Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Morning


 Well it is 3:00 am and I can't sleep. Nothing unusual about that I suppose. It seems that the older that I get the less sleep I can manage. I will have a few of these nights and then boom, it will catch up with me and I will end up sleeping the clock around.

 The first page that I did was from playing around today while my computer was busy installing a program on my computer. Actually it was updating a program that I have installed so while it was doing that I played around with the scrap page. I just love the little dog and how he is trying to make his way up to see the kitty cat!

 The second page is one that I did tonight (last night) for a challenge that I entered called Bright Colors. Now if this page isn't bright enough, I am not sure what would be. This is from several kits from Salt Town Studio. The image is from Pixaby. I have looked and cannot find my pictures that I have of my son and a friend of his that went to play Paint Ball a couple of years ago. I will have to ask him for those pictures.

 Guess who is back? My bats! They have been out full force these past few weeks because of all the warm weather.. I am happy they are out and about as I have been viciously attacked several times taking Cisco out to potty.

 Speaking of potty, I have to call the office and put in a work order on my toilet. For some reason it has stopped filling up my tank. I noticed last night that it was running an extra long time so I jiggled the handle and it stopped. Then today it took nearly 45 minutes to fill the tank. So I took off the lid, played with the little tube etc and thought perhaps it had a clogged line. I took that off and checked and it was all clear then I noticed that the big black rectangle thingie was barely dripping water so I surmised that it probably filled with calcium or perhaps a rock has gotten into it since the water has been shut on and off several times this past month.

 One of the reasons that I can't sleep is that it is hot in this house. Jonathan turned the heat on. 69 degrees outside and he was cold. I hope that he is not getting sick. I closed the vent off in my room and opened my bedroom window. I hope that I can sleep now when I go to bed.

 I have to set up an order for an appointment to have my mammogram done. I asked for this back in January, the order is dated for February 2nd and I got the order in the mail yesterday March 17th.... what may I ask does this person do? I could have avoided having to go down town if she had let me know about the Mammogram bus that came to the office but she didn't. I mentioned to my doctor about trying to get my labs mailed to me and said that she (His Receptionist) had told me that she would get them to me. The last appointment I had I specifically told her that I would wait for the copies and she told me that the copier was being used and she would mail them to me. I called for them and still have not gotten them and so I am taking this little letter with me to my next appointment and asking just why did I not get this order until St. Patrick's Day? And I want him to get my copies of my lab work for the last 6 months. I don't necessarily need them as much as I want them but my Vascular Surgeon seems to think that my cholesterol medication may be what is causing my legs to hurt as bad as they do. He wants to know my liver functions and my kidney functions. I am curious to see those results myself since it is important to monitor them and see if he is even doing these lab tests.

 Cisco is whining. This is not a come to bed mama whine. This is a plea for a trip out to potty. Guess I will say Good night on my end and Good morning on your end............ BB

1 comment:

  1. Your layouts are very pretty. As for the toilet, I'm surprised it even works halfway considering all the times the water has been shut off and turned back on.

    You have a right to have all your medical records. I wonder why the doctor's secretary is so lax in doing her job? And why does the doctor keep her on?

    I have a lot of trouble sleeping during the night, but I attribute it to all the years of working the overnight shifts.

    Today Pogo and I have a couple of errands to do, and I know he will be very happy to go out. Right now, I'm thinking of what we can have for lunch. I did some grocery shopping yesterday, so we have a few things to pick from today.

    Pogo sends woofs and a lick to Cisco. You have a wonderful weekend. Happy Spring!! Hugs, Edna B.
