Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tired, Frustrated and Ranting

 This is a page that I did with my friend Rosie's kit called Forget Me Not. I did this page a couple of days ago and I did this one of me yesterday to update my face book profile.

 This was taken at Pappasito's Mexican Restaurant. It was Mom and Son date night. It was awesome. It is an all time favorite place of us but we only go just for a very special occasion. I know that this was taken after Christmas because I am wearing the charm bracelet that Miss Edna made me for Christmas and the necklace that my friend Joyce made me for Christmas.

 Anyway so I have had such a frustrating time trying to work these new scrapbooking sites, trying to decide where I want to be. A part of me wants to just stay at Facebook and forget all of  the rest, but so many good people that I have met over the last years do not use Facebook and don't want to.

 Email is really not an answer because even tho I have their emails, I am not one to sit down and write emails very often. So most of my friends decided to go to Flickr so that is where I went too. I joined a group that one of our friends made for us.  So far so good but it will be better once I get the hang of it.
 As always, there are somethings I like and others that I don't, but that is with all things. There is good and bad with anything. It just takes time, and then I found another place that I seem to like better but in the end I believe that I am just going to make my own scrapbook group on Facebook and people can come and chat and post their pages if they want to and so that is what I think will be a better option for me and I can go and visit the group that I joined to see what everyone is doing from time to time. So the more that I think about it the more that I like the plan.

 Rant time... I joined twitter many months ago. Well I hated it. I just couldn't figure out how to deactivate it. I hated getting all the notifications that filled up my email from people following me that I have no idea who they are, basically robotic followers advertising everything from insurance to dating to sexual aids to food and cooking... I mean the lists just went on and on and on... I turned off the notifications but they still kept coming so it took over an hour and my son to go on to YouTube to watch a video to help me deactivate the account. It was ridiculous how hard it was to get rid of it.
 I did not enjoy it really from the first but I did meet a couple of nice people that I am friends with on Facebook so we keep up there.

 And I am tired.... No reason for me to be tired. I have had plenty of sleep, but I am bone tired. I don't know if it was the endoscopy and then having the teeth pulled and going thru all of that and having a lot of little things pop up that has just left me wanting to bury my head in under the covers and just sleep it off. But I can't. I have way to much that I need to do. Most of it is computer related.

 In Florida I bought a new external hard drive and moved my things off of my computer onto it. Well just checking my digi kits that I bought or my friend Rosie made for us will all be lost when the website shuts down I decided to make sure that everything is backed up the way that it should be. Guess what? All is there but the digi kits. When I try to open those they are just short cuts and no one can tell me how to fix it. ARRRRG  so I am aggravated at that. I have to figure out how to turn pack files into kits that I can put into my personal folder.
 It is going to be a lot of work and has me feeling over whelmed at the moment but I have 2 friends that are going to help me over the phone so we can do it together... so thank goodness I have some technical support there.

 Other news is slim so I am going to go and clean the kitchen. I am making BBQ chicken for supper tonight and I didn't clean the kitchen last night so I better get started.

 I hope that everyone has a better day than I am... Hugs to all....... BB

1 comment:

  1. Your scrap page (of you) is really lovely. I think a night out with one of your kids is just awesome. Enjoy!

    As for twitter, I don't do it. I just don't have the time. Good luck setting up your own group on Facebook.

    If your body is tired, give it sleep. If that doesn't work, talk to your doctor. I get that way sometimes, but eventually it goes away.

    It's hot here today, and for the next couple of days. Pogo and I will be staying in a lot with the A/C.

    Pogo wants to know if Cisco is feeling like his old self again yet. He is sending a big lick and some woofs to him. You have a good day, and I'll chat with you later. Hugs, Edna B.
