Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday


 Good Friday to all,

 I am hoping that everyone is doing well. It is late here. Almost 2 in the morning. I have been reading and the time just seemed to fly by as it does when I am engrossed in a book. I did a scrap page today of my little grandson Alex. I received a text message from his MiMi, his other grandmother that I have a package coming with lots of pictures of our little bug. The 3 larger photos were taken with his dad when Matt had him on Visitation visits. The photo of him in the center is at breakfast one morning. He had been in a bad mood as you can tell from this picture below....

 My son Matt told him he had to eat breakfast and he was not happy about it. So he said ok if you don't eat then we can't go to the arcade today and play games!
 So he decided to eat!

He is such a sweet little boy. I cannot wait to see him. We have plans for me to go to Reno and see him. Actually he is living in Virginia City, where the show Bonanza was filmed. Here is a photo of him and his little brother at the Bonanza Ranch and taken at the Photo Studio that they have there.

 Alex is in the Black Hat and Connor is in the Brown Hat.

 It is cool out tonight. In fact even the bats are quiet. I guess that they are away hunting. It is just 48 degrees out so not to bad but they are probably out hunting in the trees and such.
 I haven't had any dealings with the raccoon's so I guess that they found out since my trash can is not holding any goodies then they will go elsewhere.

 It is hard to believe that Easter is this Sunday. Karyn is coming over with a Roast and fixings and cooking dinner for us. It will be great to enjoy her cooking. Laurie and the kids are going to the park. She and David will have their egg hunt at the park with them if it doesn't rain and the weather is nice. I am hoping that it will be.

 Cisco is in my spot and I will have to move him. He gets grumpy if I wait until he is in a deep sleep so I guess I will get off of here and go to bed. My eyes are getting heavy anyway.

 Have a great Good Friday and Happy Easter to all......... BB

Sunday, March 20, 2016

New Kit

    Chic is an add on to an older kit by Lins_Creations. It is filled with beautiful silhouette images, lace, papers and can add a touch of vintage to your pages. Available here at:…

 Hi everyone,

 Every once in a while I come across a kit that is hard for me to work with. This is one of them. I am just not good at this kind of pages.

 But I have 2 out of 4 done so it is what it is. I am going to see if I can get the first kit as this is an add on to the older kit and ask if it will be ok to collaborate with the two kits before I do anymore pages.

 Welcome to Spring. Although it really doesn't feel like Spring here today. I had to pull an extra blanket from my closet last night. It got down below 30 last night and I also had to bring my plants back in as it was so cold and we even had Frost warnings. Wow temps changed fast!

 The kids father was in town last night and so several of them met up with him and went to lunch and to a movie. I heard that they all had a great time so I am happy that they got to go. Then this morning he took Laurie and her family out for breakfast. Jonathan and Nathan declined as Jon had to grocery shop for me today and Nathan had to work.

 Food here is tricky.... If I cook then no one wants to eat. If I don't cook then they come home starving. I made Golden baked chicken, seasoned potatoes, fresh green beans and a broccoli medly with carrots and cauliflower the other day and I am the only one that ate. I have to toss the rest out today as it has been day 4. Such a shame to see the food wasted. If I had known that they were not going to eat any of it over the weekend I would have frozen it.
 I told them both last night that if they don't plan to eat to text me before I cook. The day that I cooked the food, I was really not feeling well and I would have just had some soup and crackers, or a sandwich or something. No need for me to cook a meal when they decide to have a late lunch or eat at work.
 Yep I am a bit cranky. But it makes me cranky to see food go to waste. I could have at least frozen the veggies and used them to make soup. They eat weird anyway. No one eats at the same time because they work strange hours. They also do not like food hot. They will let it sit to room temp if they decide to eat. No one eats together. They all eat at different times even on days off. I am about ready to just fix food for me and let them fix their own. Which I do most of the time, but every once in awhile I would like to eat as a family. That's not happening so why bother.
 I am more of a grazer anyway. Ok I will get off my food soap box and on to something else.

 Three days ago Jonathan and I were outside on the patio and he and I were looking at the trees. My birch trees were bare and Jonathan said that he wondered why they were so late in blooming and supposed that they were the smartest of the trees that knew it wasn't time to bud. I agreed and we laughed it off. The next evening I went out and lo and behold... every branch was popping with not buds, but leaves! How did those trees do that in the space of hours?

 I have raccoon's that are climbing onto my patio late at night and turning over the trash. So I am keeping it emptied.  They are not happy about it either. At 3 this morning I thought that someone was breaking in. Scared me half to death. It was the raccoon's. They were tossing the empty trash can around the patio and just chattering. I never kept food in it anyway, just the dead leaves and dirt that gets blown onto the patio. Maybe they will figure out that there is nothing worthy in my trash can and go elsewhere. How ever they may enjoy a game of "Let's Toss The Trashcan Around." They are fun to watch in any case.

 I hear that one of the Designers that I CT for is going to do a smaller group. She has over 33 Ct's and is wanting it more manageable so she is going to be cutting CT''s. I am really hoping that I am one of them.I had plans to drop her anyway so cutting me from the team would be fine with me and that way I don't have to worry about doing it myself.
 How ever I got a message today that said that it looked like I was going to be one of the safe ones. When it becomes official and I am still on the team I think that I will just send her a private message telling her to drop me. It takes me way too long to design pages for her because I am really not inspired with the kits. I find the kits so hard to work with because they are so big and most of the elements are taken from other kits and are so much the same. I shouldn't have accepted at all but I did and tried to use as many elements as I could to make attractive pages but the truth is I am just not happy doing the work for her kits.

 It happens that I come across kits hard to work with. The pages that I show cased today are one of them. Although I will always stay with this designer as she is one of my best friends. She is also the first designer that asked me to join and give me my first chance. Most of her kits are easy to work with but we sometimes have to ask for more lol...... I can't win.... one designer has kits too large and the other has kits that are needing more haha!

 I am tired so I think that I will close and rest for a little while..... Have a great start to your new week and be safe. BB

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Morning


 Well it is 3:00 am and I can't sleep. Nothing unusual about that I suppose. It seems that the older that I get the less sleep I can manage. I will have a few of these nights and then boom, it will catch up with me and I will end up sleeping the clock around.

 The first page that I did was from playing around today while my computer was busy installing a program on my computer. Actually it was updating a program that I have installed so while it was doing that I played around with the scrap page. I just love the little dog and how he is trying to make his way up to see the kitty cat!

 The second page is one that I did tonight (last night) for a challenge that I entered called Bright Colors. Now if this page isn't bright enough, I am not sure what would be. This is from several kits from Salt Town Studio. The image is from Pixaby. I have looked and cannot find my pictures that I have of my son and a friend of his that went to play Paint Ball a couple of years ago. I will have to ask him for those pictures.

 Guess who is back? My bats! They have been out full force these past few weeks because of all the warm weather.. I am happy they are out and about as I have been viciously attacked several times taking Cisco out to potty.

 Speaking of potty, I have to call the office and put in a work order on my toilet. For some reason it has stopped filling up my tank. I noticed last night that it was running an extra long time so I jiggled the handle and it stopped. Then today it took nearly 45 minutes to fill the tank. So I took off the lid, played with the little tube etc and thought perhaps it had a clogged line. I took that off and checked and it was all clear then I noticed that the big black rectangle thingie was barely dripping water so I surmised that it probably filled with calcium or perhaps a rock has gotten into it since the water has been shut on and off several times this past month.

 One of the reasons that I can't sleep is that it is hot in this house. Jonathan turned the heat on. 69 degrees outside and he was cold. I hope that he is not getting sick. I closed the vent off in my room and opened my bedroom window. I hope that I can sleep now when I go to bed.

 I have to set up an order for an appointment to have my mammogram done. I asked for this back in January, the order is dated for February 2nd and I got the order in the mail yesterday March 17th.... what may I ask does this person do? I could have avoided having to go down town if she had let me know about the Mammogram bus that came to the office but she didn't. I mentioned to my doctor about trying to get my labs mailed to me and said that she (His Receptionist) had told me that she would get them to me. The last appointment I had I specifically told her that I would wait for the copies and she told me that the copier was being used and she would mail them to me. I called for them and still have not gotten them and so I am taking this little letter with me to my next appointment and asking just why did I not get this order until St. Patrick's Day? And I want him to get my copies of my lab work for the last 6 months. I don't necessarily need them as much as I want them but my Vascular Surgeon seems to think that my cholesterol medication may be what is causing my legs to hurt as bad as they do. He wants to know my liver functions and my kidney functions. I am curious to see those results myself since it is important to monitor them and see if he is even doing these lab tests.

 Cisco is whining. This is not a come to bed mama whine. This is a plea for a trip out to potty. Guess I will say Good night on my end and Good morning on your end............ BB

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Is Here!


 I don't know why I am so excited about the weekend as I have nothing to do but I feel excited anyway.

 This is Hello March a page that I have done for VanillaMDesigns. Sorry I do not have the links at the moment. I for some reason cannot find them. I only did 2 pages with this kit. Real Life happened this week and kept me from working on my pages and pubs.

 Here is another page that I did with the same kit of my little granddaughter Cathy in North Carolina at the 4th of July fireworks.Cotton Candy and family... I think she was 2.

 I will get the links and post them as soon as I can. It would be so very nice that when these designers put out a kit that they would add their store links to the documents so we didn't have to go and hunt them down.
 Especially on days like the last few that I have had.
 Virus Scan detected a Virus... a Trojan and an unwanted program.... Computer had to be dealt with and then of course the Updates.
 Thunder storms that had me having to shut down the computer and that takes a while to accomplish.
 House had to be semi cleaned. (I just couldn't get into the cleaning mode).
 My son came home for one night and 2 days.... spent time with him.
 Workers came and installed a brand new microwave. (They didn't clean up the mess when they had to drill a new hole or add more lumber to make it fit.) so I had to clean that.
 Medicine had me ill... Sometimes it just makes me so sick to my stomach.

 Then of course my son had some issues that I needed to be aware of regarding his son, and then my daughter had needed me and my other daughter as well.... so... I have been busy.

 Remember the post where I posted my tree that was just budding? Well here it is today. I just went out and snapped the photo. The sky is gloomy and it is raining again. But Oh well...

 Yes Spring is Springing around here. I hate to say that the rosebushes do not look very good. My pretty rose only lasted a day or so before the rains beat it down. And the one that had the pretty bud on it never bloomed and withered.
 I actually went out side a minute ago since the rain has stopped and swept off the patio and guess what? I saw patches of blue sky!

 I think that I am going to order Chinese tonight for dinner. I am not up to cooking and I think that I would like some soup and sesame beef... I will see what Jon wants to do. He may not want it since I think that he had Chinese already this week. We don't have any other places that deliver besides Pizza and I am just not a fan of Pizza.

 Ok take care and talk to y'all later......... BB

Monday, March 7, 2016

New Technique

 Hi Everyone,

 I want to try my hand at Mixed Media Art. I am not having much luck with it. I will tho. I just have to get the idea right in my head because I keep changing my mind and before I know it I am back to my own style... But here is another one that I can sort of show you what I mean.

 Now in this one I have taken a piece of paper and cut it into a shape and then I used the roughing tool and jagged it a bit and then I applied a filter effect so that it sort of stands out. Not quiet the pink that I wanted but it was the effect that I was aiming for. After I did that it is hard to go back and change the color. So I thought that it was a nice contrast to the bright pinks.

 Nathan has finished his work week and is home and Cisco is a happy camper! He is so cute laying up here in the bed looking at me like... all is right in my world so come to bed Mama... I need to call it a night because I am so tired.

 I think that I will close. It has been a long day and news is short here. Hoping to have a longer post tomorrow... BB

Saturday, March 5, 2016

In Honor Of Mother's Day Across The Pond

 Happy Mother's Day to all of my friends that Celebrate tomorrow. We do not Celebrate until May but I know so many of great ladies that will be delighted with the occasion. Have a perfect day and best wishes!

 Not much is happening in my little corner of Texas. I spent most of my day resting as the Fibromyalgia has returned. It started yesterday afternoon. I was feeling fine and was peeling an orange at the kitchen sink watching a group of kids playing chase and tag and another group kicking a ball around when I had a pain that struck my elbow and down to my wrist. Then the pain shot from my wrist to my elbow and up to my shoulder. It came on fast and struck hard.
 I headed straight for my medication and took it, but it really didn't help. By the time that I couldn't stand the pain any longer, I took a hot shower more meds and went to bed. My skin hurt so bad. It felt like I had landed in a pile of cactus needles. I took more meds and also something to help me rest. I did sleep some but had vivid dreams that had me tossing and turning. I finally fell into a deep sleep and slept until 9:30 this morning.
 I really haven't done much of anything for the rest of the day. Just laid around and read some, watched a movie and snuggled with Cisco. He has been my little trooper, staying right with me.

 I am almost ready to call it a night but I wanted to stop by my blog for a few minutes and give everyone a quick update. Not that there is much to update!

 I am going to have a quick look and see what I can pull out of my saved files for you. Perhaps I will find something useful. I cleaned out my folders today of a lot of things already posted so I am really not sure what I have left to share.

 I have been following  a site for dogs and this lady posted this one yesterday! Isn't she beautiful and is Cancer Free! I am so happy that she beat it and I hope that she has endless energy and lots of love.

 This is for everyone that wants to quell the mosquito's before they get started. I knew of everyone of them but the marigolds. I can't wait until Good Friday. That is when I put out all of my plants. The weather is very mild right now but I know that here in Texas it can change in 10 minutes from beautiful and gorgeous to freezing rain and ice. One year just before Easter we had a huge ice storm that lasted 3 days. With climate change, I am not anticipating that here, but I really don't want to take chances either. Of course I could bring all of my plants back indoors since it will be a potted garden but I think that I will just hold off until Good Friday and keep my traditions.

 I must ready myself for my traditions as well. I look forward to the return of the light. Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight if you have not done so already!

 I joined Twitter....... not sure that I like it all that much, but I have a few followers. I really enjoy keeping up with a few things, like Scott and Mark Kelly. 340 days in space and 1000 photos that are just amazing. I am so glad that the 3 of them made it home to Earth safely and to Mark who is Scott Kelly's twin brother who did his part in the twin body testing, I am happy that he was able to help in this experiment.

 Cisco is ready for bed. My little man is tired! Guess that I will cuddle with him for a while since he doesn't ask for it so much anymore. It is getting warmer weather and he gets hot really fast and moves down to the end of the bed where he can get some air but he is looking at me and I know that is what he wants. Cuddle time. or... Perhaps he is waiting for his treat that Pogo sent to him! That is probably what he really wants lol.

 Good night to all....... BB

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Almost The Weekend!


 Here in Texas, the weather is beyond gorgeous. The sun is peeking out of the overcast skies now. It was a little gray when I woke up and I thought for sure that we might get some rain, but no the sun is shining and is just gorgeous.

 I took some photos yesterday of the rosebush in front of my apartment building and one of the new tree that was planted this past fall. The little tiny blooms are a vivid purple but for some reason the photo came out a little dark but that is alright.

 When I was out walking Cisco this morning I noticed a tiny bud on a rosebush on the other side of this one. I will be awaiting progress for it. I am afraid that even tho our winter was very mild that we have lost several rosebushes. Several of them are bare as bones and look dead. I am sad to see that but it is a fact that not everything that is planted takes root and thrives.

 I have a few goodies for you. I hope that you enjoy them.

I borrowed this from Facebook and I am truly grateful for my friends. Even tho most of all of my friends are actually internet friends and I have never met them in real life... I love them all.  So to all of my friends online and in real life.... I LOVE You!

 For my friend Edna, I just couldn't resist this photo... Isn't this just the cutest? I would love to have a little chair like that for my squirrely friends....

 And for those of you who might be missing your medication....... Here is one for YOU..... lol...

And this is wrapping it up for me right now. I hope that everyone has a beautiful day.... BB

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Well Darn It!

 Hi Everyone,

 I see that my last blog post never got posted. How strange is that. And it was a Long one and I had put a lot of time and effort into it. Not sure why it didn't post but when I logged on just now it said an error had occurred Oh well.... I guess that I will just have to paraphrase some of it.

 I am posting my latest CT pages for Vanilla M Designs. I was supposed to have done it last night but I had a stomach bug and that made me a little yukky... but I am doing better now.
 This is my daughter Laurie when she was almost a year old. This was a Easter Photo... she was teething and she was cranky. But this one of my favorite photos of her.... 27 years old now.... wow.. where is the time gone?

 Here are a couple more.... I did 4 pages even tho only one is required.

 Isn't my little chick adorable....?

 I just love this little girl.... I have several different pictures of her. She is so cute...

This is the last one that I did.... No image in this one... all elements and so Maria told me to find some images for her pages. So alrighty then....

 The weather here is just sooooo gorgeous.. We even have the air on....  I even took a couple of pictures this morning.

 This is right outside of my bedroom window... I have my desk in front of my window so I have a beautiful view. This morning I was sitting here and I saw some squirrels playing and my baby birds are squawking and I am hearing all the signs of nature... Just loving it!

 This is the front. The Pergola is finished and has been for a while and the grills are in now but we are waiting for the new propane tanks to be installed. They will be timed tanks and they will shut off automatically. I am glad for that safety issue.

 Well this is about it for me because I have several phone calls to make but I feel a nap coming on. Think that I will do this before the calls........ Take care... BB