Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Bittersweet Memories and Scrap Pages....


 It has been a few days since I last posted. A lot has been going on, but not too much. In fact I have been sleeping and when I am not sleeping I have been working on some scrap pages for my friend Lins.

 This page above is one that I did for my friend Ri. Her birthday was on the 9th and I had it done a few days earlier. I just couldn't post it because it was a surprise for her. But now that her birthday is over and she has seen it, I am posting it.

 My brother has cancer. It is bad and I am very worried about him. We knew that the tumor in his kidney was cancer, but it has spread. It is now spread to the bones, his neck, spine and I don't know where else. We will know more on Wednesday after the tests are done. I have so many memories of my brother James. They have started him on a chemo pill that is supposed to help at least to slow the cancer down. Why they didn't do chemo and radiation after his lung surgery we just don't know. The doctor kept saying We got it all, there is no need, but my sister in law said that this new doctor said anytime there is lung cancer that it is in the blood and  there should have been chemo. Anyway I am going to be spending what time that I can with him. Karyn is a Godsend to me that is for sure. She is helping me in so many ways. Keeping me sane for the most part and keeping me from falling apart.

 I have been sleeping a lot. I have needed it I try to sleep at night but it seems that is when I am awake the most. I toss and turn and toss some more. I have been to bed about 3 times and finally I have just given up sleeping. I don't like it when I sleep the way that I do. Fits and starts but today I really needed it. Hopefully as soon as I finish this blog post I can actually sleep. Cisco keeps deserting me. One minute he wants to be with me and the next he wants to be with Nathan. I am sure that when Nathan goes to bed Cisco will wind up with me. I was lucky today and got lots of cuddles and kisses, He knows that my heart is hurting with thoughts of my brother. I can't imagine what he is going thru right now.

 I had blood work drawn today and I will find out the results when I go back to the doctor on Thursday. It is time for my annual and so I will be seeing my Primary Care Doctor. I have ran out of one of my medications and I really need it but for some reason she will not refill it until I see her. Why is this? If I have been on the medication for this long, why can't she just refill the prescription without making me come in for an appointment?

 Sorry to be crabby, I am just tired and ready for some sleep, so on that note I am headed to bed. I turned the air down as I was so hot. I know that Jonathan is always cold and he will get up in the morning and turn it back up. I will wake up sweating I am sure. It is hard when one of us is hot nature'd and the other cold nature'd but we make do I guess.

 I hope that the weather warms up for everyone that is wanting sunshine and warm temps. We are supposed to be getting rain but so far the alerts have been wrong. No rain for us. We could sure use it. I would even be happy to have a nice cold front, but for us the spring temps have left us and hot muggy air is here. It was 87 here today. When I went to the doctor today I was happy that they had the air conditioning on and it was cool.

 Sweet dreams to all that are sleeping. I hope to be sleeping soon myself... On that note I will say good night and good morning to those just starting there day... Hugs to all.... BB

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now catching up on my blog reading. For some reason, Blogger won't let me upload photos or post my new post today. Yeesh! It's always something nowadays with Blogger!!!

    Take your sleep whenever you can. That's what I do. Hopefully, the hours will even out and you'll be able to sleep at night.

    Today we are having another simply gorgeous day, so Pogo and I are going to spend some time outdoors and on the porch.

    I hope the doctors are able to find some relief for your brother. I feel so bad for you now. I lost my brother to cancer.

    Hang in there kiddo. Give Cisco extra hugs and kisses from us. Try to rest, hugs, Edna B.
