Saturday, January 28, 2017

Bye Bye Little Mouse

 Hi Everyone,

 The ladies on my forum are mostly European. I love how they speak of things and I have learned some things do not mean the same here in America as they do "Across The Pond" so that said I have learned not to say "Fanny" as it has a totally different meaning than here!
 Also the word Loo.... When we need to use the ummm Ladies Room for example here at my house it is usually called the bathroom or the rest room. I don't know why they call it a rest room because I never rest in that room, never the less, my friends call it the Loo....
 My friend Rosie and her husband are English and they have been here 21 years. As I have mentioned, their daughter Becky has gone to college and Rosie is experiencing the Empty Nest Syndrome. I feel for her. I remember those days vividly.
 Well Becky called home and eased her mother and fathers fears. She is loving her classes, has made tons of friends and they had a Toilet Paper contest/fashion show the other night. Of course on the forum it was called A Loo Roll fashion show.
 Becky had a really great time telling all about it and it reminded me of my daughter Karyn;s friend that entered a contest using Charmin Toilet paper. They could only use the Charmin, needle thread and glue.
 This dress above was the one that won first place! Isn't is just gorgeous? Even the bag was made with the toilet tissue as well. I have some other pictures as well, not of this dress but of others. But this is one of my favorites. Isn't it amazing what a creative mind can conjure?  So I made a page showcasing the dress for Rosie and Becky and the ladies on the forum.
 In the process, my mouse and I had a really long talk. I promised to send it to Mouse Land if it let me complete the page. It did but was frustrating for the both of us, so on Wednesday I am hoping to be able to get a replacement.

 I really wanted to make this post a nice long one but I have taken my meds and am really struggling to keep my eyes open. So I will be here for as long as I can and then head to bed. My darling Cisco has already found his spot and is watching me to make sure that I don;t go anywhere. Ha... I can probably stumble to the bed but that is about it!

 I am having problems with Wal-Greens with my prescriptions. I called today to find out what they have ready fo me to pick up and was told that the cannot give that information out on the phone. What a crock and so tomorrow I have to go over and talk to them in person. This is the most ridiculous thing. I mean how do I know what to call in for refills if I don't know what they have already refilled?

 I shook out all of the cover on my bed and made it all up nice and neat. Then I took a long hot shower and I am going to call it a night and go and crawl into my bed and sleep so until tomorrow, have a wonderful Sunday!!! Hugs to all... BB


  1. Oh my, what a gorgeous dress! What awesome creativity!! As for your med problem, I just don't understand what's going on with these pharmacies. Mine wouldn't let me pay for mine with my credit card over the phone so that my daughter in law could pick up my meds for me.

    I do believe they are going way over board on the safety thing, not caring how difficult it is making it for the people who need their meds.

    I'm off now to make some supper for Pogo and me. I hope you are feeling better now. Pogo sends woofs and a lick to Cisco. You have a super evening. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. Very disturbing, that thing with pharmacies and so just because of privacy. Sometimes they take it too far and it is just not handy for people anymore.
    Will not stay too long on computer, my scanner tracked a virus but cannot "safe"it? I am all nervous about it, dpn;t know what to do.So if you don;t hear for longer time from me, you know why.
    I am so bad in techy things on the computer.
    Hugs, stay safe,
