Thursday, September 17, 2015

CT Pages and Other News

Vintage Baby kit by Lins_Creations. I love this kit and so many ideas that can be used on your pages. This is my first page. You can find this beautiful kit here at"


Hello and Good Afternoon,

 I almost said good morning! I slept in late this morning. I have had several big things that I had to do this week. I went to the doctor, I went grocery shopping which completely zonked me out. I came home and went straight to my room and stayed there for the most part. I was just so tired because as always I get so wound up and my anxiety kicks in when I have to see my doctor. Not about what he will say, I usually already know for the most part, but I am always afraid that I will over sleep and so the opposite happens. I don't sleep at all.

 I have been so far behind in my CT pages. I have been trying to catch up. This cute page above was made from a kit called Vintage Baby and it is a very big kit. I really like it because I love the vintage era.

 Can you believe that September is half done practically and October is just around the corner? I will celebrate my 56th birthday. My sister will celebrate her 52nd birthday, my brother will celebrate his 69th birthday and my niece will be 34 on hers and my grand daughter will be 1. So we have a lot of birthdays in October.
 Other happenings is that I will have my surgery  coming up on the 15th. I have my pre-op appointments the day before. I am scheduled for my Mammogram in October and and it seems like that there is something else other than Halloween but I can't think of it right now.

 The other day Patsy called me and said that it was pouring down rain at her house. She lives in San Diego California. They do not get very much rain there but that day she said it was coming down hard and fast and it lasted a good long while too. I told her to send me some rain.... I said... go outside and send it to me. She just laughed at me.
 About 30 minutes later Jonathan and Nathan and I was sitting in the living room and we all three at the same time said... "Is that Rain"?
 Oh yes... it was and it was coming down in sheets. I had to call Patsy and tell her Thank You for sending me the unexpected rain lol....

 The cooler weather has brought back a few of the birds. I saw my blue jay twice now. I haven't seen his mate.The squirrels are gathering and I have seen them a few times and then there are some more really pretty birds coming in. Not sure what they are.
 The man that threatened to call animal control on our racoons must have done so because I have not seen them since. They were not hurting anyone, but some people can be so mean. He had valid arguments but only to a degree. His only valid argument was that they do carry rabies and we have had more than our share of rabies over the past few months but I had never seen them be vicious so I think that he was just being mean.

 Well I guess that I need to get busy and take care of a few things. My friend Edna put up a beautiful QP today so I think that I will go and make a scrap page and then I need to lie down. Been dizzy today. I need to check my sugar as well. Have a great day everyone. BB

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I just learned another thing about this blog. You cannot start writing, and then go check something else on the web and then continue writing. The writing goes away as soon as you leave this page. Hmmm, interesting. My blog does not do this.

    October is a busy month here too. My daughter Audrey is one year older than you. She will be 57 in December. So tell me, what day is your birthday???

    You have a very busy month coming up. I hope all goes well with your surgery, and that you will soon be doing well shortly thereafter.

    In a little while, I need to go to Walmart to pick up a few things. On the other hand, maybe I'll just give a list to one of the dwarfs who are going shopping and let them pick up some stuff for me. We'll see.

    Tomorrow, Pogo and I might go to watch Kevin play baseball at his college. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well and we make it.

    Well it's lunch time here. Have to make something tasty for my Pogo. You and Cisco have a fabulous day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
