Thursday, January 12, 2017

Time Is Flying Right On By

 Hello Everyone,

 A page that I did for a challenge. The challenge was a theme that started with the letter "P" and so this is mine, I really thought of not entering the challenge at all but then I started working on this page and it just sort of formed and I liked it well enough to enter it. I won't win of course. Too many other pages that has a lot of detailed work and are just gorgeous. I never look at the pages in a challenge so that I am not influenced in anyway. But once it is uploaded I can see everyone's pages and I tell you, there are some ladies out there that are just totally so talented that it makes my head spin. But I am not in it to win the challenges. It would be nice but that is not why I enter them. I do it because I enjoy doing the challenges. This was a pretty easy one to do. I wanted something simple and still beautiful.

The dentist appointment went fine. The x-rays were a little uncomfortable but not unbearable. I will go back on the 25th and they will remove the teeth. They are going to try and remove all of them at once. I have lost a lot of bone so I need extra healing time, then in 6 to 8 weeks I will go in for impressions and then dentures. Edna, I hope that you don't mind my being toothless!

 I am also going home on the 20th. Next Friday to visit family and take care of some paperwork that I have been needing to have done. We are leaving around 7:00 am and will be back probably early Sunday. The plan is to be back on Saturday but I know that once we get to visiting and making the rounds, one to go and see Joe's mom and another to see his grandmother in the nursing home, and then my family and I have a friend that I really want to see if she isn't working so it will be probably Sunday when we get back. That is ok. I am just going to go with the flow!

 It has been over 2 years since I have seen my family. My sister did come thru for a couple of hours on her way back from San Antonio the day that Patsy left to go home. Her husband had to come down this way to pick up a racing dirt bike or some kind of motorcycle, so they spent the night down on the River Walk in San Antonio and came by on their way home. It was so good to see them. The visit was way too short tho.

 My grandson Dante turned 3 yesterday! I have to share pics of course....

 A few hours old....

I have one more of him but will have to swipe it from Facebook. I thought that I had. He is such a stinker... He is so much like his mama.... He has her coloring and her stubborn ways. He has a temper to match too. But when he cuddles and he can be so sweet it melts my heart...

 This is the latest! Taken about a week ago. My little Eskimo baby! I really hope that he is wearing boots as he is almost knee deep in this photo. He does not like the snow. I am surprised he isn't throwing a fit. His mama says that he is usually crying up a storm when he sees that he has to go out in it. He must have been having a good day.

 My friend Rosie and her husband and doggie Charlie are on their way to take their daughter Becky to college. This is going to be a very hard time for our Rosie. She and Becky are very close. Becky was a miracle baby. Rosie has MS and she also had meningitis when she was younger. She has a whole lot of medical problems but that has never slowed her down. She has home schooled Becky from the very first, so this is really the first time that Becky has left the nest and both of them are going to have a time of adjustment. I think that I cried the first 3 weeks when we took Jonathan to Arizona. I know I cried all the way from Arizona home! Well thankfully it came in spurts!

 I want to look for some photos today and see if I can find them and scan them into my computer. I have one of me with a Siberian White Tiger Cub named Caesar. From the moment I walked into the cage he took a liking to me. He wanted me to hold and love on him. I sat on the floor with him and he crawled right up into my lap. When it was time to go, he was having none of it. I bond easily with animals. I am sure it is part of my path. Anyway he was so bonded with me when I finally did make it out of the cage so the next woman in line could have her turn he howled and hissed and growled... They had to give her back her money because Caesar was not letting her in the cage. It broke my heart to walk away from him.

 The other day we were talking about strange dreams that are so real like... a few months ago I had this very vivid dream of standing in the ocean, just about waist deep and I had this Great White Shark next to me. I was petting the shark. When anyone came into the water to rescue me the Great White Shark would lunge at them. They dubbed him in my dream as my guard shark... and I swear as I was petting him he was smiling.
 I am sure that it is all tied in with Cisco.... How he protects me, how he smiles when we are cuddling and yep he can smile a great big huge toothy smile... Kind of looks scary unless you know in advance.
 Last night we were cuddling and he had his head tossed back so I could get under his chin and scratch and rub. Every time that I do this he has a burst of sneezing fits... I asked him if he was allergic to me! All that got me was a great big wet sneeze in many places, namely the face! Ugh.. I ha to wash off the doggie sneezes lol.

 I guess this about wraps it up for me today. Not much news left on my end so I will say goodbye for now and go and eat lunch... Have a wonderful day.... BB


  1. You're probably right about the animals on your path. Ever wonder what your different lives were like? Once, at a seminar for hypnosis and diagnosis, I tried to see far back I could go in my mind. I only made it as far as early Pilgrims because hubby (who was with me) was interfering with my concentration. But even this far back was super interesting.

    I had my arm and wrist checked today and they are both healing good. This is good news. Now I need to tackle my taxes and get ready to go to Florida.

    Enjoy your trip to visit your family. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a super day. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. Your grandson dante looks adorable(and he knows it too LOL).
    It will be great to visit back home after such a long time. Enjoy it to the most!!
    Aniimals feel it when people will be nice to them, and are goodhearted.
    So this dentist visit wasn;t yet too bad Next one will be the hard one. Be sure to have some painkillers that you can take when home from the pulling the teeth. Perhaps you won;t need them, but it can be unpleasant.
    I am sure that edna can forgive you to come over without teeth. it will be hard to find food that you can eat I suppose you will eat a lot of soup and perhaps porridge and yoghurt and all kind of soft stuff.
    Now that was a strange dream you had with the shark!
    No idea what it might mean.
    But it is special.
    Going to post now on my blog, you have a wonderful day and take care.
