Sunday, May 8, 2016

Can't Sleep, My Fault

Hello Everyone,

 The page above is for a new friend of mine and her little girl. And every little girl needs to be a Princess every once in awhile. So this is my page for Emily.

 I hope that everyone who Celebrated Mother's Day had a lovely day. Mine was very nice. Jonathan made lunch for us, and Karyn and Joe came with our evening meal from one of our favorite restaurants and also brought me a beautiful gift. Wrapped in a beautiful bag with pretty green and blue tissue paper was a robe that I had admired.
  Karyn had gotten me one for Valentines Day and I loved it. I remarked the other day while we were shopping that I wished now that I had another one. So that is what she got for me. It is pink with butterflies and flamingos. It is made of the same kind of material that my other one is and I just love it.
 The first one that she got for me zipped up in the front. This new one snaps up. Best of both worlds and she got me an extra large since I do not like tight fitting clothes and she knows her mama well enough to know that if at all possible I am going to be wearing my comfy gowns and robes while at home.
 Jonathan thinks that I should just get up and get dressed and greet the day. They all cringe when I toss on my robe and take Cisco out... Mom is out there in her robe! Aghast ..... But they do understand that my clothes agitate all of the places where I have had surgery. Pants rub two incisions really bad, and I gave away my sun dresses last fall as they did not fit properly in the bust and the straps kept falling down and I just didn't like the way that they fit me. I will go to the thrift store and find something more my style. Some shift dresses are very comfortable for me. I can do that and hope to find some that will look and feel good on me.

 Laurie stopped by briefly. She was out with a friend and a friend of hers had the kids so they were in the area and stopped by. I was able to spend a few minutes with her which was nice. I got to see all of my kids except for Matthew.He is in Reno. He was able to see Celeste but Alex's mom was being difficult and wouldn't allow him to see Alex even knowing that he was coming. That is so sad. She said it was her day and that she wasn't allowing him to see Alex. She has him every day and Matt has been denied several visits. I told him to document it and take her back to court.
 But he did take Celeste and her mom out for Breakfast. And he will get to spend time with her tomorrow as well.

 It is late and I am tired but I laid down to watch a movie and I got sleepy and ended up falling asleep. Cisco was scratching on the door to be let out and Nathan opened the door and it woke me up and I really thought that it was late but in fact just 8:30 pm so I was up and couldn't go back to sleep. But I am feeling a little tired now so I think that I will close for now and try to lay back down. It is nearly 2:00 am so I should be able to sleep. Tomorrow I can't have anything to eat, only fluids and lots of water until after my test. I will have Jonathan take me to get something to eat as soon as this test is over. Then again I will have nothing to eat but fluids again so there is no food in my digestive track for the endoscope on Tuesday morning. Thankfully that test will be done early.

 I finished my coloring page. I think that I will wait a few days before I start another one. Give my hands a chance to heal from the cramps lol.... I will try and crop it and post it soon. Take care and have a great week since I am not sure when I can post again. BB


1 comment:

  1. Your scrap page is lovely. I'm sure Emily will love it. As for the bathrobe, I love it! I wear my jammies and a robe all the time. Actually, I have more jammy sets now than outdoor clothes! Pogo gets nervous if I start to put on my outdoor clothes. He's afraid I'm going somewhere and leaving him behind. But my jammies are very comfy, so I'm okay with wearing them.

    Good luck with your test. Is it okay to go so long without food with diabetes? Take care of yourself.

    Pogo sends a big lick and a woof to Cisco. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.
