Thursday, March 3, 2016

Almost The Weekend!


 Here in Texas, the weather is beyond gorgeous. The sun is peeking out of the overcast skies now. It was a little gray when I woke up and I thought for sure that we might get some rain, but no the sun is shining and is just gorgeous.

 I took some photos yesterday of the rosebush in front of my apartment building and one of the new tree that was planted this past fall. The little tiny blooms are a vivid purple but for some reason the photo came out a little dark but that is alright.

 When I was out walking Cisco this morning I noticed a tiny bud on a rosebush on the other side of this one. I will be awaiting progress for it. I am afraid that even tho our winter was very mild that we have lost several rosebushes. Several of them are bare as bones and look dead. I am sad to see that but it is a fact that not everything that is planted takes root and thrives.

 I have a few goodies for you. I hope that you enjoy them.

I borrowed this from Facebook and I am truly grateful for my friends. Even tho most of all of my friends are actually internet friends and I have never met them in real life... I love them all.  So to all of my friends online and in real life.... I LOVE You!

 For my friend Edna, I just couldn't resist this photo... Isn't this just the cutest? I would love to have a little chair like that for my squirrely friends....

 And for those of you who might be missing your medication....... Here is one for YOU..... lol...

And this is wrapping it up for me right now. I hope that everyone has a beautiful day.... BB

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