Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy Birthday Kyra

 Good Afternoon Everyone,

 Happy Birthday to Kyra. I hope that your Birthday is fantastic and that you have a perfect day doing what ever that you want to do.

 This page was done with a freebie kit from my friend Rosie for all of the members at Daisy Trail. I really enjoy her kits. This one is called Vintage Lace. It is brand new. I just downloaded it and thought that it would be perfect for Kyra's Birthday card.

 So yesterday evening Karyn and I were going grocery shopping and then we couldn't find a place to park, it was that full, so I felt a little woozy so I told her to pull over somewhere and let me test my sugar. It was below a 100 so I knew that it was time to eat something so we went to a little place called Taco Cabana. I am not crazy about their food but it was fast and easy and relatively cheap so that is where we went.
 Before we left I ordered the boys a plate each to take to them and one of them came with a drink. It was too much trouble trying to bring drinks home so I told the lady to pay the drink forward. Who ever came in after me and had to buy a drink would get a free one instead.
 The server came over to me and said that the lady would like to thank me for the drink. I told her that it was my pleasure. Sometimes the smallest kindness can make a difference in a persons life. And I received a very nice pleasure of a sincere thank you.

 Karyn called and said if I made a list she would grocery shop for me. What a wonderful thing for her to do as my side started hurting at 4:00 am and I had to get up and move around. I was in a bind because Cisco was sleeping so oddly. I had my heating pad on low and laying on my side and he gets too hot under the cover, yet he wanted the heat from the heating pad so he was stuck to my side as well but a bit further down so his head could receive most of the warmth.
 Well that put my legs in a bind and boy not only was my side hurting but my back and the upper part of my legs. I tried to move over and that little stinker moved over with me. I finally gave up and just got up. When I came back to  bed about 20 minutes later, he was laying right on top of the heating pad cross ways!
 I had no choice but to move him and he got all huffy and whined. So I did what any fur baby mom would do. I moved over to the other side of the bed and let him have my side and the heating pad! Oh and I had to also make room for the stuffed animal that he loves and a tennis ball and his chew ring.

 Jonathan has no sympathy for me. He said he would have kicked Cisco out and let him sleep with Nathan! I was aghast. What? No my baby gets comfort first lol. But I know that if Cisco was knocking at his door he would get up and let Cisco in. He talks a good talk but in reality he let's Cisco have what ever he wants as much as I do. It is a game that we play regarding the dog. He acts like he doesn't care and I know that he does. So the same with Nathan. You should hear them talking to Cisco... Nathan will say in a sweet baby voice... Are you ready to go to your bed? Come on and I will tuck you in. There are you happy now? Do you want your bankey?
 Jonathan comes in from work and says... "Roni.... that is his other name. When Cisco was a baby they were always playing that commercial for the rice, Rice a Roni the San Francisco treat so they called him Ciscoroni... and it somehow got shortened to Roni so Jonathan comes in and says .. Roni do you want to go outside? Come on Roni let's go potty! All in a sweet voice and Cisco wags his tail and gets on the leash and out they go. They come back in with Cisco doing a little dance and they play tug of war and he will let Cisco win of course.

 Cisco has a built in radar and knows exactly when the boys are supposed to come home. He is waiting on them by the door. Cisco gets greeted before I do. They will play with him and then as an after thought.. Hi Mom... LOL... so you can tell who rules the roost in our house and it is none of the tenants!

 I have nothing planned for today. I am just going to hang out here at home, probably in my room and just chill out. I have 2 appointments for this week. One for the dentist and one for my primary care doctor for the ultrasound that they are going to do on my side. I will make sure that I have clean clothes for those days. Jon is going to do laundry today so I will toss in what few garments that I have in with his. I might cook dinner tonight but more than likely I will let one of the boys do it.

 Oh I read the weather report and we are going to jump from freezing temps to the 80's in the next few days. No wonder people are sick. Freezing one minute and summer/spring weather the next. Well at least my plants can go back outside for a few days. The next storm system coming in will be a wet one. Cold and rainy too.
 My birds still have not come out to eat. I am not sure what they want. I just looked and the food is still waiting for them. They are not like Pidgeon's.  Pidgeon's will get all mad if your late with their food. They will gather in a flock and sit there at your door until you feed them. Thankfully we do not have any here where I am at. But we do have some beautiful doves that come every morning or late afternoon. They seem picky too tho.
 My squirrel comes late evenings. Of course since it is so cold he is not out and about to often as he use to be.

 I am calling the office tomorrow and putting in a complaint. We have garbage pick up on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. The hours are from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The other days we can take it to the compactor if we need to but we are usually fine with the days that they schedule to come. Well the people above us... 2 couples actually are putting their garbage out every morning. One of the couples do not even bag it up and just set it out in paper sacks. This is going to cause problems. Rodents and especially raccoons. They come and spray every Tuesday the grounds for insects and bugs, but it is unsightly to have to walk past other peoples garbage every day. They are not supposed to do this and can be fined. But how is the office going to fine people when they don't know who is doing it?

 Sheesh this is a long blog post so I am going to get off of here and crochet for a while... Have a wonderful day to all........ BB


  1. Thanks for the beautiful card and birthday wishes here and in the mail Beth.

    it was an rather quiet day, and now the "normal"life starts again. It is raining here now, which means for now there is no frost, hoorray.
    later this week there will be perhaps a bit at night
    Cisco is a real raskall, but he knows how to get it his way, like almost all our pets do LOL
    Still there is a borderline, when he is lying around in such way, that you will have to get up or lie elsewehere in your bed ou really should move him and take your place in the bed You need your rest and sleep and the heating pads at times They are not for him ! Try to be a littl firm at times(which is hard, I know hahaha).
    Little things can make you and also other people feel happy for a moment, isn;t it? Like you experienced with the drink you left for someone else. And then this little gesture of yours can make may be a difference into someone's life.
    Going to have a little bite now and then later go out to post a birthdaycard for a friend and see if there are any stew pears to find last week they didn;t have them But like making them for dessert
    We'll see
    Have a wonderful day, hope your side is better and the sugar too!

  2. Oh my, I love all of Cisco's antics!! Pogo is the same way. Somehow though, all us fur baby mamas always seem to give in to our babies' comforts.

    We are supposed to get a few warmer days this week too, along with rain. I'm thinking that we've already picked up a couple of minutes of daylight too. Sound like I'm rushing Spring? Well, I am!!

    Pretty soon, I have to buckle down and start on my taxes so that I can go to Florida with a clear conscience. Truly, I'll enjoy my vacation much more if I know that my taxes are done.

    Well, I just baked some haddock filets and I'm going to see if Pogo will eat some. If not, I'll enjoy them all by myself. I'll just have to cook him a hamburger I guess. I made him some bacon for lunch and he ate it all. Of course!!

    I'm off now. Give Cisco a big lick and woof from Pogo. You have a super evening, hugs, Edna B.
