Friday, December 23, 2016

Wow It Has Been A Week

 Isn't this gorgeous??? It is a card made for me from a friend that I received this morning. My friend Rosie is so talented and she and I are both Cardinal lovers so she did this card for me. She actually draws her own birds! Isn't she amazing? Aren't those Cardinals amazing? She draws other animals as well. I just love her kits because she really puts a lot of herself into them.

 Well as usual, there isn't much news to share. It is misty out this morning with a slight fog. It will burn off today and our high is supposed to be 70. W do have 96% humidity so that is good for my plants. I set them out yesterday, the living Christmas tree and the cactus, and my Ivy and the other plant that I have no idea what it is but I love it.
 Th directions say that as long as it does not get below 45 degrees then they can be outside. Our low was 51 so I hope that they are going to be alright.

 Well my son is off to work and I am home for the rest of the day with just Cisco and myself. He deserted me last night and when I got up this morning he and Nathan was sound asleep side by side. I should have gotten a picture of that! But I was too busy getting my first cup of coffee lol. That is the first thing that I do in the mornings. Flip on the coffee pot and go out to feed the birds. By the time that is done I am pouring my first cup and taking it to my room and turn on the computer to see what I have missed in during the night. I really do like my routine!

 Yesterday was pretty hard on me. The night before my sugar dropped pretty low. It was a sudden drop. No warning at all. Thankfully Nathan was here and he got me some juice and some crackers and cheese and I had that and it came back up, but then yesterday morning I tested and it was really low again. So I had a fruit cup and some toast. (Then I had my coffee). I was ok for awhile but I tested off and on and ate according to my testing. Then last night I hit bottom again. I am not sure what is going on with this. I haven't changed anything so I am a bit puzzled by it all.
 This morning I was at a good range and had a bowl of oatmeal. I hate oatmeal. But I really didn't want to cook any eggs or anything. I have some Pumpkin Harvest soup that I will have for lunch today with a half of a turkey sandwich. That should keep me going.

 During the times that I felt well, I sat down and scheduled 3 of my doctor appointments with the ride transportation that I use. I have one more to schedule but I can't schedule that one until the first of January. They only do 30 days in advance. It is a pain sometimes because instead of them keeping a data base with all of my information and doctors that I use, I have to give them my insurance ID number, my address, phone number, special directions such as the gate code and then I have to give them the name of the facility, the address, the name of the doctor, the phone number, the reason for the visit and then I have to wait for them to process all that information then they give me my confirmation number. So it is time consuming so I do multiple appointments so I don't have to keep going thru the automated system and wait ten years for them to answer my call. I just get them all together and make one phone call and schedule them all at one time. It is much easier this way.

 Then after I did that I hung my calendars up for 2017. I have a large desk calendar that I bought that has big squares on it and a place to write notes and such. I already have 3 squares filled in for January for 2 of my appointments and the information for the one that I have on the 29th of December. I have one more item to put on it for my Podiatry appointment on the 27th. That is the one that I have to wait until the first of the year to schedule with the ride transportation. I have the card up as well so that I don't forget it.

 Ohhh My I am getting so excited. Christmas is almost here! The magic of Christmas. Even my kids are getting a bit of the Spirit, as Jonathan was humming Jingle Bells last night. I laughed and shook my head. It was pretty awesome. I have my gifts on a little table. I was going to put them on the bar with my cards, but it started getting really crowded and I need to wipe the bar down. I didn't put out any Christmas decorations this year. I really don't have the room for them. I can't use my dining table as I did last year because it is in constant use this year. At the other place everyone used the other table that I had, but when we moved we didn't bring it with us. We only brought what we really wanted as this place is smaller. But I sure like this one better. It has been a good move for us.

 I just took Cisco out and it is really misty out there and still foggy. I am wondering if the weather is correct because it certainly does feel gloomy outdoors. Cisco doesn't like to get his paws wet. He looked back at me as if to say... "You want me to go out in that?"  I told him, "Sorry buddy but it is what it is. I know the ground is wet but if you gotta go you better do it now." So he decided he better go. I usually don't take him out anymore these days but Nathan was running late to work and I know that he must have forgot to do it.

 So like I said, not much is going on here. Just waiting for Santa to come tomorrow night and then Christmas Day we will have our Christmas and then start cooking. I will take the ham out to defrost tomorrow night. I put it in the lower part of the refrigerator already to give it a head start. It isn't to large so it will thaw fine. It is already fully cooked but I still put it in the oven.
 I have 2 small gifts left to wrap and I am done. Just waiting on the countdown to start!

 I will let you go for now. I am not sure if I will be back until after Christmas so I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year and many Blessings for 2017... BB


  1. Your card is gorgeous! Such a wonderful talent your friend has! Gosh, your weather sounds like music to my ears. Although I really shouldn't complain. Our temps are in the low to mid 40's. That is super for this time of year.

    Yesterday I was busy finishing the wrapping for my daughter Dee Dee's family, and today I'll have to finish wrapping the Santa gifts to put under our tree out in the main part of the house. The dwarfs will be disappointed if Santa doesn't bring them something. (I don't really think they all deserve it, but then Santa is very forgiving!)

    It's rather gray outside, and I believe we have rain coming. Tomorrow should be around 37 degrees, but sunny. I'm just glad it's not three feet of snow!

    Now I need to get busy and get wrapping and do a bit of dusting and run the vacuum. You and your family have a blessed Christmas. Pogo sends woofs and a big lick to Cisco. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. What a strange drop of your sugar rate But I know it can happen, not that that makes it good LOL Glad you had nathan there to look after you and I am glad it all seems to be on good level again.
    Today(here it is Christmasday 10 o'clock morning)you will be busy with all the cooking Be careful to not overdo things, you might be paying the price later and we don;t want it So take good care of yourself. But enjoy it to the full and I am sure the dinner will be fantastic.
    I will start preparations this afternoon too and then will get all nervous by the time Jan will come home again, because then we will look at our presents
    will be fun.
    The card of your friend is wonderful! And yes, you can see she is a very talented lady.
    Okay, now I will get me something to drink and a bit later something to eat, little sandwich or cracker, just to have something in the stomach and I will take another sandwich later today Must keep that up and then this evening we will have our dinner(and we will have the same tomorrow, because i have more than enough, oh, how easy is that?)
    Merry Christmas again
