Saturday, May 20, 2017

Happy Saturday!

This is an older scrap page that I did a couple of years ago. All of the dolls came from Kyra's kits and the rest is just bits and bobs from here in there. The little girl was found on a free site. Do you remember playing dress up as a little girl? This is one of my first scrap challenges and it is so odd but another lady did her challenge page with the same image. I lost these dolls when my computer crashed. I was hoping to get them back from Krya but I have never come across them again. I really loved that kit and wished I could remember what it was called.

 So a kind of boring but exciting week last week. A friend of mine stopped over on Mother's Day to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. That was exciting to me. I hadn't seen him in a few months so it was a nice surprise.
 Other than that I have just been hanging out here at home. Reading and crocheting and just piddling around the house. I swept off the patio on Thursday and right after I did it, it was so hot that I came in and took a shower to cool off. Then I heard the lawn men out and they blew all of the debris back onto my patio. Well it can stay there a few more days.
 It has been so very hot that all of us are miserable. Even in the North East, they are having a heat wave, or were. Perhaps their spring will return this week. I am afraid that our spring is over. We just jumped straight into summer.
 It is strange tho because  I am thinking that I am hearing thunder in the distance. We are supposed to get storms but I thought that they would come in later tomorrow.

 Tomorrow is dentist day. I go back to the oral surgeon tomorrow. One more tooth gone and that will leave me with 6. Then my insurance rolls over and I can have 3 more done and then in September another 3 then I can work on my dentures. This has been so time consuming. I wish I could have just had them all pulled at once but my insurance doesn't work that way.

 Oh yep it is thundering. A big boom just rumbled thru. I think that Cisco is losing his hearing. He hasn't moved at all, not even with the big one. I was sleeping so good when Nathan woke me up bringing Cisco to my bed. We cuddled a bit and then he got his spot and he went straight to sleep and I am awake. Since 2:30 am. I hope that after I finish my blog that I can go back to sleep.

 Karyn and I went out for a burger tonight. We had a gourmet burger and split it since it was so big, and fries and I had a margarita. It was one of the better house margarita's that  I have had in a long time. Then we went to Walmart. Oh talk about crowded. She really didn't want to go I don't think because she said that she doesn't feel safe in Walmart. She asked if I did and I said "As safe as any where else". No place is really safe anymore.
 I got to look around a little. It felt good to get out of the house. I signed up for this Ride With A Senor program but they forgot to pick me up. Somehow there was a mix up in the scheduling. I will give it another shot later on in June. I don't have the money now to go and do the rest of the things that they are planning to do.

 Well I have to wrap this up and shut down the computer. We now have some lightening. So let me look inside my goody folder and see what I can find.

 This one sounds good. Let stuff hit someone else. I am tired of it getting aimed at me haha.

 This one is more personal to me. I am angry at someone and I started to say something on Facebook but I didn't and then I came across this. It was the perfect something for me at that time but isn't this true? When a lot of people know what is going on in your life, especially your troubles then they think that they can come into your life and all that does is make it harder for you with more added stress. For once I am going to Thank who ever posted this because I needed it.

 My girlfriend is coming next week end. I am the frog on the left!!! I know that this is just how we are going to act. She is a NUT but I love her. A practical joker too. She can always get me. Most of the time she really surprises me and I am at a loss for words. Brenda is something else and I am getting more and more excited.

 Sharing one more then I really have to shut down. More lightening....

This one is for all of us.... When you think that you can't go on.... when you think that your at your wits end... Remember this....

 See isn't this the truth... we all have days when we think that we are alone but we get thru them...
 Have a fabulous weekend... BB


  1. That scrappaghe looks lovely! I don;t know if I still have the kit with the dolls.
    If I knew the name of it, I could see. But perhaps have some other dolls in my stash that you would like. will try to find some time to send you some.Could take some time but one day it should happen, hey?
    Sorry to hear that it takes such a long time before you can go for the denture. Real pain that your insurance cannot cover for getting out all your theeth at one time. Or at least at a quicker pace in "batches". You just will have to endure and oh, you will feel good if you have your denture at last.
    It will be good for you that your girlfriend is coming, sp you can have some good laughs together. It will cheer you up.
    Take care dear,

  2. I agree with Kyra about the dentist trips. I think it's a real shame how insurance does this to folks. One shouldn't have to go a whole year with all your teeth missing. It'll be good when it's finally done and over with.

    I'll have a look through my old kits from Kyra to see if I can find the name of the kit you are looking for.

    We had a bit of thunder a couple nights in a row, but nothing much came of it. We do have much cooler temps now.'s either too hot to go outside or too cool to enjoy being outside. Somehow we just can't win. Seasons just don't seem the same anymore like they used to be.

    I'm hoping to make it to Walmart today. The cupboard is beginning to look a bit bare these days.

    Enjoy your visit with your friend. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Cisco. You have a great day my friend, hugs, Edna B.
