Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Summer Solstice And The Cheater!

Hi Everyone,

 I sure hope that you all had a very happy Summer Solstice yesterday. My longest day of the year was just wonderful. My son in law Joe and I sat outside at the picnic table under the pergola and talked about everything and nothing.
 We met a really nice young man, early 20's I would say if even that. His name was Shaou and he is from the Philippines. He had 2 of the most gorgeous dogs. Well of course we had to talk to them and pet them and love on them. Yes I Cheated!  And I brazenly sit here and admit it. One dog was a beautiful Brindle and tiger striped with the white face. He was a mix of Boxer, Lab and the other was part of a Chow and Shepard mix. He reminded me so much of my Bandit and when he came over to me and lay his head in my lap I felt that Bandit and I had connected once more and how appropriate for the special season of the year.
And of course Cisco knew immediately when I went back inside that I had cheated on him. The second that I was in the door he was sniffing all over me. I did what any good Mama who cheated on her baby would do. I crooned and apologized while giving him a couple of treats. He forgave me and normally I am not a cheater! I promise, but I just have this weakness when it comes to animals and I will love up on them and there you are, but Cisco forgave me so that is what is important!
 Last night was so enjoyable sitting outside and enjoying the solstice that I better keep the treats handy because I might cheat again and Cisco will need something to help him over the betrayal.
 I really wish that he would get along with other people and other dogs, but no, he wants to leap and lunge at them and bark and growl and so he misses out. He was that way at 6 weeks old. Trying to intimidate Bandit with that tiny yelp and bark lol. Bandit was a big dog. 75 lbs of love... Part shepard and Chow. Let me see if I can find a picture of him to share.

This is me and Bandit when I lived in Arkansas. It was taken after the flood. I had moved my bed into the front room which use to have been the laundry room so I could make a big bathroom out of my old room. It was chilly and Bandit and I were both tired!

Bandit loved Baby Alex. He was always hovering over him and making sure that he was ok.

 Well I didn't realize that I had spent so much time on the computer looking thru old pictures. It is almost noon so I need to grab some lunch. I am going to work on some pages later on today. I want to come back and blog again but not sure that I will have enough time to do it today.

 Before I go I just want to say to everyone to be kind to yourself and others and to enjoy everything that you do. Have some fun. Smell the roses and enjoy the sun and the moon and the stars and everything around you. We have so much beauty in the world, but all that we hear about is the ugly. Take time today to see the beauty........... Take care, BB

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, Bandit was so beautiful!!! We are the lucky ones to have known these precious souls. I think it's wonderful that you can sit and chat away with your son in law. My SIL Eddie and I do that a lot now. This is good.

    I always look for the beautiful treats that Nature has all around us. This is one of the reasons that I love our wildlife so. It would not be as much fun to sit out in the yard if there were no playful birds and chipmunks to entertain us.

    I have just put out some more treats for the birds and small critters in our yard. Wow, the peanuts go first! And quickly!!

    Now I'm off to see what's tasty for lunch. Pogo sends a big lick and woofs for Cisco. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.
