Tuesday, May 31, 2016

I Have To Remember It Is Tuesday

 For my friend Sam whose father is in the hospital with a possible heart attack. I hope that he is better soon Sam and I hope that your taking care of yourself during this stressful time. xoxoxoxxo.

 Hello Everyone,

 I hope that those of you that celebrate Memorial Day took a few minutes from your day to say a prayer of thanks for our soldiers, those that have fallen and the men and women who wear their uniforms in our country and on foreign soil.

 I am really tired this morning. I had to get up early because I have to go to the doctor and set up my next round of tests for the colonoscopy and the endoscopy. I am having them both done at the same time and I want to talk to him about trying a new medication for the ulcers that I have. I am not looking forward to doing either of them. But it is the only way to see if the ulcers are healing at all.

 I just read one of my favorite blogs, and the gardening bug has hit and what a wonderful way to spend the long weekend, out with the flowers and weeding and planting with your hands in the dirt. I really miss my house but on the other hand I have to be honest and say that keeping up 2 acres of land was beginning to take it's toll. We had pine trees and they can be so beautiful but also very messy. Of course the other trees were show stoppers too but the clean up never seemed to end, especially in the fall, but I miss my Canna's and my mums and roses and all the rest of my beautiful gardens. I guess that sometimes it is time to move on. My patio garden didn't make it this year. Money was and seems always to be so tight lately. I needed to put the money into necessities rather than wants this year. That is just the way that life goes so I am content knowing that to have our bills paid and food in the house is more important than the things that I want.

 My daughter Karyn came over and she cooked 2 meals that insured that I didn't have to cook this weekend. I was only allowed in the kitchen to refill my coffee cup! I am very happy to know that I have such a loving child. She works so hard but always finds time to help me by doing such sweet things. It really is so nice to have someone take care of things for me. She even got the boys into the kitchen to clean as she cooked. My daughter is a WHIZ in the kitchen but she is not known for being tidy. The girl can use every spoon, pot and dish in the house! But the end results are so worth it!

 I have just had a look at my calendar and boy am I off. I don't go to the doctor until June 2nd.... Man I am really out of it! I am so glad that I doubled checked..... sheesh... well that means that I can cuddle with Cisco a bit longer today!

 So now that I know I am not in a rush, I need to take care of a few things, such as getting another cup of coffee!
 It is going to be a hot and sticky day here today.Humidity is up to 90% and it is supposed to hit the mid 80's which would be awesome if it wasn't for the humidity which will make it feel closer to a 100 degrees out there.

 You all have a great day........ BB

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