Saturday, April 9, 2016

Oh No Not Again!

 Hi Everyone,

 I don't have a page to share today. I have not been feeling well and scrapping is not happening at the moment. So instead I am posting "Dog Rules For Humans" and I can attest that Cisco approves of this list of rules! I am sure that your fur babies will as well.

 So I awoke this morning to a loud crack of thunder. Good thing that I shut down my pc last night. All I had to do was unplug it when the storm blew in and oh wow did it ever! I attempted to lay back down but it was not pleasant dreams as Cisco needed to go out and would only go out as far as he could to pee. He was not about to go OUT in the rain. He doesn't like Umbrellas either. So I made a pot of coffee and since the storm finally passed just enough that the danger of being struck by lightening had passed I turned my pc back on.  Coffee and online news.... That should have been peaceful right?

 No the neighbors are fighting AGAIN! I tuned it out for as long as I could, then I called the office and made a complaint, they stopped but then they were at it again an hour later so I bristled as I tried not to listen but then I heard a slap or a punch or something. Not sure who did what to who but I have a good guess.
 I called the police and made a report. I hated to do that, but it really stresses me out to hear all of this fighting going on. If it was an occasional argument I can get past that. Heck we have them here at our house too but this is not what this is. It is abusive.
 I have heard the woman tell him over and over to leave and then he is right back there. Today she was wanting her house key back and he told her he lost it. She told him she wanted her purse back and her money. I won't repeat what he said to that.
 I don't know their situation. I don't want to know what their situation is, but I don't want to keep listening to them fighting and I don't want to hear someone being abused. I don't even know if the people actually live in that apartment or are staying there temporarily or what, but someone there has kids and they certainly do not need to be a part of that either.
 I don't know if the police came, or if the office followed up on the complaint or what, but he is back and they are fighting yet again. I just heard him yelling as he is walking down the sidewalk. I guess that I will just have to wait and see if it starts up again. I guess he has left for the moment.

 I haven't had much rest even tho that is what I have been trying to do. I lay down but not resting as well as I would like. I think that my gallbladder is acting up. Something is bothering me plus I have some kind of cold bug that attacked me. Still have a temp off and on and just feel crappy,

 I guess that this wraps it up for today. I am going to lay back down and read for awhile and I am going to work on my coloring page as well. We have a challenge going on so I want to do the page for that. I am not sure if I will enter the challenge or not. It seems that the same people are winning and so what is the point? Lins has a new kit out called Wedding Day. And Heather has some new masks for us to work with. That should be interesting work. Not so sure about the wedding kit as I don't do well with wedding pages. Or food pages. I have a beautiful photo of my niece when she got married several years ago, but they are now divorced so I don't want to use it. I will find something or just scrap a fantasy wedding page. I am not in love with this kit. I don't care for the style but I am committed to do my best. When I feel up to it.
 Take care everyone and have a great weekend............. BB

1 comment:

  1. Pogo loves your Doggie Rules!!! He says to add one more rule. "I'm the boss!"

    It's sad about your neighbors. It's too bad the office and the police can't (or won't) do anything about the situation. It's not a fun way to live.

    I'm sad to hear that you are not feeling so good. Hope it passes quickly. Even if you don't enter your coloring page, post it here for us to enjoy.

    I enjoyed our chat last evening. Hopefully, Cisco will get his box today. Now I'm off to do a few things around here. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
