Thursday, April 21, 2016

Little and Big things.......... Arrrg

 Good Morning,

 I guess some things are just not meant to be. I was halfway finished with my blog post when I went to correct a word I had misspelled and poof..... the whole post was gone. It is so aggravating and I am not sure that I have the energy and certainly not the desire to redo the entire thing again. I had borrowed from the internet a photo and article depicting Harriet Tubman that will grace our currency in 2020. It was a great article too. Oh well.....

 Cisco woke me up this morning whimpering. I stumbled out of bed, grabbed my robe and his leash and opened the front door. It was not only raining, it was pouring. Oh he wanted nothing to do with that but I shut the door and pulled him out into the wet anyway. We both were not happy but he had to go and I knew he did so he finished quickly. Jonathan bought him some potty grass but he will not go near it.

 Foxy is sick. She is pooping blood and a visit to the vet resulted in a dose of Peptobismol. I know that this is misspelled but it was that word that had my post vanished so I am not going to try and fix it again. I guess that we will find out the results of her tests today sometime, but Karyn used the car last night and she picked Jon up for work while we were out. She is worried about Foxy and said that she will keep me posted on the details.

 This rain is becoming a HUGE problem for Central Texas and for us as well. We are considered South Central and if the storms move North East we are usually fine, but if it moves East we usually get some rain. But this is ridiculous.

 My grandson Adrian is 9 years old today. Happy Birthday Adrian. It is so hard to believe that he is 9 already and he shares his birthday with Queen Elizabeth as well. So Happy Birthday to Queen Elizabeth as she shares her 90th birthday.

 My week at Laurie's was very exhausting. The baby was sick with fever and throwing up. I was a grumpy Na-Na and I really regret that, but as sweet as they are, they do not listen at all. Adrian especially does not listen when I am talking to him and Cathy thinks that she is a little Diva and likes bossing everyone around. I told them both that they are not under any circumstances the boss of each other. I AM the BOSS and I guess they got the message because there were a lot of frowns.
 Their room was a disaster so Until it was cleaned to MY satisfaction they did not get to go and play with friends, have friends over, watch tv or anything. I told them that it was not my fault that it took them 4 days to clean their room. And it did take that long. I sat on the bed and watched them.

 I know that it is a good thing that kids get toys, but my gosh, those kids have entirely too much toys. They have so much that I gave them garbage bags and told them to fill em up. I went out to check on the baby and came back and they were putting trash in with the toys. I was highly ticked off and so I made them dump them all out and start over.  I had originally told them I was putting the bags out for the trash to collect. Tears were flowing, loud gasping sobs. They started cleaning the right way after that.

 And then of course was the food. I have never seen kids who eat the way that they do. They never stop. They are always starving and Laurie had lots of food in the fridge and pantry. Oranges, apples and banana's were gone in 2 days. 2 boxes, (Big boxes) were gone in 4 days. They were sneaking handful of cereal when I was either occupied with the baby or in the bathroom or what ever I was doing and they left the empty boxes. I don't get it. They are never denied food. But they acted like they were starving. Laurie and I talked about it and she said that when David is home they don't do that.
 He lets them have a fruit or yogurt or a sandwich or something when they get in from school and then they have dinner and then they have a snack before bedtime. But on weekends they can have what ever they want with in reason. I told Laurie that I was just stunned and she laughed and said Mom don't you remember that we did the same thing growing up? You went to the store everyday because the fruit you bought on Monday was gone on Tuesday. Well yes I do remember that!

 I was telling Karyn how concerned I was and she said "Mama they are having a growth spurt. This is normal because they are so active." and that is true too. Adrian is growing tall. Cathy too. I bought her a pair of Capri's the last time I was there and they are above her knees now. She and David just bought them new clothes in February and Adrian's jeans are above ankle length now.  Other than the cereal, the rest of what they ate was at least healthy for them. Good to know that they are not subjected to a lot of junk food. Candy for them is a real treat and they don't really care for it. They would rather have fruit or yogurts or cheese and peanut butter. So I guess that is better than what it could be. They are not over weight and have never had a cavity, so I guess I should stop worrying about that and worry about other things such as how they are so piggy with their rooms lol.

 The baby wanted me to hold him a lot which was unusual and I guess that was because he was sick. Normally he is a ball of energy. But this time around he just wanted to cuddle with me and so during the day we watched a lot of Sponge Bob Square pants (Which I totally can't stand) and some really good movies that I enjoyed with them. We watched Up which I loved. And Cars and Dolphin Tale. In the evenings Laurie and I watched the voice and after the kids was down for the night and the dinner dishes were done, I watched Forensic Files and 48 hours, 20/20 and Dateline. More tv than I normally watch in a year.

 I enjoyed it but at the same time I was totally exhausted. I missed my routine and my bed and Cisco. But just watching the kids with all of their energy was very tiring. No way can I live with my daughter. LOL.

 I didn't do a thing yesterday. I stayed in my room and slept and read and then last night I did a scrap page then I went back to bed after Jon took Cisco out and we went straight to sleep. So this wraps up today's news. Talk to you later and have a great day. BB

1 comment:

  1. Your new image is just lovely. Actually, it is quite peaceful. Very nice. I have to give you lots of credit for coping with all the chaos of energetic young children all this time.

    I'm all worn out after just a short time with my great grandchildren. Were my children really this full of energy? Yes, I guess they were, but I was so very young myself so I did not notice it much back then.

    I feel so bad that you and Cisco have to go outside in the wicked bad weather. Hopefully, he will decide to use his potty grass. Lately, I've just been putting down pee pads for Pogo. He doesn't really need the potty grass now. I wash them all the time, but they never quite loose the "Pogo Potty" odor. I wonder if one of these would encourage Cisco to go potty on it? (you know, another dog's smell)

    Today the weather here is simply gorgeous and Pogo and I are going out to do a couple errands. I hope the rain in Texas stops real soon. Do you suppose the government will ever get smart and start building water pipelines? Just think of all the fires that could have been put out with all that rain water that is flooding your state.

    Ah well, time for me to get dressed. You and Cisco have a super day. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.
