Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Late Check In

 Hi everyone,

 I am doing something new. I am making my own Time Line cover Photos and Profile pictures for Facebook as sets. This is one that I did for my friend Patsy. This will be her Profile picture and this is the for the cover photo.

 Heck they sell these on store sites for up to $3.00 a piece and I ordered one that was for .89 cents and after I got to looking at it I was like... You know, I can do these and I can give them out as gifts as well.... So your warned. You might just get one when your least expecting it.
 This was made with the same kit, I just kind of mixed and matched the elements tho.

 Today is a lazy day. I have to clean the kitchen. I was bad last night and went to bed early, or early for me and watched a little on Netflix and then after that I read the news and that was depressing. I shouldn't have done that, but it is a habit for me. I at least can say that I know some of the things that are going on in the world. Most of it tho is just too depressing for words.

 I have tried to get over to update my blog for the last 3 days. Something has always come up at the time that I wanted to blog and then I would get side tracked. Sometimes I have to wonder if I don't have dementia or something hitting me haha. I get side tracked so easily these days.

 Well after a few weeks of sunny and warm temps, even up to 91 degrees one week, Mother Nature sprung a cold front on us. Down to the 50's one day and low 40's at night. I had to pull out my extra blanket that I have folded and put away. The good news is the rain is gone and they said that we will not see anymore for a good while. I don't know if I am happy about that or not. The rain we will need in the coming weeks for the plants, flowers and trees, but not the wicked storms that we have had. Those I can do without.

 I think that today I will clean the kitchen and then crawl back in bed and just do nothing. I am so tired. I am on a new medication and it is as always kicking my butt. They increased my blood pressure medicine too so that always makes me tired. So I will take advantage of the sleep while I can get it because I know that sooner or later my body will adjust and I will have more bouts of Insomnia. For those of you who have no problems sleeping, I envy you. I use to be able to sleep with no problems but now it is hit and miss. It really throws my body for a loop.

 Well Nathan is on his way to get us some lunch so I am going to close for now and clean the kitchen that I didn't do last night so by the time that he gets back I can have lunch and then have the rest of the day to do what I want to do. Have a great day. BB

1 comment:

  1. Your new handi-craft is lovely. Isn't it a grand feeling when something we love to do comes out so good? Have fun with it.

    I have to laugh when you say "Today will be lazy" and then you say "I'll just clean the kitchen and maybe do a load of laundry." Oh my, to me that is a whole day's work!!

    It's cloudy and gray outside again today. Gosh, I hope this cool spell ends soon. I'd love to see the temps get back up to 70 again. My new plants are wanting a permanent home in the ground.

    Today's excitement will have to be the food shopping later this afternoon. That and washing a sink full of dishes will be my household fun for the day.

    Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Treat yourself to a "real" lazy day. Watch movies, color, read a book, knit or crochet, and anything else that is fun and relaxing. Have a great day Beth. Give Cisco a big hug from Pogo and me. Hugs, Edna B.
