Tuesday, May 24, 2016

No New Scrap Page Today


 No new page today as I hurt my hand. I have done a couple of pages but they have been slow going, so I will share this today for all of our wild life. Did you know that birds cannot digest bread or crackers? They do not have a gall bladder in which to break down the food and the bread swells inside their intestines. Just thought that I would pass this information on as I know lots of people will take day old bread out to feed the pigeons and other wild birds. I did not know this until I bought some parakeets for my kids and the lady who raised them told me why bread was bad for the birds. I had just forgotten about it until I seen this and thought that I would share.

 So what is my news for today? Well I sprained my left wrist. I have no idea how. I just woke up and could barely move my hand. I thought that I probably slept on it and it would get better but as the day wore on the pain began shooting up my left arm and my fingers were swelling and it hurt really bad.
 I was over at my daughter's house. I had planned to spend a few days with her but she and my son Jonathan started googling my pain and decided that I needed a trip to the Emergency Room because it could have been a silent sign of a heart attack. I finally gave in and decided to go.
 Once there my blood pressure was really high and my pulse rate was 130 so they threw me back into a room and immediately drew blood for enzymes to check and then worked to get my blood pressure down. They said pain could have been the cause of the high blood pressure but all tests came out well so I am glad that I went ahead and gone in.
 As my wrist and hand was swelling and hurting really bad, they surmised a sprained wrist. I just don't know how I did it, but they put ice on it and alternated it every 20 minutes or so and then put a splint on it and I was freed and sent home. It was way to late to go back to Laurie's so I came home.
 It is much better today. I can actually move it but I took the splint/brace off because it was becoming uncomfortable. I will be putting it back on as soon as I finish this post.

 This is going to be a rant. I will try and make it short. But I get worked up when I get ticked off and I am ticked off.
 Our apartment complex has gone to a lot of trouble to make a beautiful walking park with pergolas and  stone walk ways with BBQ grills and a place for our dogs with potty stations and they planted trees and such pretty roses and other flowers.
 What has me ticked off is that the people here have no respect at all. If they walk their dogs no one is cleaning up after them which makes it very unhealthy for our animals. The maintenance crew has to come in every morning and clean up the dog poop and all the litter from the people. Coke bottles, water bottles, paper, trash, and so forth.
 This is the kids mostly. No one seems to monitor their kids here and there are so many of them I don't know who they belong to.
 They throw rocks at my apartment and I did find the one that was doing it but he didn't speak English so that was a problem and of course he ran off as soon as I started telling him that I was going to report this to the office.
 The BBQ grill door is warped and when I took Cisco out this morning I seen that the under carriage was filled with rocks. They have pulled all the petals off the rose bushes, threw big old rocks in the gardens and there was trash all over the place, even tho we have trash bins. Pizza boxes, candy wrappers, along with the bags that they put out for our potty area all littered on the grounds.
 Why don't people watch their kids?
 Everyone wants to complain about the crime and violence in our country committed by the younger generation but it is how they are raised. When parents let their kids do things destructive when they are young, what is to stop them when they are older? Then they in turn have kids that they don't discipline and there you go. A vicious cycle that just keeps on going and going and going.
 So I am going to the office today and having a talk with the managers. I think that I am going to suggest that they put out video cameras and stop this nonsense. Knowing these people here tho, they will probably just break the cameras.

 I guess that the people that was fighting so much were made to move. It is now just a man and woman and their children which are very quiet and hardly hear anything from them. I guess that the other people were friends or relatives of theirs. Anyway they are gone... Hallelujah.  It has been really nice in the back without them coming and going and fighting like they were.

 Well time to put my brace back on. I can feel a twinge of pain in my wrist so I better not over do it. You all have an awesome day. BB

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely with your timely rant. I have absolutely no respect for parents who don't try to raise their children with morals and honesty and respect for others.

    Try keeping your phone handy and take a photo (if you can) of the brats throwing rocks at your apartment.

    As for the rest of the thoughtless, not so nice neighbors, I have no answers. Nowadays, laws seem to enforced only when a good person makes a mistake. The bad person never seems to pay the price for his/her actions.

    Beth, I'm so sorry to hear about your hand/wrist. Hopefully it won't take very long to heal. It's hard to do a lot of things when our hands aren't feeling so good. Here's to a speedy recovery.

    Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
