Monday, September 14, 2015

For My Little Alex

Hi Everyone,
 I know that it is going to be a sleepless night for me. I have to be up early to go to the doctors tomorrow for my labs and so I know that if I go to bed now I will probably over sleep so I know that I probably will not rest well so I will just blog for a little while and then I will lay down for a bit with my phone and play a game or something. I have my alarm set so I might get a little sleep.

 I scrapped this page of Alex. It is one of my favorite photos with him giving a little smirk and a wink. He is such a sweet imaginative child. He has so many of his daddy's charming ways when he was that age. Anyway I scrapped this page and then I saved it, converted it to picture and then took it back into a program and this is what I ended up with...

Just click on the pages to enlarge. 

So not much is going on here besides hanging out on the computer tonight. I talked for awhile on the phone to a couple of my friends and after that I just worked on this page and after I uploaded it at Facebook I realized that I didn't upload it to the groups but I will go back in and do that as soon as I finish my blog which will be soon. I still want to take my shower and I am reading a book that I want to finish.
 I have a couple more pictures to share.

Mabon is coming up and I have my menu planned and getting everything ready this year for my altar that I will share with my friends and family. Year before last I did a very simple celebration and I also bound my besom. I would like to share these pictures with you. Last year I was not able to do my celebrations as I was recovering from my surgery so I just held a very private ritual. This year I plan to go a step beyond in order to celebrate in a more festive frame of mind.
My menu is simple but hearty.

Alfredo Lasagna, Bread, Roasted Root Vegetables, and salad. Dessert of course will be small cakes and ale and wine. 

 This is two different views. 

 This is me with my broom that I bound and blessed.

I miss celebrating with my friends, but this year I hope to be able to celebrate with my family and always remember to be Thankful for the harvest and for the food that is granted to me and my family, my friends and to all those in need.
 I plan to take pictures so I shall be sharing them with you.... 
 Until next time... BB

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I've been busy, and I just finished making a QP for tomorrow's post. I hope you get some sleep tonight, and that your appointment goes well. Anxiety is such a sleep stealer! Sometimes reading helps me to fall asleep.

    I cooked Pogo a nice fat juicy hamburger tonight for his supper, and he turned up his little nose at it. Gosh, sometimes he frustrates me so. And he's been itching at something these past couple of days, so I'll have to give him another bath with his medicated shampoo.

    I bought a few new kits today so that I would have some new stuff to work with. I also looked up a couple of blog trains to join. Little by little I'm working my way back into scrapping.

    Now I'm going to watch a bit of TV before turning in for the night. You have a super night my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
