Thursday, May 11, 2017

Not One But Two...

 Hello Everyone,

 Meet the newest member of my brother James's miniature donkeys. We have been waiting to find out what the sex is and it is a BOY!!!! No name yet.
 He was born 10 days after my brother passed away. He was waiting anxiously for this little one to be born and I hope that he is looking down from above to see his baby.
 No name yet but in the running is... Elmer... which would fit my brothers sense of humor... He loved Elmer Fudd.... My suggestion is Bo and the last is Tuck... I think that I like Tuck best of all but my niece will name him and she will probably come up with something totally different!
 We have another due to be born any time now. In the next couple of weeks. This little guy was promised by my brother if he was a boy to his best friend as they are in need of some females so we are hoping the next baby will be a girl.  Somethings are just so bittersweet that it makes me smile and cry at the same time.

 This next page is done with a kit from my friend Rosie. It is called Tattered Teal. I love it. The tattered edges and whisper of days gone by.
 My sisters are doing ancestry from my moms side of the family. I found out that my Great Grandfather came from Scotland and my Great Grandmother was born in Ireland but moved in her youth to Wales. Sooo interesting blood there. Also some family (Distant) very distant is sending my sister letters and some things from Scotland as a lot of the family is still there.

 I love history. I have never been much into Family History but with both sisters into it I am finding out all sorts of things. So I am getting a bit more interested. I would love to read the letters and journals... That means a lot to me. Not sure what the packet will contain but I will hope that I can sit down and read some of the papers and letters. I am excited to see what she will get in the mail.

 So on Saturday and Sunday Karyn and I was out and about here around the complex and then we did a fast run to the Pad Thai restaurant and let Jonathan experience the delicious food. That was on a Saturday. On Sunday we just sort of hung around here and Matt came to give his mama a big hug and kiss before he flew back to Arizona. After that I just kind of read and took a shower and went to bed early.
 Good thing too because on Monday Karyn had to take Nathan to work so we stopped by our favorite little German place for some Kalache's. While Nathan and Karyn was BAD ordering a Blueberry Cheesecake and a Cherry filled Kalache I had a small sausage and cheese and a cup of coffee. I am still working hard on my diet!

 Then dropped Nathan off to work and she and I headed to Wells Branch to the library. It is really nice but a few pros and cons. First off it is not affiliated with Austin Public Library. So that means that I will have to get a new card for the main branch. Here are some pics. I didn't have time to crop them and the sun was really bright but it is really a nice library except that they are very limited on books. I only checked out 2 as they are due back in 2 weeks. No point in checking out more than I can read.

This is the front of the Library. I wanted to crop up the roses as they are such a pretty color. I will work with them later on.

 Walking up the garden path. You cannot see all of the reading benches and the bird baths and the birds. WOW amazing birds...

 And this little guy has a buddy also reading a book... All in all it was a fun day.

 Then off to the grocery store. By the time that we reached there I wasn't feeling too well. I got some of what I needed but not all and had Karyn take me home. I dropped my books on my nightstand and laid down.
 When I awoke I was running to the bathroom. Stomach virus! or Food Poisoning. Not sure which. But it had me down until about midnight last night. I woke up around 9:30 last night feeling better. Shaky still but better and today I have felt really good for the most part.
 I didn't do much. Just piddled around doing a little of this and that. Plus I have caught Jonathan's cold so it is a good thing I stocked up on Kleenex tissues.

 So that is my news. Not much of it I am afraid. I am going to see what I have snatched from the internet for my stash and head to bed. It is after midnight and I am finally getting tired...

 This was in one of my oldies but Goodies things on the web, I don't remember these little guys but perhaps some of you might... worth a try.

 Can you see the faces on this pretty girl or uhhhh guy??? I love animal markings. They are so unique.

 I am not ok with this either.... I hope that if and when the time comes for a new fur baby that you will consider adoption. How cruel to keep a mother in a cage just to breed.... Where is the justice in these kind of things. Why do we even allow this to happen... I am sure I have shared it before but it never hurts to share again...
 And I know that I have also shared the next one as well, but sometimes we all need a reminder....

 A good reminder for our feathered friends.... Please don't toss out bread. It is bad for them. They cannot digest it properly and it can make them sick...

 Thanks everyone for stopping by and have an awesome week.... BB


  1. Good to see you posting again. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling so good. What about that food poisoning? Where do you suppose you got that from?

    I agree, I think keeping these breeding moms in cages all their lives is horrid. Keep in mind though, the dads are kept in cages too. My Pogo lived in one for six and a half years before I got him. Now the only time he has to go into something small is when we fly on an airplane. And only as long as necessary. I take him out of his carrier as often as I can.

    I'm beginning to perk up a bit more now. Yeah!!! It's been so long and I'm itching to be able to drive my car and get out for a bit with Pogo. The poor little guy hasn't been for a car ride since Florida.

    Now I'm off to work a bit more on a baby blanket. Give Cisco a big hug from Pogo. Feel better and have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. That Library looks so nice, well, the garden of it at least. When the weather is good, it could be so nice to sit there for a while.
    Oh my, where did you get that food poisining from? I know you can feel terribly sick from it, not any fun to it! appy to hear your are over it already.
    I am so puzzled why so many people feel low or not well, already from beginning this year or even earlier and that it takes such a long time to get up on your feet again. Is it because were get a bit older? No I don;t think it is only we(the little bit older ones) that have the problem. So what is it then? Don't know, the only think do know is that I want to get rid of it and feel rather well and really "me"again soon.
    Those donkeys are soooo cute! Oh yeas, am sure your brother is smiling upon them from his place above.
    Family history can be very interesting. It is still kind of hard to find things out, is it? I have tried a bit on my family (from mother's side) but couldn;t find a lot.
    Perhaps I had too little facts to begin with.

    I do agree that is is aweful to keep dogs (or any animal) in cages just for breeding. it isn;t the right way to do it and to treat animals. If they did the same to us, how would we feel then? ot good either, so why do some people do such aweful things? Is it really just for the money? YAK.
    Okay, I should try to write a little post on my blog now, otherwise people might think I am gone completely LOL!
    Have a lovely day and week ahead, Beth, take care of yourself.
