Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Dreary Sky

 Hello To All,

 The sky looks gray and gloomy, dreary and dark but it is only 57 degrees outside with a low tonight of 44 so it isn't all that bad. It looks colder than it really is. It reminds me of Hot Chocolate time but it isn't quiet the right time just yet.

 This scrap page is for my dear friend Karen and her daughter. They really look so much alike. I surprised her with this page the other day. I wish that I could afford an international phone plan so I could talk to my friends on the phone. It is possible with Facebook but not everyone including me really wants everyone to see each other. I know that I don't! Still got some dental work to do before I can go there.

 So last week I took a peek, okay more than a peek at the trees and was amazed at how green they were for the most part. Yesterday morning I stepped outside and went Whoa! Most of the leaves are yellow now and barely hanging on. A good wind will send them tumbling to the ground. A sad venture for me as I will miss them as I walk outside. But it is that time of year where the trees need their sleep and I can look forward to the re-birth of the new.

 I missed feeding my birds this morning. I over slept and was just walking into the bathroom when my driver called and said he was outside. He was early. Almost a half hour early but I told him he would have to wait and I threw on my clothes and headed once again out the door as fast as I could. This particular company is going to make for darn sure that your at your appointment on time. Much better than the last one that use to come and collect me. I hope that I can keep this one but the insurance that pays this service will send the first available transportation that they have to get me so it is not a guarantee that this service will always come to get me.

 Anyway I have a few things that I need to work on. My diabetes is first and foremost. My A1c went from a 7 to an 8.2..... that is a little high for a 3 month average but I know by talking to my doctor (Which I had a great gut feeling and good impression of ) and the Nutritionist that I seen today that I actually was able to identify a couple of culprits.
  Mainly my fruit... Oh now I love fruit. I usually have some kind every day, but I don't over do it usually but she wants me to cut my fruit intake into half and limit it to only 2 or 3 days a week.
 It is because it is a natural sugar that stays in the body much longer. I was surprised as my other doctor told me that a serving say a banana in the morning with breakfast was fine. So I usually had a banana every day. I see her point now that she showed me how slowly they digest and if eaten with a cereal even tho it is a good one with grain say a Bran flakes, the cereal still has hidden sugars. So it just adds to the problem.
 So the new diet plan is to have it more protein than carbs.... So I can have a veggie  omelet and a half banana and then the next day I can have cereal and that should be enough. I can still have my coffee and everything.
 I am signing up for the classes as so much has changed. Research is coming a long long way in diabetes. She took me off that horrible pill I was on and just added 10 units to my sliding scale with each meal so that is doable along with 10 minutes of exercise after each meal.
 But I have to get it down because even tho my one remaining kidney is functioning normally, the high sugars are spilling protein into my urine. That is scary so I am going to work really hard to stay on track better.

 Blood pressure excellent, cholesterol and triglycerides are down a lot. Vitamin B looks good as well as Vitamin D... She is in agreement with my pain management and my other doctors so I was pleased. You know what really impressed me about this doctor is that she actually listened. She didn't interrupt me, she didn't blow me off and she said... I work for you and not the other way around. If you ever need me I am here.

 Ok so enough about doctors and tests.... I want to tell you that while I was waiting on some lab tests to come back they told me to go and have lunch if I wanted.
 This is a strip mall so many shops to explore. They had a Kolachie place with lots of pastry so that is no good, a Chinese place which is a big no no for me and a Smoothie store with lots of fruit so I had to pass that one up and on the end is a small Mexican place. So that is where I chose to go. I ordered the beef  Toastado but in a child's size.. I told the server just to put half of what normally comes on it other than the lettuce, onions, tomato's and cilantro. It looks much bigger in the photo than it actually was and I didn't even finish it all. Plus I had the choice for either coffee or Iced Tea with the meal. That was a great deal to. So for less than $5.00 I had a great lunch.

The server was very friendly as well and so I left her a $2.00 tip. I made my way slowly back to the clinic taking my time to peek into a few of the shops and it was well timed. My latest labs were back and then my ride showed up 10 minutes later.

 It was really a great time for me to get in that bit of exercise as well. Once home I stripped and put on some comfortable clothing and have just been here working on my blog after reading a couple of blog posts.

 I had a great conversation last night with the owners of my support group. What wonderful and kind ladies. I will check in with that group a little later on. We connected so easily and so fast and it was really a wonderful conversation. So I am looking forward to more delightful conversations and discussions.
 Someone brought up Medical Marijuana as a discussion. I have such mixed views on that subject that I am just going to read it and see what it was about but some of the things that I caught was that it really is not much help to the group that has tried it. It is not legal here so I don't have to worry about it.

 I have a set of cards to get ready for the mail. That is really all that I have to do at the moment. I will also write a couple of letters to a few friends and put into their cards but that is really all I have to do.

 My floors are so nice. I am so glad that they are finished and I don't have to worry about them over the rest of the holidays.

 I guess that I will close for now. I am getting really tired since I slept so poorly last night. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and Blessed Day.... BB


  1. Glad that in all your tests were good, but you do have to care of that diabetes. No good that the values are higher at the moment. Must be difficult to know and calculate how much and what kind of sugar you can have. In a lot of food there is more sugar than we think actually and that is the tricky thing. But I am sure you will get the values down again, and that the next test will show a better value.
    Going to post on my blog now, so leaving you for now. I hope to mail you perhaps this weekend okay?
    Have a lovely day, take care.

    1. Kyra, Email when you have time. I am here it seems a lot so I know you will when you have time.
      Oh I was so proud at my last visit when my A1c was a 7. It isn't in the danger zone until it hits a 9 but I was surprised that it had jumped that high. Then again I have had a lot of nibbles here and there that I should not have had. I try to be really responsible when we do go out to eat, but I am just going to work on it a bit harder.
      You have an awesome day too... Hugs, Beth....
