fell into a deep sleep and slept until 9:30 this morning.
 I really haven't done much of anything for the rest of the day. Just laid around and read some, watched a movie and snuggled with Cisco. He has been my little trooper, staying right with me.

 I am almost ready to call it a night but I wanted to stop by my blog for a few minutes and give everyone a quick update. Not that there is much to update!

 I am going to have a quick look and see what I can pull out of my saved files for you. Perhaps I will find something useful. I cleaned out my folders today of a lot of things already posted so I am really not sure what I have left to share.

 I have been following  a site for dogs and this lady posted this one yesterday! Isn't she beautiful and is Cancer Free! I am so happy that she beat it and I hope that she has endless energy and lots of love.

 This is for everyone that wants to quell the mosquito's before they get started. I knew of everyone of them but the marigolds. I can't wait until Good Friday. That is when I put out all of my plants. The weather is very mild right now but I know that here in Texas it can change in 10 minutes from beautiful and gorgeous to freezing rain and ice. One year just before Easter we had a huge ice storm that lasted 3 days. With climate change, I am not anticipating that here, but I really don't want to take chances either. Of course I could bring all of my plants back indoors since it will be a potted garden but I think that I will just hold off until Good Friday and keep my traditions.

 I must ready myself for my traditions as well. I look forward to the return of the light. Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight if you have not done so already!

 I joined Twitter....... not sure that I like it all that much, but I have a few followers. I really enjoy keeping up with a few things, like Scott and Mark Kelly. 340 days in space and 1000 photos that are just amazing. I am so glad that the 3 of them made it home to Earth safely and to Mark who is Scott Kelly's twin brother who did his part in the twin body testing, I am happy that he was able to help in this experiment.

 Cisco is ready for bed. My little man is tired! Guess that I will cuddle with him for a while since he doesn't ask for it so much anymore. It is getting warmer weather and he gets hot really fast and moves down to the end of the bed where he can get some air but he is looking at me and I know that is what he wants. Cuddle time. or... Perhaps he is waiting for his treat that Pogo sent to him! That is probably what he really wants lol.

 Good night to all....... BB

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