Saturday, September 19, 2015

Mabon Celebration A Day Early

 Hi Everyone,

 This page is done with Miss Edna's Quick Page. I think that it turned out really pretty and I hope that you enjoy it as well. I really need to do up a few more pages so that I have them ready for days that I don't work on scrap pages.

 I was a little busy today doing my laundry and getting a few things ready for tomorrow. It is amazing how busy I was and really didn't accomplish much of anything. But I have my bedding washed and cleaned and my laundry all done and so that is a plus in the right direction.

 Karyn is coming over tomorrow and we are making a beef pot roast with veggies. I think that I am going to go for Mashed potatoes since I am going to have to cut them out of my diet for the most part, I think that I want to have one last mashed potato feast lol. Normally we just place them with the carrots and onions but I am thinking that mashed sounds yummy and I am making yeast rolls and last but not least a cake. Chocolate fudge with sea salt caramel... sounds good to me.

 I will take pictures and share. It should be a fun time or at least I am hoping so. I have to run the dishwasher tonight before bed. I didn't do it earlier. My back and side has been hurting so movement has been slow for me today.

 Nathan is ready to go to bed so I am going to say goodnight. It is hard to type in the dark for me.... So have a great day... BB

1 comment:

  1. I love what you did with the QP. It's really beautiful. It's really nice to hear you in such an "up" mood. Here's hoping that it lasts for a really long time. Sounds like you folks are really going to have a delicious feast today. Mashed is my favorite way to enjoy potatoes, next is baked.

    You could unplug your laptop and take it into your bedroom so you wouldn't have to type in the dark. Just a thought. When I'm on a designing roll, I don't like to stop because then I lose my creative thoughts. Ah well.

    Last night I started working on a Frosty Green afghan that I started a while ago. Who knows, maybe this year I can finish up a lot of my unfinished projects. That would be nice.

    I ordered a few items so that I can make a few pieces of jewelry. They came yesterday, so now I just have to find the time to work on this too. Gosh, I didn't realize retirement would be so busy. haha

    Well, I have to go do my dishes, so you and Cisco have a beautiful day. Hugs, Edna B.
