Monday, September 28, 2015

Changes In Life

Hi Everyone,

 I hope that this finds everyone doing well. I have some news to share. The first day of Autumn did not go as planned. I was not feeling well when I went to bed and feeling worse when I woke up the next morning. I called my doctor and got right in. Well he sent me to the hospital to be seen and they ended up admitting me.
 Mostly to do with my heart racing and pulse extremely high and in the end I had very low potassium in my body so hopefully I am back to normal. I have a doctors appointment today so I will have to get this posted and get on with doing a few things before I have to get ready to leave.

 Here are some before pictures to share with you. This is the empty field that I walk with Cisco. It used to be an apartment building but it burned down a couple of years ago. There was talk of re-building, and then that was scuttled in favor of a walking trail and dog park. So here are the before pictures and I will post the after pictures when it gets done. They have been working really hard clearing the debris and lots of people are out here at different times of the day doing work so they are getting it done it seems.

So it is kind of bland right now. It was really pretty at the beginning of spring when the wildflowers and bluebonnets were blooming. From what I hear it is going to be rock and arid dry and drought resistant plants that require little water. I guess that we will see. I am not so sure what it will look like when it is done but the front office has a big artist sketch of it and it looks really pretty. I guess that we will see soon enough.

 I am not sure what was wrong with Foxy this weekend. She was a terror. She would attack Cisco for no reason at all. I am so glad that Cisco started defending himself against her. She has turned really aggressive to him. Karyn said her whole personality towards Cisco changed when she had her spayed. I gave them both a treat yesterday and she didn't want hers but went after Cisco because she didn't want him to have his. So she watched while Cisco got both treats. Not sure what is up with her. We did time outs and scolded her it really didn't seem to help matters at all. We would never spank her but if there was ever a doggie that needed a spanking she needed one yesterday.

Guess I had better get off of here. I have so much to do before I leave and run out of energy.... Have a blessed day to everyone... Oh... how did you all like the blood moon? It was awesome here. We had hazy cloud cover so it wasn't really vivid but we could see enough of it here to make it worth while... Take care everyone BB.

1 comment:

  1. Your scrap layout is lovely. My goodness, you've had a busy time lately. I'm so glad they found out what was wrong with you and started you back on the road to feeling better.

    I'm jealous! I did not get to go out and see the moon, but I'm glad you got to see it. My house is surrounded by huge Pines so it's not always easy to see the moon. At least not until the wee hours and I'm usually trying to sleep at that time.

    My little fellow did not want his supper tonight, and right now he is curled up on a pile of blankets and towels next to me, sound asleep. I imagine he'll wake up in an hour or so, wanting his food. His clock is as bad as mine!!

    Tonight I'm watching Major Crimes. I think the new season starts next week, so they are showing all the last episodes tonight. Now I'm off to get comfy in my lounge chair. You have a wonderful night my friend. Hugs, Edna B.
