Monday, January 2, 2017

Tis The 2nd Day Of The New Year

 Hi Everyone,

 This is a scrap page that I made for a challenge called "Our Natural World Resolutions 4" from my favorite site for scrapping. I love to enter the challenges there because they are so different and it is a nice site to go to so this is mine.

 Speaking of our natural world, my birds had a treat today. Some cereal that is going stale since the boys buy it and never eat it. They loved it. The rice crispies were a challenge however because they were so light that the wind blew them back to me lol. Anyway I switched over to rice chex and they ate that and the rice crispies so it worked out.
 I got a treat too. A Robin Redbreast made an appearance. The first I have seen since I have been here. So far a cardinal and a blue jay have ventured into my garden path. I bought a sack of birdseed along with some granola and trail mix. Do you think that I am spoiling my bird babies much? They are such a joy for me and I love to sit and watch them. We have migrating black birds as well. Also a squirrel paid us a visit yesterday for a little while. He was fun to watch too. I am blessed with all of God's creatures.

 I went to bed really early tonight, around 8:00 pm and went to sleep pretty fast. I asked Jonathan to shut my door when he came in to check on me but he didn't shut it completely and Cisco came in and needing my attention and it woke me up. Jon was supposed to have brought him to my room on his way to bed but since he didn't shut the door Cisco came trotting in. Well I got up and tended to him. He wanted to play. He is in bed now with his head buried under the sheets and his rump curled into a ball. Every toy that he owns is on the bed.
 He is making sure that our bed smells like his bed because I washed the sheets and bedding today and he does not like the new scents! I gave him extra treats tonight. He and I are going to have to have a talk about those treats lol.

 I don't know if anyone has really noticed but I took a break from the computer, mainly Facebook. I have been spending time doing so many other things that I enjoy doing. Crocheting and reading and with the weather as gorgeous as it is I have spent a lot of time outdoors on my patio. It has done me a world of good to have this break. And since I am only doing scrap pages for the enjoyment of it with the exception of Heather when she puts something out occasionally and for Carolyn, I have felt so much less pressure. I have a lot of pages that I want to do, but I have a lot of other things that I am finding time to enjoy.
 And since Karyn and Joe have moved closer, I find myself more active. I am up and moving around more and out doing things that we have enjoyed. Ok we had to go and do laundry today and that was not as pleasant as our day on Saturday but we had some laughs. (And we have clean clothes out of the deal too),

 Oh Edna, we went to the dollar store on Saturday and I bought a new book that you might enjoy. If I finish it I may send it to you in the mail. If not then I will pack it up in the suitcase and bring to Florida with me. I also bought 2 fun books. Or at least they sound like fun. They were just a dollar each and so I love browsing around the book section. Never know what I am going to come across.

 Karyn took some of the ham from Christmas with her and is making us some 15 bean soup. She had a bag and so did I so she took my bag home and said she would make some for us. It is going to be a huge pot. She has one of those huge stock pots. There is 15 different kinds of beans in the bag. It is one of the beans that we really like to use for soup.

 I think that I am going to call it a night. It is almost midnight and I think that I can finally sleep so until next time, take care, be kind to one another and I will speak to you all later... Hugs, BB

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet scrappage!

    Sometimes it is good to take some time away from the computer. It is a wonderful invention, but it also keeps us from doing oher things.

    You are like me, perhaps spoiling the birdies, but it is so nice to have them around and watch them..
    I wish we were living at a forest edge and that we could have one or two squirrels visiting us. The can be a pest, I know, but they are so funny.
    I think the soup will taste great.And it is lovely to be able to make something of the leftovers from the ham.

    I had yesterday for dinner some red cabbage and had to think about you right away LOL. But it is a good side dish and not difficult to make, is it?
    Oh, the potatoe salad I made for new Years day dinner was tasty and a good stomach filler.
    Our weather isnlt bad but not great either. Most of the time grey, sometimes even a bit of rain, temps around 5-7 C. This week one or two times it will be colder, some fromst at night and around zero day, but soon it will creep up again to may be 7 C
    It isn;t bad for winter, but I am definately not a winter person at all.

    Beth, i will finish now, had a bite during typing and now it is time to get dressed, even if it is in some lounge wear stuff LOL.
    Have a fantastic day, till later
