Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Christmas Layout 2017

  Wishing Everyone A Wonderful Holiday Season

 Hi everyone,
 Well it is a gorgeous day here. Not to hot or cold, the sun is shining and I am happy with that.
 I can't believe that Christmas is just a few days away. I wish that things were a bit cooler for this time of year, but I cannot complain overly much as we did get snow and that is a very rare event here for us!

 My son Matthew took me out on Sunday to The Trail Of Lights. We were both very disappointed and the parking cost, and then we were so far away that we hired one of those pedicabs to take us up to the drop off point. That was expensive as well. $20.00 plus a tip and if we had known that the drop off point was as close as it was we would have just walked. 
 Once we got there we were stunned by the amount of people in the line. It went all the way to the street and it was 3 lines deep. We estimated about 2 thousand people. In another line was a zip line. Those with a zip pass didn't have to wait and they could go right in. The announcer said that it would be another hour before they would start letting people in and only 100 at a time. Well we decided to wait. I had my walker and I could sit but I knew Matt was getting tired as he had worked all day so I stood a bit and let him use my walker to sit. We didn't make much progress in the line but we did finally get out of the street. 
 I took some pictures but none of them turned out at all. I think that the lights were so bright and the perimeters were so pretty, at least what we could see. Then the announcer said that it would be about another 45 minutes to an hour before they opened our line again and I told Matthew that it would be closing before we could even get in and we should just go.
 He didn't want to but finally after another half hour he said "I'm sorry mom but maybe we should go." I agreed. I was getting really tired by this time and could not believe how little the line had moved. So we started walking back to our car.
 All was not lost tho. On the way back we stopped to chat with some people, then I spotted a couple with a gorgeous dog. He was a cross between a large poodle and a Cocker Spaniel.  He was decked out with a glow in the dark necklace of orange and just so sweet. I got to pet him and love on him and he liked that a lot. His name was Bubba. I wish my Cisco would behave so I can take him places. 
 We stopped at a shop that had hot chocolate and other drinks and food. I chose the Chai Tea Latte and it was sugar free but I could add splenda if I wanted so I said yes thank you and she used a special soy or rice milk instead of regular milk and no whipped cream. It turned out to be delicious. And I was able to have a treat and stick to my diet. 
 Plus I got a Christmas Hug from my Barista. I couldn't beat that in a million years. I told her I would be coming back and she said "I welcome you back." I told Matt on his next time off to let's go back and visit. He agreed. They were closing and we said that we would just go ahead and leave and she asked what it was that we needed and Matt told her just a drink for his mom and she said, "Oh if it is for your mom name your drink and she wouldn't even let us pay her for it. 
 Now what a girl. Her name was Chris and she had part of her hair in purple, red and green! Short on the sides and a long braid in the back of multiple colors. She had a lot of ear rings and piercings so she was definitely one of the Keep Austin Weird people but she was super nice. It isn't my style but I admire people that have the courage to express themselves. 
 From their it was just a short walk to our car. So even tho we didn't make it into the park, I still enjoyed the night.... at least until I got home.

 About an hour after I got home, I got really sick to my stomach and had to run to the bathroom most of the night. Last night I ended up sleeping a lot off and on. Jonathan came home early as he now has the bug. I have my bedroom door shut. I will stay in my room so I am not exposed to it again. 
 I wonder where I picked it up at. I was at several different places that day. The grocery store, the library, the pharmacy and a couple of other places. So no telling where I came into contact with it but am better today.

 I took Cisco out this morning and he was not a good boy. Their was a man and he went crazy trying to get to him. The man leaped up the stairs like a super hero. I told him, he is all bark but I understand why you would want to get away from him. He said I don't trust any dog, especially the ankle biters.

 Oh and I was telling Miss Edna the other day how well Cisco has hung on to his teeth. Then after we hung up I decided to remake my bed and found one of his teeth in my bed, so I am guessing that he is going to start losing them now. Poor little guy. I will have his vet take a look in February when he goes in.

 So this just about wraps it up for me. I have dishes to be done so I will close for now and wish everyone a great day and rest of the week... BB


  1. What a shame that after all that time and money you didnt get to see the trail of lights as planned and your photos never came out I was looking forward to seeing them but I know myself how hard it is when the lights not right do you think you would try going again. hope your over the bug now, not very nice for you. look after yourself x

    1. Hi,
      It is too late for us to get the zip pass. The sale is over and it would cost way to much to pay for the regular price. The free general admission is over right now and they close on the 23rd so not this year but now we know where to park and we know about the zip line pass we will get them early for next year.
      I was disappointed to. I think that one of the reasons is that I didn't have my camera on the right setting. I have it set on automatic but I should go in and adjust that.
      I am off to read your blog now. Thank you for stopping by. xx

  2. Oh gosh, what a shame you couldn't get in to see the lights. I'm surprised that they did not have a special line up front of the line for folks with walkers and wheel chairs. At Disney World, you would have been taken right up to the front of the line. Keep that in mind if you and Karyn decide to go to Disney.

    Poor Cisco. I hope he keeps at least enough of his teeth to chew his food or you're going to have to cook him soft foods and cut it all up nice and small - teeny tiny pieces so he doesn't choke.

    Here's hoping that Jonathan gets better really soon. This is not a good time for folks to be getting sick. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. You have a super night, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Hi,
      I know that we were disappointed not being able to get in but I don't think that they took in consideration for handicapped people. Not there anyway but I could be wrong.

      Oh I will make sure that Cisco gets soft food. For breakfast he had a scrambled egg in his food and seemed to enjoy that. Of course he loves food so feeding him will not he a problem. I also boil chicken leg quarters and rice and after it cools I put it in little plastic zip lock bags and just have to thaw it out for him. He really loves it and I do it often for him. He can still crunch the apples and carrots lol and his bones.
      Jonathan must be better as he was up and went to work. He came home yesterday and slept the clock around then some. So perhaps sleep helped him fight off the bug.
      I will chat with you soon. Hugs, xx
