Thursday, August 3, 2017

I Digi Scrapped Today!!!

 Living Water, made with the beautiful kit Bohemian Life by Rosie H. The water fall and the woman was found on google free images a while back. Thank You for looking... and I also have another one for you as well...

 This one is called Dark Beauty. This is the latest kit that Rosie H made and it is so beautiful I think.  This image is also from a free site on Google. I just typed in free images and made a folder for all of my free images. I have free images from another lady that I really enjoy and her name is Caroline Blue. I haven't seen anything new of hers in a while so I need to go on a search and see what she has out now. But I love her images. I also have Pixaby and  Bing free images as well. I make sure that they are free or I don't get them. Once or twice I have contacted a designer for permission, but not often. One lady told me that I can use any and all of hers with no credit, but the last time that I went over I some how managed to get a virus so I don't go there anymore....

 Oh I got a care package in the mail today from Miss Edna.... Thank You so much. I had a giggle...  I also meant to thank you when I called to check on Pogo this evening but I knew you were busy and I was on my way out the door to go and visit Karyn. It is  a good thing that I called because she had just left to go and visit a friend that was feeling down, so I didn't go.
 You should be getting your little thing from me soon. Warning, It is small!!!! Your such a sweet heart to think of me this way. You always seem to know what I need and I was telling Karyn yesterday, You know Karyn I love Edna with all of my heart.  She smiled and said Mom it is evident that she has a big place in your heart. I am so glad that you have a great friend. Ohhh so am I...

 Other than working on my photos and trying to find a way to open them from my email has been the most time consuming thing that I have done today. Something is still wrong with it. There is a program that comes with Windows 10 or  I am guessing it might come with Windows 10 and I can't figure out a way to get rid of it. I never had it before. None of the help icons comes up with any answers to my problem.
 The problem is...:
 If I try to save a photo that comes to me in my email I use to be able to right click and save it to the folder of my choice.
 Now it says Open with Pixlr Express. Well even if I do that it still will not allow me to save the picture. It says share or set as slide show or put in an album but that is as far as I can go. I am at my wits end.
 I have gone looking to uninstall it but it says "Not Found" and for the life of me I don't know where this came from. One day all was fine, the next day when I went to save a photo this thing came up and it is driving me batty.
 If I download it, I still cannot open it without this Pixlr  Express. I can't even drag it over to where I want it.
 Stranger still, my file button on my start up menu is gone. Totally disappeared. So I can't even make a folder unless I put it on my desk top. Praise Be that I have the rest of everything backed up on my external hard drive so I just plug that in and work from there. But it is really annoying to have to do it this way. I should just be able to right click and save!

 So Cisco has a warm nose. He got out of his bed and pawed my bed. I gave in and put him in my bed. Now he has my freshly made bed scrunched up the way he likes it and is under the comforter. He hasn't felt well today. I think that we are both trying to come down with a cold. Cisco sneezed a lot last night and today. I put my hand out for him to lick it. It is supposed to reverse the sneezing process so he can catch his breath. That really does work. I tried to play with him but he just took his little donkey and went to his bed and laid down with it.
 But I have felt like I am trying to catch a cold too. I was so cold last night that I turned off my fan and put on my long sleeved gown and a extra blanket. When I did wake up later on to go to the bathroom I was hot so if I had fever, it was long gone and I turned the fan on and put on a cooler night gown.

 I was talking to a friend today around 3:00 pm and told her I was going out so I needed to get dressed. Oh my word... she said "It's in the middle of the afternoon, why are you not dressed"? Well I don't get dressed unless I have to go out. I have had so many surgeries that pants rub my incisions and causes me to have pain. I am mostly comfortable in my gowns or my pj's and if I am not going out, what is the difference? I don't have to get dressed. That is the beauty of not working anymore. I can do as I please during the day.. Besides I have seen and I mean this in the truest sense of the word, my gowns are more modest than some of the clothes that I have seen people wearing to Walmart. My pants are not sagging past my butt and I am covered from top of me to past my knees and I am comfortable.

 Oh I have something to share with you today. Make sure that you read it all the way thru and then follow the directions and read it again....

 I hope that you enjoy this. It is all in the way that we perceive things. Negative and positive. I choose positivity when I can.

 It was really over cast today. Jonathan said that it was raining this morning when he went to work. Cisco did not want to go out but he finally did because he had to go potty. By 4:00 pm the sun was in full force and it was 95 degrees out here today. I did get dressed and walked next door and got a small sandwich. It was really hot and uncomfortable. I am so ready for Autumn.

 Ohhh Gosh I cannot believe that I forgot to mention this. I talked to my son yesterday and he is getting his son for Christmas this year. So in October my son is buying my airline ticket and flying me out to Tucson to visit for Christmas. I haven't seen my grandson since he was 3 months old. This is going to be so very special for all of us.
 I got a text message from Sarah today telling me that she and Matt talked about me coming out and she said that she wanted me to feel welcome and that I should treat there home as my home while I am there. Awww... add she said that she wanted to meet me. I want to meet her too. She is a hard worker and she is training to be a Border Patrol Officer. I am so proud of her. She really wants this and works really hard to make this come true for her.
 And I cannot wait to see my little boy. He isn't so little now tho. He will be 9 in September. I will have a photo album for him with all of his baby pictures and of me and him and Bandit. My dog Bandit was so protective of him from the day that we brought him home from the hospital.

 Ok this is it for me tonight. It is almost midnight. I was going to try and go to bed early but I know me too well. Nathan had to work a double and so he didn't get home until after 11:00 pm tonight. I have to know that my chicks are in the nest before I can sleep. So now that he is home, I am hoping that I can sleep....

 Sweet dreams to everyone on my end.... Have a super Friday! HUGS to all..... BB

1 comment:

  1. First, how is Cisco today? Pogo sends him extra woofs and a big lick. Here's hoping that he's back to his perky self again.

    As for getting dressed, I don't get dressed either unless I'm going out somewhere. Why do I have to? I'm much more comfortable in my lounging pajamas.

    Wow, what a wonderful Christmas present you're getting from your son. It will be awesome to see your little grandson again.

    I'm glad your little package arrived. I thought maybe you could tuck some of it away for one of those "end of the month" days. I always tuck a few of these away too. Just in case!

    I don't know how to fix your computer problem, but I hope the guys at Best Buy can. Good luck with it.

    Now I'm off to post on my own blog. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
